Mie 2 and 3 are even bigger than linage in korean, the only reason most of you haven't heard of them is because your american kids who only love 3d games and don't really follow the mmorpg scene in any detail.
I'm pretty sure mir2 broke something…
Lol @ all the people saying it's the same game. Simply because it has the same isometric perspective.
yet newsflash all the 3d games your playing really are the same they are all clones of each other, take linage2 I've never seen a more blatant EQ…
It's a star tbut I'd have to say no, I have to say I don't really look at my pointer or really like it's shape to change its in the bakgorund of my mind as a long term computer use and its something I dont notice but can use. Plus clicking is just s…
I do understand you are under a lot of stress atm det it's pretty much understandable, and well had htey seriously questioned tf in anyway you know I would have been the first to reduce this forum to a pile of smoudering discussion threads.
The tf…
Well i think you'd find there's 3 types of languahe to consider.
Polite - nothing wrong with that people may just actually enjoy playing the game and killing people without the inflated sense of self esteem or feel the need to personally insult so…
That depends do you mean am I the real astronut John Crichton posting from moia ? and hte most good looking guy on the planet.
Or the sexually perverse misanthrope from the tf forums ? Who's an ugly ugly mofo.
Det it's not that bad I have a rank of 24 well over 5 and that was within what one post maybe 2. Although peronally I don't think thats enough to stop people making multiple accounts to vote, I cant say. But it doesnt really gain them much more than…
I have to agree I can just about use it with concentration, but I have a mouse wheel and often after tabbing or moving the mouse need to (or subconsciously) click on the page so I can scroll and before I know it im in a thread and I'm like narghhhh.
Well good luck with dealing with the gripe but just take my advice and only reply or acknowlege those who at least attempt to use a bit of spelling, grammar and lack of txt typ in their posts and you should whittle the compaints down in no time :P
Yes sorry I've read your sticky on it now, I guess it was reasonably fair it is just a shame that so many who did vote have met the criteria to be deleted, still I did warn people on tf to behave themselves but sadly we have picked up a large number…
From reading this it wasn't so bad I guess and to be hoenst det had someone done something kidna simialr to tf you might have taken similar action yourself depending upon the circumatances and also having a required rating to vote or something isnt …
Mir3 is a very good game of this I have no doubt. Many here (possibly due to being a young :P ) think o_0 its not 3d I don't like it which is rather sad really. How many of the current mmorpg crop have had a great 3d engine made for them but no real…
I'd say chill guys, it's only going to be for a few days and as long as it's stated here on these forums for the brief period it is linked to mir2 it's not big hassle although it does make the game seem a lot more hated than it is.