this game is total garbage and ive never even played it, to call it an mmo is a disgrace to online gaming everywhere. if i hade 4 hands it would get 4 thumbs down but since i can only settle with two thumbs, it'll be the biggest flop in the last 5 y…
okay first of all why would u pay that much for anything in gaming, i mean seriously u could buy about 3-4 uber computers with that money, and why would u buy out a completely leveled character, i mean that totally takes away from the purpose of the…
Wow i have seen it all somebody dieing from a gaming binge. I wish i knew what game was so addicting i would like to play it, apparently its like heroin with the needle
This definately has its pros and cons, it would bring a level of realism with the game but how much control over the game are we talking here, because some players could make things become lopsided for the clan or guild etc. while making everyone el…
STO i dont know thats a maybe just because i dont know if i would get into it(mainly i'm a star wars fan). Stargate i think i would like if the gameplay was decent i would to have another Sci-Fi game with a player based economy
Im not arguing that point im just saying its not far enough in the future and also its way too local for me so i may try the beta, hey who knows maybe ill actually like it.
Well, iv'e looked at the fallen earth website and previews, however the game looks like total crap.Sorry when i think of Sci-Fi i think of space battles or hovercrafts or sumthing, what i dont think about is post-apocolyptic grand-canyon.
wow thats the best ive heard it put in a long time,alas you are right the game is dead and should probably more like guild wars now, you know where u dont pay for it.
People,people, im sure they have tested such large battles, i mean these are devs we're talking about anything that you have thought about for the game the devs has also thought about, but to assume that there is no testing whatsoever for massive Pv…
the if u push the release date too quickly you'll end up with all sorts of bugs, then the staff will get overwhelmed and nothing is going to get fixed, i dont think im the only here who hates bugs. Listen i know everyone wants to play this game but …
Well pretty much any terrain that excludes a game that sounds like its ripping off the resident evil movies and games, u know since their's mutation in this game why some of u guys get a guild together and just throw some zombies in there
Well considering the devs are emphasizing clan vs. clan(PvP) im guessing there could be massive battles given you could get that set up, but remember in Darkfall there is noPvP safe zone so the PvPing options are virtually limitless
To me, the idea of a good mmorpg is not that it has good graphics true gamers know that graphics comes at the bottom of the list when it comes to online gaming. It's all about the content, so mainly when i judge a game by its cover i base my decisio…
I certainly hope that Blizzard does some large scale hiring if they want this game to rival WoW, does anyone remeber how much customer service sucked in WoW, Blizzard was just a fledgling company when WoW came out hopefully this time the much larger…
I quit about two months after the horrible decision making of the SWG devs with the NGE. that pretty much ruined it for everybody that was a vet, i would play it again if they changed it back to something more like it used to be
R u kidding me this game looks boooooorrrrring, i dont even think i would play this game let alone pay for it each month, i mean honestly who wants to play a game competing with six other factions in post-apocalypse grand canyon its a slab of rock. …