It should be hilarious when WAR comes out and the same exact thing happens with it also. Honestly, I'm going to laugh my ass off when people finally realize that it's not "DAoC 2" and it's just uncreative garbage. I'm not a fanboy at all. I was excited about AoC and WAR equally. Then.....ya.....sigh.....
But they did push it back, so who knows. Maybe they'll change the whole game or actually make the PvP good. Perhaps they'll change their extremely linear world. Only time will tell. =/
Edit: If WAR released around this time (like it was going to) it would have probably been the biggest disappointment of the year.
Edit 2 : And it's funny you say that the beta leaked videos for WAR look good Impaler. To me, and most others, it looked extremely bland, slow, and uncreative. It also looked just like WoW. (Yes, I know Warhammer came first, but it didn't as an MMO. So WAR would be the clone here).
This is why there is an NDA and people who release videos and information on a game that is in beta should be kicked out. They are releasing videos of things that get changed, upgraded, and or removed. I really wish the NDA would be lifted and I could talk about WAR, but things are always changing and I could give people the wrong information. War will be a balanced pvp game in my opinion and AoC will not only time will tell though.
I plan to buy both games, but I will only play one in the end.
WAR gets posts every day by AoC fanbois and haters we are used to it.... i ignore them or counter their claims with facts....people will enjoy AoC...people will enjoy WAR...its what ever .... however i have a feeling WAR will have a better Open Beta then AoC is having right now
AoC get's posts every day by WAR fanbois and haters we are used to it... i ignore them or counter their claims with facts...people will enjoy WAR...people will enjoy AoC...its whatever... however i have a feeling WAR won't have a better Open Beta then AoC is having right now
But in all seriousness, but WAR and AoC are going to do well. People are going to play WAR because they know all the reason why WoW, despite it's success, sucks, and WAR is going to fix all that. People are going to be play AoC, because it's diffrent, it's not High-Fantasy ala LOTRO and EQ, and it's not Fantasy-Steampunk ala WAR and WoW.
I do think at least intitially AoC is going to be a bigger draw because it has a more recognizable IP and people are a bit burned out on the whole Fantasy/Steampunk thing, even if Warhammer invented the style. But that all remains to be seen.
AoC Open Beta sucks as bad as any other Beta I've ever been in, no more, no less. Honestly I'm not have any issue with it that I didn't have with WoW during the first few months of actual release. There are memory leaks out the ass, texture issues, the shader engine doesn't work right... etc. etc. None of this is surprising, and none of it turns me off of the game. WAR will have it's own issues, particularly if EA decides the game in going out the door on a given day regardless of what shape it's in... which have been known to do.
Neither AoC nor WAR are going to see WoW's numbers. One word for you: Asia. WoW only has 9 million subscribers because 5 million of those are in asian paying pennies on the dollar to play. Neither AoC nor WoW is going to have kind of deathgrip on asian players that Blizzard does... keep in mind that now several Koreans have literally killed themselves playing Starcraft.
AoC and WAR will both be quite successful in North America and Europe, but I don't expect either game to break 2 million subs, I don't think Funcom or Mythic expect them to either.
It's pretty sad to see how dedicated the WAR forums are to the failure of AoC as opposed to success of WAR.
You realize most of the naysayers on the AoC forums are WAR or WoW fanboys that never wanted AoC to succeed?
This is actually NOT true..yes there are a few over there but for the most part most of the people Saying bad things about AoC are people who were on the fence in the first place or they expected way way more than what was obviously the truth (over hyped themselves). Plus some of them are pepole with legit problems due to their hardware.
Its this misconception that has both sides fighting each other its completely stupid that the moment someone flames or says something you don't like you automatically accuse him of being a fanboy of another game. Everyone here knows altairqz isn't a fanboy of WAR he's been a naysayer since the beginning he's mostly posting his current opinion on the situation.
explination = explanation? or is it done on purpose?
You know being an ass doesn't help your shoddy credibility. I'm at work the last thing I'm going to do is play spell checker for a bunch of assine people who think forums need to be perfect.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Have you been reading the AoC forum? I never thought things would look so bad for that game. I bet this has a lot to do about WAR release being posponed, they knew they were safe making this move.
It's looking very good for WAR, the more I look at it, the more I feel WAR will be a huge succes, I mean by the milions, maybe a few milions but that's a lot, maybe really hurting WOW if it is good enough. Sadly by good I mean appealing to the masses, this is the only fear I have.
