But what part is exactly easy compared to the older games? I have never found any game to be "hard". Gaining 30 lbs of lean muscle without fat is hard work, but even the concept is easy.
What does hard mean? Once you understand the concept of the …
Originally posted by ChampSauce
Bah! left computer for 10 minutes haha and missed out.. anyone else with NA Code i would really appreciate it
my life, still hoping for a pass
Aion is a group game, made for people that can work together. It is not uncommon to see people still struggling to solo this game, just because its possible.
Personally, I find a 4 person group to be optimum for grinding elites, and duo for quest…
I've been saying this since I first Played L2. Farming bots are an essential part of the games success. I'm glad to see them out there famring major elemntals and other crafting materials. They keep the broker full of gear and make it generally mor…
send in a ticket for help from Aion Support, they are very good at getting to the root of any issues and respond realitivly quickly from my experience.
Wicked, Aion will work well on any modern computer with a dedicated Vid Card. Have fun. Good Luck its an epic game. But its not easy on the mind when soloing.
Aion has lost more subscribers then it gained I would surmise; however the population on my server seems to be fairly constant. Burnt out level 50's quit, and new players fill their void. As for loot drops, dungeon times etc they are the same as lau…
Originally posted by Azerin
I agree 100%. After spending 30 mins wading in a sea of players, having to make a macro just to be able to target the NPC cause players covered him up, I still had no idea what the actual purpose of the event was. The …
Originally posted by Larry2298
Many Asian family like to play online game all together just like the news of today. A couple of Korean addictive to play online game and only feed their 3 months old baby once for a day.
Actually our first raid that we did in the abyss was the power shift in the abyss a couple of weeks ago it was honestly pretty epic to smack down the elyos. We have been defending and attacking in the abyss with Savage and the rest of the power hous…
Originally posted by Sonoko
There never was a grind even before the exp buffs/double exp weekends. There's plenty of quests at any level, more than enough that combined with the natural exp you gain through doing them to level up. All the way t…