If you don't like instances... Don't go in them. If anything it would just be good news for those who don't like the instances seeing as all the other areas wont be as camped. And I usually don't us the instances after level 20 anyway. I just go to…
I would recommend either a Warden/Valewalker for - Hibernia Paladin/Friar for - Albion or Skald/Thane for - Midgard. They all are melee/caster types. Personally I would take a Friar or a Valewalker. Both are really good choices. Sence I'm a Hibby my…
Ok, you're playing one of the worst first time player classes. An Infiltrator is something that I would make after I have a level 50 so I could /level it. An Infil is hard to level form 1-20, but once your into Thidranki Battleground, it gets really…
Yeah I say just get over it, I love the new instances because you don't have to travel half the map to get the kind of mob you want to fight then once you level go to the other side of the map. Your obviously not a hibby so your tired of getting wtf…