You realize most of the naysayers on the AoC forums are WAR or WoW fanboys that never wanted AoC to succeed? The preorder boxes are sold out all over the place and the game hasn't launched yet. Why you see AoC as a threat, I don't understand. People will choose their game based on what they enjoy....fluid combat -> AoC, Realtime RPG combat -> WAR.
According to many of the posts I've seen many will play simply because it's different, or because they're waiting on the next new release. I know a guy who still plays WoW and vocalizes how much loathes it, yet he still plays,why? because his wife enjoys playing. So no, people in most cases won't just play what they enjoy, they have other reasons for what and why they do things.
WAR gets posts every day by AoC fanbois and haters we are used to it.... i ignore them or counter their claims with facts....people will enjoy AoC...people will enjoy WAR...its what ever .... however i have a feeling WAR will have a better Open Beta then AoC is having right now
It's pretty sad to see how dedicated the WAR forums are to the failure of AoC as opposed to success of WAR.
I smell complete hypocrasy...only a few zealot posters some of which arent' even WAR fans in the first place are hoping AoC fails. But over half the AoC population constantly posts "WAR is so noob WAR is WoW...WAR is gonna fail its just a clone" etc etc. I see it on random threads ALL the time that have nothing to do with WAR over in the AoC forums (reads both forums tries to avoid posting on AoC) until the AoC open beta started we rarely had threads of this nature here.
Its not our fault haters post BS posts in the WAR forum. The OP isn't even a WAR fan he's been dissing the game for months.
im not checking my damn spelling so kiss my arse Impaler.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
I was reading the last post and I was curious, is Conan really a more recognizable IP than Warhammer? It could just be me, but i didn't even know about the Conan novels until this game came out (and I do read a lot of fantasy novels and now i do want to read these conan books.) However, I have been playing warhammer since i was a kid and have really grown up knowing a LOT about its IP. Because of that i am going to play warhammer even if it sucks i don't care. I really was just curious as to which IP people know more about.... maybe i'll make a poll.
As to AoC directly, it looks fun, and i would have played it if it came out a few months ago (and i still might if it gets awesome reviews after it comes out) but I don't really want to start another MMO to quit for WAR.
There are alot of people who didn't know about the Conan novels, just like there are alot of people who don't know that Warhammer has 25 years and originated as a tabletop game. The only reason these games are the most talked about now is due to the fact that they're the biggest hyped so far. Both are building on an existing fanbase ( which would also explain the ferocity in defending them.)
WAR gets posts every day by AoC fanbois and haters we are used to it.... i ignore them or counter their claims with facts....people will enjoy AoC...people will enjoy WAR...its what ever .... however i have a feeling WAR will have a better Open Beta then AoC is having right now
It's pretty sad to see how dedicated the WAR forums are to the failure of AoC as opposed to success of WAR.
I smell complete hypocrasy...only a few zealot posters some of which arent' even WAR fans in the first place are hoping AoC fails. But over half the AoC population constantly posts "WAR is so noob WAR is WoW...WAR is gonna fail its just a clone" etc etc. I see it on random threads ALL the time that have nothing to do with WAR over in the AoC forums (reads both forums tries to avoid posting on AoC) until the AoC open beta started we rarely had threads of this nature here.
Its not our fault haters post BS posts in the WAR forum. The OP isn't even a WAR fan he's been dissing the game for months.
im not checking my damn spelling so kiss my arse Impaler.
You smell complete hypocracy do you? PLEASE go through my post history and find one post where I said: WAR is so noob WAR is WOW... WAR is gonna fail its just a clone" etc etc before you call me a hypocrat (i'm not correct your spelling either ). I'm not saying there aren't plenty of said post, because there most certainly are... I just don't see where you get off calling me a hypocrat when I wasn't making one.
It really just depends...I've seen the movies, never read the books, and had no clue there was an actual following for it at all. I knew there was a huge following for Warhammer. I think the general public probably won't recongize either one that well as a major IP.
Dino..what you said as in generalizing that all the Bad AoC BS that goes on here is a product of WAR fans is crap....if your not a hypocrite than fine but assuming that all the BAD AoC BS that goes on here are WAR fans saying it is hypocritical considering the actual nasty things said about WAR on the AoC forums is from actual AoC fans.
