I too have a "Zero Toleracne Policy." I find that Benzoil Peroxide does the trick much better than Salicylic Acid ever did. A 10% Benzoil Peroxide soap bar and a washcloth twice a day... dries out the skin a bit, but it sucks the oil right outta you…
Originally posted by SpiritofGame
I got into a betatest three days ago for DDO (I believe it is okay to say that much) and received an e-mail from Vanguard beta this morning (still waiting to hear back).
But really liking the looks of Age of Conan,…
Honestly, it takes more than 14 days to get to the meat of either game.
I will tell you this though... EVE is the only game that I've actually fallen asleep at my keyboard while playing... and it wasn't from some marathon session, either.
You can start fighting in the RvR battlegrounds pretty much right away. I think DAoC is definitely the best fantasy MMO on the market today... there's a lot of variety and depth.
I would recommend starting on Gareth if you are worried about populat…
Hey Rob,
Not to be picky, but adieu is the French work for "goodbye." The word you're looking for is ado. As in "Without further ado..."
I could care less about grammar in a forum post, but since this is an editorial on one of the biggest MMO site…
Anyone who considers G4 an authority on video games is off their rocker.
That channel is nothing but a really bad joke. X-play is the only decent show on that channel anymore, and even they try too hard to be "funny." If I want funny, I'll watch Co…
A full revamp is coming soon according to the FAQ.
Besides, why is this worth starting a topic about? I believe some people just sit around trying to think of things to bitch about when it comes to SWG.
I had the Station Pass and canceled it befor…
Anyone play this game? It intrigues me because it seems similar to UO, but I only played it as Dransik "Classic" back when it was free.... and the community was not so great. What's it like nowadays?
Classes? Who cares about classes anymore? If I want a game based on classes, I'll play any of the other MMOs that have come out since EQ1.
Where the hell are the truly original new games? There are no classes in real life, we are a mix of s…
Originally posted by sinoth
Flavor of the Month in SWG really, really annoyed me. I've played a ton of MMO's to date and SWG is the only one that I can remember having this problem. Can anyone else remember any other MMO that had this similar prob…
It isn't just for those who buy the Starter Kit. Everyone with a level 80 character will get 10 respecs from what I understand... someone will correct me if I'm wrong about that.
George RR Martin's series is probably the best fantasy books I've ever read. The fantasy is fairly light... the focus is much more on characters, political intrigue and murder. Pick up A Game of Thrones and prepare to set your life aside for a coupl…
He's talking about the questionably legal free UO servers that are out there. Bascially, you go out a buy the game (or download it, but I think the last free download was two expansions ago) and instead of playing on EA's official UO servers, you pl…