I think that mmorpg.com really needs to start policing these threads more. I am so sick of seeing people say that this game is good and all these threads telling people lies.
I hope nobody thinks this is real. Its …
Originally posted by sunjenkwei
Wait. so in order to get an old driver i have to discard an old one? Does't that make my card worse for other things?
Just my opinion... What you have posted makes me think you might be better off finding so…
Originally posted by Die_Scream
Originally posted by buckstar0814
This is so sad. Just more reports of a game i really wanted to succeed fail again and again.
I just don't believe that there could be this many haters just making up this stuff. …
This is so sad. Just more reports of a game i really wanted to succeed fail again and again.
I just don't believe that there could be this many haters just making up this stuff. The pvp is the only thing that could have changed my mind about this…
Originally posted by AmazingAvery
Originally posted by Slythe
I can't believe people still rabidly defend this game. After all the lies, spin and missing game mechanics there appears to be one new "crusader" every day that pops up on the AoC fo…
I'm no sure if I agree or not. I have nothing but contempt for this game but it is getting old to keep posting about how bad fc and aoc is. The point has been made but I do have to say when fc tries to have some shills post on here about some new go…
Originally posted by arrgy
Its like kissing your sister I guess. I want WAR to succeed, and I want to enjoy it, at the same time I still love DAoC, and there is content there I havent even touched yet. And while wrestling with that, I still have …
Originally posted by Unive
Why didn't my video card fry on AOC with medium settings then? Thats the descrepancy that cannot be logically explained. Anyone can tell AOC graphics are much more demanding than WOTLK and thats not an insult its just …
No flame here just an honest question. Is it even possible for software to fry hardware? Aren't there safeguards in place that will shut your system down if it gets to hot?
Maybe this was just some kind of incredible coincidence. Your system doesn…
It's laughable for people to think fc would have policed this and fixed it on their own.
I would have no doubt that the player would have been baned for exploiting the gm. And then it would have been discussed in the official forums for about 5 mi…
Originally posted by mike470
Wow..he got fired becausee of some low-life sick perv piece of shit led him into cybering.
These forums are sick. You pathetic haters disgust me (it's unprofessional, yes, but this is at people laughing because he lo…
Originally posted by DeserttFoxx
And thus, we hail the king of bad companies. Sorry funcom, you tried hard, but you are still noobs.
You know, I think fc is really trying for a shot at the title. This was very eye opening, Good read.
Originally posted by Enigma
Originally posted by yoyo10910
wait its illegal for me to be on these forums? I entered my real birth date
it's not illegal. You just needed your parents' permission to register.
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