Several WAR fans are actualy interested in Both games...some are on the fence about AoC and some don't care...and a very small minority want to see AoC fail because they're obvious zealots and I don't personally approve of such behavior (i dont like AoC myself BUT i don't want to see it fail variety in MMOs especially successful variety will be a really reallyg ood thing for future MMOs).
course im also high on pain killers so im probably totally using the word out of context today lol
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
There's issues with SLI. Try with one card. I run it quite smoothly on HIGH with a 4 ghz e8400 and a 8800GT. Average 35 fps. If I remove environmental shadows, its 50+ fps.
This is a joke right? I mean you just said you NEED THE BEST GAMING RIG OUT THERE TO PLAY THE GAME AT 35 FPS.
If this was not a joke , you sir have just confirmed that the game is all but unplayable for 90% of mmor'ers and gamers out there. IF it was a joke then its pretty funny.
the Q6600 it a higher level cpu than the e8400, but slower per core (quad vs duo). ATm with my q6600 (8800gts 512 video card) i can run , 4 instances of wow (max settings, native 1600x 1050 rez) with 60-90 fps. CS:S @ 240-300(max) fps, highest settings lotro with no lag at all, bioshock high (i forget the fps it was high tho), eve in battles at 120-200. All of that and ... 35 fps in AoC? i mean come on. I don't know if this guy is right but the graphics are not that good for it to be takign so many resources... hopefully they will optimize better, but most of it will have to be after release.
Now i am not saying that is true , i am just responding to Praxus here.
Honestly i think AoC looks a ton like a redone daoc and this does make me want to try it out. (liek the characters and movement , fighting etc)
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
It really just depends...I've seen the movies, never read the books, and had no clue there was an actual following for it at all. I knew there was a huge following for Warhammer. I think the general public probably won't recongize either one that well as a major IP. Dino..what you said as in generalizing that all the Bad AoC BS that goes on here is a product of WAR fans is crap....if your not a hypocrite than fine but assuming that all the BAD AoC BS that goes on here are WAR fans saying it is hypocritical considering the actual nasty things said about WAR on the AoC forums is from actual AoC fans. Several WAR fans are actualy interested in Both games...some are on the fence about AoC and some don't care...and a very small minority want to see AoC fail because they're obvious zealots and I don't personally approve of such behavior (i dont like AoC myself BUT i don't want to see it fail variety in MMOs especially successful variety will be a really reallyg ood thing for future MMOs). course im also high on pain killers so im probably totally using the word out of context today lol
Actually... I was just quoting that other poster and swapping WAR and AoC to point out that it's the same on both sides. I don't believe for a second that "all BAD AoC BS" is the product of WAR fans. If anything I believe that people who defelct critism of their favored game by writing off detractors as "fanbois" of another game are as much trolls as the haters are. I guess you could say I was trying to make a point by being ironic... if it failed I apologize, sometimes I'm not as clever as I think I am.
WAR has always had a green light. Im a fan of bolth. Unfortunately im in that 90% or whatever that cant play AoC. But i dont want it to fail, at some point maybe i can get a uber machine an play it later. I will say this about the haters tho.. I run around most of the fourms and before the open beta for AoC it was the AoC fans always talking smack about WAR (yes i saw WAR fans talking smack about AoC too, just not as many). I think alot of this has to do with much of the fan base (not all) being very young an hyped up for T&A +18 aspect of it lol. Altho this is far from the only reason many want to play AoC, it does have legit aspects to be a great game. But since the AoC beta opened i have seen alot of people dissing on AoC (an not just war fans) but this is mostly because of the hardware requirements. either way bolth games will probably succeed and do well with the player base they have. flaming about either wont change anything so its kind of pointless. and about the whole not being released in asia or atleast unsure.. good! we should see alot less spam then since thats where a huge part of the gold farmers are. (sorry to the asians that really want to play the game and not be a annoying spammer, if you know any gold farmers in real life i urge you to skull f**k them lol) me love you long time!
ok that was my immature comment of the day... anyways stop going to other games fourms just to give people crap.. just play what you want to play an leave everyone else alone. if i see one more "this game sucks an will fail" post im going to puke. cuz it probably wont fail no matter how much you click your heals an wish for it... this isnt OZ.
This is a joke right? I mean you just said you NEED THE BEST GAMING RIG OUT THERE TO PLAY THE GAME AT 35 FPS.
Well I built that pc for 850 bucks, which seems reasonable and not too out of reach for quite a few people.
