Yes, that is exactly what it means. Unfortunate, but not all too surprising. At least their next games have much better support and I look forward to see how they will do.
Originally posted by Magnaman
Originally posted by Konar
Oh, believe me, I think ac2 is a great game. It just hasn't gotten the support it deserves. And it has also left a bad taste in people's mouths who played it way back in the days of Microsoft…
Oh, believe me, I think ac2 is a great game. It just hasn't gotten the support it deserves. And it has also left a bad taste in people's mouths who played it way back in the days of Microsoft. (though to be fair Microsoft can't be blamed for ever…
Personally, I don't think that the servers will be shut down anytime soon. But I do question how much of a live team is left to produce updates with. But we shall see. It's still a fun game.
I have to admit. I am, in every sense of the term, a carebear player. Every MMO I've played since UO has been on a carebear server. Though I am not sure why. I am not a pker, but like you I also played UO from the very begining. I always though…
The thing is, Thor, that you post so much about the same thing over and over again. At least lately (in the last 6 months) you have. And you have the wonderful knack for putting a terrible spin on things, like you did earlier in this post. The un…
Thanks Thor. With players like you spreading such wonderful word of mouth this game should be dead in no time. It's a shame too, because I really enjoy it (the xpac was a good addition). And your comment is a little misleading. To me it sounds a…
I jumped on the WoW bandwagon but kept my ac2 account open at the same time. For the past 2 months I had played mostly WoW but I'm slowly migrating back to ac2 more and more, especially since the new additons being made. The expansion pack also lo…
Actually, a lot of what you are complaining about has changed. 5 lvls? Wow, the only thing I know that could do that was a quest that was exploited way back in the day. But that has been resolved.
It sounds like you may have tried the game in …
Haha, wow, this thread is amazing. I dont know why you hate ac2 so much Djin, maybe the developers kicked your puppy, but I think it's kinda funny how you can say that ac2 sucking is a fact, when it can't be anything but opinion outside your point …
Hey, I've got a great them both. j/k
I, myself, am more of a fan of ac2. I'm not going to say that ac1 is worse than ac2 cause I really don't know. I did try ac1 but didn't really stick with it that long, thus why I don't think I c…
Yes, not to mention that the crafting adds a new way to define your character differently from others. I think it would be cool to see "Master Miner" next to my name.
Frostfell and Thistledown are usually in competition as the most populated servers. So either one of those would be your best bet, unless you want to be in a total PvP or Kingdom vs. Kingdom server. And it probably will seem a little empty till y…
I have a great idea on how to get the server pops back up there fro yah krityc. Come back! That'll at least bring them up by one. And the new crafting system being put in on the 30th is much much better than what they had before. As said bef…
I have to agree. The first 10 lvls do come fast, but lvl 15 is where character development realy starts since that is when you pick what kind of class you want to be. Also, asking for help is a good idea but don't have someone just run you through…
True, it is just another MMORPG at the start. The first 15 lvls are basically an introduction to the game and how it works. Real character developement starts at that point. I dont know. I recently started a new character and was having fun gion…
It looks like this whole lag thread about the game was being posted around the same time that there were some issues coming up amongst players because of a net cable that was cut a while back, at the end of May, causing some players' internet route …
Definately give it a try. As others have said, what have you got to lose? 14 days Free is a nice thing.
Me, I've been playing since release and have enjoyed every minute of it. Unforutnately it was released with quite a few problems but Turbin…