Nice Article. Didn't like the Daoc letter wasn't for just that game as it should of been but rather a form letter to all 3 games...i wish they would tell it like it is really..
good article.. I totally agree with it/.. and see no harm in sellin g the pets, if daoc did that and made it to make a wish foundationn. i would buy one in a heartbeat...
As a matter of fact I dont play WoW,. but reading all of these posts and seeing about this think its a good idea.. if you dont like it you don t have to buy the pet or even play WoW... i am sure none of you will be missed...
it is sad... so what if they make money at least part of it is for a good cause people seem to forget that..and want to talk bad abot a company for doing that..
as i said before i am all for it it goes to a good cause am i the only one that thinks this? so what if they make money we all do at some point... just not like they do.. who really cares...