The 35 fps is with everything maxxed out. Most people will not be able to do that, unless they have a recent, higher end pc (but still well under $1000).
HOWEVER it still looks great on lower settings. Many will happily run it on low or medium. I was actually very surprised how good it looks on LOW.
And if you do want to run it on high...look, 8800GT's are < 200 bucks now, dual core cpus can be had for 150 bucks than can easily overclock to 3 ghz. It wouldn't cost too much to build a pc that could run this quite well.
......aaaaaaaand the fact they are taking a 'play it safe' direction in so far as the engine is concerned. Moment of truth? It looks like they are taking the system behind DAoC and running through a WoW filter with some added features and pretty.
To be completely looks like they paid attention, and are doing to WoW what WoW did to EQ. Take the good, toss out the bad, and throw in some new. Hell, the formulae has already been proven to work in the hands of even the most basic of games.
These other 'wow' clones keep failing because they neglect to 'toss out the bad' or even 'keep the good' in some cases. They just force feed us a game with 9 classes and talents like its some kind of holy grail to success. They don't even bother removing the things that WoW did wrong...or inject anything fresh into the field.
If anything, I'd sell my T.V. right now for the chance to play a game as smooth as WoW (and with its rather LOVELY interface) with some DAoC all up in its grill.
I'm sorry to those of you who want AoC to fail for whatever reasons you have because this news might make you sad. I can't wait for the release of AoC and WAR shortly after. Great times are ahead. To the haters of both games: Get a real job. Nobody likes you even if you are right. Nobody enjoys reading your posts as much as you do.
Wanting it to fail and knowing it will are two different things. I wanted it to own but I now I know it won't. So I'm more sad than anything. If you look at my posts up to OB launch you'd see I was hopeful and excited. All of that dropped the longer I played. As far as failing, the only thing I'm concerned about is whether or not I want to buy it. I don't. But I'm sure there will be a few chaps like you who play it no matter how things go. So it might see some numbers if you call that success.
So far I don't see any reason to believe I'll have good times with either game.
Are you here to win popularity contests? I'm not. I just state my honest opinions rather than try to persuade someone to blindly support unproven games. Real job? ??????????
I'm sorry to those of you who want AoC to fail for whatever reasons you have because this news might make you sad. I can't wait for the release of AoC and WAR shortly after. Great times are ahead. To the haters of both games: Get a real job. Nobody likes you even if you are right. Nobody enjoys reading your posts as much as you do.
Wanting it to fail and knowing it will are two different things. I wanted it to own but I now I know it won't. So I'm more sad than anything. If you look at my posts up to OB launch you'd see I was hopeful and excited. All of that dropped the longer I played. As far as failing, the only thing I'm concerned about is whether or not I want to buy it. I don't. But I'm sure there will be a few chaps like you who play it no matter how things go. So it might see some numbers if you call that success.
So far I don't see any reason to believe I'll have good times with either game.
Are you here to win popularity contests? I'm not. I just state my honest opinions rather than try to persuade someone to blindly support unproven games. Real job? ??????????
Well you see i'm an optimist and you are a pessimist.
If I am thinking about going out to try a new restaurant I don't want people outside the door screaming 'This place sucks! I hate the way they cook their chicken! OMG WTF kind of BBQ are they serving?! This restaurant is epic fail!
I would tell those people to get a real job since they have made it theirs to shove their opinions down others throats instead of letting them figure it out for themselves. I would tell them that I don't like them even if the restaurant sucks, and I would tell them that I really would rather drive off a cliff than hear their opinions anymore.
Then I would go into the place and eat a meal and say either 'Damn this sucks.' Or 'I actually like this place i'll be back sometime.'
I just state my honest opinions rather than try to persuade someone to blindly support unproven games. Real job?
See? That's what we call a gross generalization. I don't blindy support an unproven game, I support a game which I have actually play-tested myself, and enjoy. Clearly you have done the same, and don't enjoy it, which is fine... but then you toss in a generalization like that, essentially, "My opinions are indisputable fact and if you disagree you are stupid!" and invalidate your otherwise valid position.
Have you been reading the AoC forum? I never thought things would look so bad for that game. I bet this has a lot to do about WAR release being posponed, they knew they were safe making this move.
It's looking very good for WAR, the more I look at it, the more I feel WAR will be a huge succes, I mean by the milions, maybe a few milions but that's a lot, maybe really hurting WOW if it is good enough. Sadly by good I mean appealing to the masses, this is the only fear I have.
