Wow, this is shocking. After playing ME and ME2, but holding off to play ME3 seems like a good idea. Maybe I'll pick it up when it gets discounted to nothing in the bargin bin. :
lol so true so true.
Just like the CoD kid that had the SWAT Team called on him haha.
Originally posted by nakuma
i agree im so feed up with sword and elves and dragons and other medieval crap im gonna puke. what this genre needs is a goood cyber punk MMO or a SCI fi based MMO that is both unique in gameplay, and highly engaging in…
Originally posted by Midnitte
Thats the problem I had with WoW, I would constantly look at my UI instead of paying attention to the fight.
Strange problem you have there... if WoW confused you too much, maybe you should look into another g…
Originally posted by Taram
RG (Richard Gariott) has already told us the release date:
"When it's ready"
QFT, I am excited as is everyone else. One thing is not to put a release date out, then if they happen to miss it, it isn't to big of a …