Im loving this game. I too have played pretty much every ARPG that I could get my hands on. Some I loved, some not so much. This one checks all the boxes for me so far.
The environments are beautifully done. I have read that some say it causes the…
Forgrimm said:
A challenger to the Fortnite throne?
I think its definitely going to give Fortnite a run for its money. Thats a good thing though, competition is good. Im also very glad to see so many people enjoying a new game for …
Warlyx said:
wondering if SoE still give u the last expansion free when a new one is released or not ?
If you buy the newest expansion, you get all the old ones with it.
I am not usually harsh on EA games, but wow, I have to agree with the other comments....this game should not have been released, even in EA, in this state. I found the graphics to be pretty awful, the shadows/lighting need some serious work. I thin…
Manestream said:
Spiider said:
Works as a charm for me. No problem, no lag, no crashes. But its the same bloody game:)
Yeah, looks like that but its now Item Shop reliant.... lookign right off that to progress you will need…
I love the game, like others, I have been playing since Alpha. It is extremely underrated. Its very well balanced, the art style is great, the play style is unique and a lot of fun. Should definitely have more articles about it on this site!!!
Sombra, if played by someone who knows what they are doing, is extremely annoying. I feel she is pretty balanced, but holy wow, it definitely does shake things up. Have to get used to her being around and what she can do.
Im only about 20 minutes into this game and am already in love. 10 minutes in and I had made a bunch of choices a long the way ( already ) and soon regretted one of them a whole heck of a lot. Thats a sign of a great game to me!
Albatroes said:
Sub game turned f2p turned subbed again? lol interesting
It never stopped being a sub game. The sub option has ALWAYS been there. Every time I have played over the years, I have subbed, even after they went f2p. You…
Ozmodan said:
A beautiful game, but when you get down to it, very lacking in content. I give most people 6 months and they will be bored with it.
If I can get 6 months out of this game, then its money well spent. I cant remember…
MrSnuffles said:
Is this really surprising that there are artificial queues at launch when you can get a premium to bypass the queues? Does anyone here really think these queues are real? Come on guys, this is marketing and F2P money making sta…
Well, I paid and there was still a 700+ Q when I tried to log on during prime time last night. So no, they arent trying to make you pay, even the paying customers are in Q's. The game is worth it.
Yes there are gold spammer bots, but I cant rememb…
Wizardry said:
I wonder if i would share the non half baked idea because we almost never see that as being true. Distopia said:
Rhime said:
$80-$120 for a pc game is unjustified at this point. I'll wait for the Steam sale.