Hey Krunch, I dont know what u doing but many times as I enter this site, I see ur account log on, as if it was my account. I would advise u to log off evrytime u exit this site. Best regards, Zepee
on th eone hand the trail is a pain,but Blizzard gives them out like candy, so they do need some control for those that try to abuse the system at the coost of every one else. On the bright side once your trial is over you can just pony up and, or …
Hmm when does he find time to smoke weed, if he is playign wow all the time? He semed a bit old, to be at home. Though I am sure if I was rich and didn't have to work for a living my charaters might be higher level
I guess I just don't understand why people play the game if they aren't going to play the game. build a spread sheet if all you want to do is see numbers grow,
Sorry to see the game go out this way. It was a great game, except for the bugs, and I always thought it had real potential. Well let us hope or the best and that it will have a future.
Check out the wow web site they ahve soem guides post and you shoudl check out the wow fprums as well. Thee is a lot to do in the game, and the class and profession guides are a great place to start.
Originally posted by Kyleran
Originally posted by Damisinos
Originally posted by hayevery1
OK!!!! Anyone who has posted on this blog that has not illegally downloaded a song, (which means you cant tape record off the radio, tape a movie…
Well I work for a living, and while I understand your desire and motive for what you did, but you got caught so you pay the price. It is really simple. as for not realizing it was wrogn to have yoru charater beign played whiel you are at work, come…
Originally posted by Woopin
Ring them again :P
Also I would be more worried to how someone got your password than worried about the account. Its more than likley you got a keylogger sending information to someone. Loads of people hide them in f…
Arg Darn it
Gygax is to Gaming what Kirby was to comics
Alas poor Elric I was a thousand times more evil than you
Slice N Dice: Game and Pizza Parlour
WWBYD What would Brigham Young do ?
Very nice
Gygax is to Gaming what Kirby was to comics
Alas poor Elric I was a thousand times more evil than you
Slice N Dice: Game and Pizza Parlour
WWBYD What would Brigham Young do ?
Whew glad I went to the web site, and saw that the Chaos gods where still there. I was about to get upset.
Gygax is to Gaming what Kirby was to comics
Alas poor Elric I was a thousand times more evil than you
Slice N Dice: Game and Pizza Pa…