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  • Twilight was missing one thing from the movies------------Wesley Snipes
  • Right now this game is barely running on fumes. Porting it may have worked a while back, but now almost anyone who is older than 12 can see it's a desperate struggle to get some money from a dying game. Plus with all the new MMO's coming out, I don…
  • I agree, I think this is more to get people aggravated than an actual topic. When I first read this, i thought,"this has got to be a joke or sarcasm."
  • Awesome screens, character creation should be great. Alot of small details(like spikes and shirt logos etc...) really makes a difference.
  • That was the main reason I got interested in this game, because there was NO MAGIC. Can't someone come up with something different than 90% of MMO's out there that use magic or some sort of "mutation." Just use plain, ordinary humans, PLEASE!
  • If you want to know the king kong of nerf(at least imo), play SWG pre-CU and play it now. At least in CoH/CoV they didn't get rid of entire professions. Imagine having controllers taken out of the game because there weren't enough people playing as…
  • I wonder how this will compare to CoH/CoV. And paying for content and items? Wow! Keep up the great work SOE
  • In response to the original question about the population, I think alot of people just got bored with the game. I quit about a month ago, I still like the game, but there wasn't much to do after lvl50 or lvl40(CoV). I know they will have lvl 50 put …
  • I'm actually looking forward to see what types of weapons they will have. But exploring and hunting huge creatures with alot of people will be alot of fun.
  • Maybe instead of arguing with players they should try to fix this piece of junk they call a game. I really don't see the problem with a rollback. They have what, about 50k playing right now(and dropping), why not try to bring the old game back. The…
  • Your right that someone should be held accountable. Thing is, when somethin so bad as the NGE wipes out the game, it's time for finger pointing. Nobody wants a share of the blame in this disaster. I can imagine all the higher ups runnin around not k…
  • The game is in "BETA PHASE 3"... what this actually means is they have sucked enough people into pre-orders that they can launch soon and don't give a rats a** about testing bug fixes.. if there are any. So is this actually SWG2 we've been hear…
  • Fishing * All players should be able to filet fish now. You can do this by accessing the item's radial menu. Wow! They fixed fishing, watch the players flock back to the servers. And you people thought this game was dying.
  • Hopefully it will die really soon and go back to pre-cu. I miss playing it. I have been gone a while and tried the NGE trial period. Wow is all I can say. How someone messed up this game so bad is almost unreal.
  • Dude that is exactly what I have been doing lately, trying to play something till SWG goes back to the old way. I tried Anarchy Online last night(free trial), and after like 5mins I quit and got it off my comp.. I also was on CoH and CoV, but after …
  • In response to the dev about what content we would like, personally, all I ask is that we can have handheld gatling guns(like the one in predator). I don't know if it's feasable but that is what I would like to have.