PR bulldroppings, late thursday deflection post goes up, followed late friday by another delaying post, then vanishing for the weekend, 3 count'm 3 yellow posts since this tuesdays crap patch.
And per usual, there's not a yellow post to be found, just posts silently being moved to off topic. Maybe could help us players out and try and get a comment?
A shop that dont make you buy stuff per character? awesome!
A shop that has clearly been in the making for some time, while they were championing subscription? gfo please!
Originally posted by Man_of_Leisure There is nothing wrong with a labor system. There is everything wrong with being able to circumvent it via the cash shop.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Enjoy more of the same courtesy of Trion Games.
Originally posted by gobla Originally posted by SBFord
Read more of Derek Czerkaski's The Soapbox: Calling Out UbiSoft.
Originally posted by graverobber
while the author might have a point or two i can agree with, doing a "slam a comp…
while the author might have a point or two i can agree with, doing a "slam a company" article without putting your name on it, is just stupid, why MMORPG.COM allowed that would be nice to know.
Originally posted by azzamasin Originally posted by Aerowyn
I pre-ordered TL2 awhile back and with the pre-order it said i would be invited to beta this game but still nothing about it.. i emailed PWE and all i got back was an email saying they …