Really the only thing the game will need to make it look amazing is some higher res textures. In almost all modeling great textures can make not the greatest of modeling look great. I however think the models for the game look pretty good overall
It refused to answer basic algebra questions and gave me attitude when I approached it with calculus level and differential equations. It was also not willing to learn and coped an attitude with me I was very dissapointed in this cleverbot.
I have to say your logic is a bit flawed. The reason I play MMO's is because of all of those things you mentioned that aren't reasons.
Sure that are some good Co-Op games, great quest games, great pvp type of games. However they all lack one major…
You have to realize that there is fail and then their is the epifail. Although it is a rather new area of scientific study it has told us amazing truths about how fail really works. The epifail is what really determines how well a game does while fa…
Mine is 25.7GB.
If you were to uninstall some stuff and clean up files you are no longer using on your computer you could squeeze out enough to play it.
While this would be a great idea if the language barrier could be broken. However it tends to have a flaw. The flaw comes when everyone is playing on the samer server often times people from certain cultures join together just like in real life. Thi…
They aren't the devil what is wrong with you. That would be giving them far more credit than they deserve. I'm sure there are other companies more deserving of that title. Adventurine is more of an ascaris. Hopefully they get all of these issues res…
Due to a billing error we have doubled charged most accounts in a few amount of cases it may be triple charged. Due to things out of control we are unable to offer refunds. We will however credit all money towards your monthly subscription fee. We a…
We can't forget network infrastructure though. You aren't using consumer brands anymore and they will be using a switch if they have more than one server depending on the size they may need several switches usually high quality ones at that if its a…
Unfortunately just by using the internet all your data is being kept by your isp and anyone in law enforcement can monitor it without telling you. There is something called Lawful Cable Intercept Packets these usually will not show up when monitorin…
Download only has been said, whether this changes in the future time will tell. The link to pre-order I think was posted in their forums as well as the updates. Have to search through their forums to find the info.
However if this was any other company we would be in an uproar because things are being advertised still that are not in the game even if they are updated somewhere in the forums or blogs. It is not difficult to update a website (they have a lot to …
A big thing for me that is left out (as far as I am aware) and is still be advertised is this to be able to set up things like this add to the environment of the world and give it a sense that it is alive. The…
They are unable to support the amount of people that would like to play it or at least try it ( a lot of people buy games because they want to be their since the beginning and they hope it does well). They should have known this was going to happen …
The only purpose I could see for a staged release is that they don't have the equipment for multiple servers (funds most likely, they aren't cheap and for 10k users on at a time you are looking at some serious networking and server equipment), yet. …
The only thing I saw about running in his post was for 15 minutes. The only thing I can think of why someone would do that to test hardware is in general most games load areas of a world in segments only what you need at a given time. By doing this …
It would be nice if the game succeeds especially with all of the lets downs we have had the past few years. However seeing that this is an indy company and many things are not implemented (fully at least) people should be cautious and remember how t…