Originally posted by Feyshtey
I don't know if Brad and Co pushed back on MS enough about the pressure, or if MS decided that the game would never be what they wanted it to be, but Microsoft's withdaw from the project should come as an ind…
Originally posted by thamighty213
Was it Brad's fault ?? again a No directly however i think his projections of where tech would be and what a player wanted where grossly wrong and he just didnt have the leadership skills or the team to make…
Yep. It's been a horrible year for MMOs and I don't see any hope on the horizon. I know alot of people are really looking forward to WAR and AOC, however (call me a pessimist) I can't get excited about either (and do hope I am proven wrong).
IMO, …
Originally posted by macumbabr
i saw some people putting guildwars on this post, but guild wars isnt free, you have to buy a lifetime account right?? or you know some way to play it besides trial??
Once you buy the box, there's no monthly fee…
Now, if they could take the gameplay from the game "Thief" and move it into a mmorpg, that would be pretty cool. I really loved the part where the only way to hide in shadows was to actually have shadows to hide in. Or having to dispose of bodies so…
Once a few mmorpgs proved that there's a real market (and hence $$$), it's natural that slews of titles will come out and try to cash in and get a piece of the pie. Were in the "glut" phase now, with clones coming out by the droves. Once all of the …
Originally posted by ASmith84
you have a brain, read the reviews and figure it out yourself.
Sheesh, give the person a break. It's far better to get a general consensus from a group of people than relying one one (possibly biased) review.
The only free MMORPG that I've ever played was Anarchy-Online, which does have alot of PvE and PvP (can't say much about how many people play it - haven't played in a while).
This may not be your cup of tea however (or cup of ). It's an older mmor…
I wish some company would have the guts and create something that totally breaks the mold, and not rehash the same crap over and over. But I just don't see that happening anytime soon.
Originally posted by Nerf09
Quest quest quest quest. If I wanted to quest I'd play World of Warcraft. At least I wouldn't have to downgrade my graphics shader with Oldblivion.
Oooh, radiant AI. Its better defined not as Artificial Intelligence…
Originally posted by eesmurph
If LOTRO was a free game, I wouldn't mind all that much... but I don't pay a monthly fee to be advertised to. Actually. I wouldn't even mind some passive advertisement like an in-game sign or text from an npc. Thi…
It always irks me when someone says "Game X is a rip off of WoW" regarding any aspect of a game (not just UI) as if to say WOW was the first and only original game. Hate to break it to these people, but WoW is hardly original (or any Blizzard game f…
Originally posted by Elikal
My personal points about LOTRO are simply a) the subjective felt lack of diversity in things to do
You nailed it right there. I do like LOTRO, but the content is SOOOOO repetative. I think I'm going to scream if Im …
Yeah, no matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to recapture the magic that was EQ1. Me and the wife tried that when the progression servers came out, and it just wasn't the same.
Many have recommended WoW, and it is a really good game... h…
I'll throw in my 2 cents here.
It's not a bad game. It has a nice level of polish which is a refreshing change from some of the more recent buggy releases. I think the dev's knew what they wanted and delivered it nicely. Nice graphics and plenty …
Unfortunately, I think it's going to be some time before something really fresh and new hits the net. Im no expert in the industry, but I have a sneaking suspicion that most design decisions regarding online gaming will be more business driven than …
Originally posted by kedoremos
I spent most of yesterday downloading it and now I'm patching it.
I'm in such a bad way with MMOs at the moment so I'm kind of clamoring for something ... anything that will hook me.
I have tried:
Everquest, Everqu…