These guys remind me of a couple of indecisive children that can't make up their mind over what flavour ice-cream to eat..... At the moment they've got a combination of flavours that very few are keen to endure.
I really enjoyed my brief time in the game where I found a simplified but accessible take on Ultima Online's skill, magic and pvp systems. There was a lot to like here. Unfortunately the devs have no real methodology around how they plan for chang…
I played this game for quite a while and enjoyed it thoroughly. Whilst it does have far less features than some of the popular private Ultima Online servers, it is extremely new and fresh. I also like how they're handling PvP zones in the game.
I actually tried this on Ultima Online many years ago and I'm sure it would still be viable on one of the decent private servers around the place.
The ability to equip your character with clothes resembling costumes may also appear to the ideal you…
There is one saga that come to mind for me, both in Ultima Online. It's a bit of a long story... but dear to me, although I do feel bad about it given I was young and stupid and a bit mean.
I used to be a bit of loner in UO and as a result, my PvP …
I don't quite follow this? So will players from different parts of the world be on different servers?
That's not quite what I read from this odd update.
I know I'm not the first two bellow from the rooftops that Garriot needs to stop polishing the memories of his glory days as a way to invite support to SotA.
The irony is he's spent the last decade trying to capitalise on the nostalgia for …
Given my sporadic playtimes I've always preferred to play with bots. Unfortunately, the AI bots are horrendous and I'll need to wait until some player mods in a decent team for me
Dropped this like a red-headed stepchild... They introduce twice as many issues for every bug they attempt to address. It really just feels as though they're experimenting with the engine at times. What they have at its core is intriguing, but the…
I really enjoyed my time in this game and the scenery has held up wonderfully. The in-game systems for roleplaying really are the benchmark for the modern MMO. Unfortunately I just can't go back to the janky animations and boring combat system.
It seems that Nintendo Switch is fast becoming the device for re-releases of games that the majority have already grown tired of.
I mean I loved Skyrim and D3.... but I'm done with them now.
I've enjoyed the game thoroughly despite the glaring bugs which seem to become more pronounced as you progress through the story. It's also quite clear that budget/quality are constraints this project struggled with. There are some significant que…
I don't even..... Seriously this looks like the wet dream of some disgruntled Ultima Online veteran that laments the days he was an 'allstar quarterback'/All American Hero/Ultimate PvPer..
What is even most concerning is the shameless ripping o…
I don't get enough time to regularly game these days. When I do get a chance to get it is usually a marathon session of 12 hours or so... or long enough for a viscous layer of congealed shame to form over my adult diaper clad physique.
They've been compensating for their over-commitment from the launch of the original LiF. Ever since their original pledge for an open MMO they've been beating a dead horse by trying to cobble together a game with their current engine.
If the curre…
This was an issue when GW2 first released and turned large fights into something I wasn't interested in participating in.
To be fair it's an issue common in many MMOs. Even ESO sieges are inclined to induce seizures...