Have you not seen the warhammer city raid video? It was worse looking then WOW. It was the 2nd to last boss for the huge city pvp raid and it was the lamest thing i have ever seen. The people who were attacking didnt even have to move. 30 people stood still and wacked the boss for 10 min until it died. I saw better fighting in lineage 1. I would post a link to the video but they take it down as soon as i put them up. Most of my friends just put themselves on auto attack and went afk until the fight was over.
Hello Kitty online looks more exciting at the moment
I just state my honest opinions rather than try to persuade someone to blindly support unproven games. Real job?
See? That's what we call a gross generalization. I don't blindy support an unproven game, I support a game which I have actually play-tested myself, and enjoy. Clearly you have done the same, and don't enjoy it, which is fine... but then you toss in a generalization like that, essentially, "My opinions are indisputable fact and if you disagree you are stupid!" and invalidate your otherwise valid position.
You're putting words in my mouth. I stated that my opinions are my own. Nothing about indisputable. If you enjoy the game after playing it then you shouldn't care about my negative, personal, opinion. You both obviously don't want there to be a place for negative opinions and would rather people who haven't tried the game to only hear positive things. If you need everyone to be happy about this game for you to have a perfect little time then the problem is with you. I'd rather have balance.
Someone said that the people who love the game are playing it instead of argueing here. So what's up with you guys?
......aaaaaaaand the fact they are taking a 'play it safe' direction in so far as the engine is concerned. Moment of truth? It looks like they are taking the system behind DAoC and running through a WoW filter with some added features and pretty.
To be completely looks like they paid attention, and are doing to WoW what WoW did to EQ. Take the good, toss out the bad, and throw in some new. Hell, the formulae has already been proven to work in the hands of even the most basic of games.
These other 'wow' clones keep failing because they neglect to 'toss out the bad' or even 'keep the good' in some cases. They just force feed us a game with 9 classes and talents like its some kind of holy grail to success. They don't even bother removing the things that WoW did wrong...or inject anything fresh into the field.
If anything, I'd sell my T.V. right now for the chance to play a game as smooth as WoW (and with its rather LOVELY interface) with some DAoC all up in its grill.
why not have faith in funcom to fix all bugs in betea then.....
......aaaaaaaand the fact they are taking a 'play it safe' direction in so far as the engine is concerned. Moment of truth? It looks like they are taking the system behind DAoC and running through a WoW filter with some added features and pretty.
To be completely looks like they paid attention, and are doing to WoW what WoW did to EQ. Take the good, toss out the bad, and throw in some new. Hell, the formulae has already been proven to work in the hands of even the most basic of games.
These other 'wow' clones keep failing because they neglect to 'toss out the bad' or even 'keep the good' in some cases. They just force feed us a game with 9 classes and talents like its some kind of holy grail to success. They don't even bother removing the things that WoW did wrong...or inject anything fresh into the field.
If anything, I'd sell my T.V. right now for the chance to play a game as smooth as WoW (and with its rather LOVELY interface) with some DAoC all up in its grill.
why not have faith in funcom to fix all bugs in betea then.....
Because its not the bugs I have issues with.
Its not even the massive amounts of loading because they had to zone everything off into instanced-style areas. I actually am fine with that, I liked how GW did it...and feel that it was a good choice in order to make the game run this pretty while still having decent performance.
Its the actual direction. I don't need to play anything...I have heard all I needed from the horses mouth himself. Raid gear will be awesomely more powerful than regular gear. PvP gear will be strictly limited in a tier system. Regular gear will suck. In a PvP situation, all players need some form of equal ground. Since PvP gear is going to be so limited...that leaves most of us to raiding to get it. Blizzard tossed the whole "Raid to PvP' thing for a reason. It sucks, players hate it, and it makes no sense as it doesn't reward the player for his preferred style of play...but instead punishes him for it.
Couple that with the mini-games (which, while not required, are still GOING to be there) which will divide the potential pool of players available for massive PvP....the game is a stinker for me based entirely on teh direction the devs have stated they are going with. I've already played through this &%&$ before in WoW...and watched WoW suffer through months and years of changes to try and fix such HORRIBLE mistakes. I'm not suffering through it again, and I'm not playing in a Conan world being made by a person who thinks Raiding is super awesome and should always have the top tier loot.
I like Raiding, but my time with it is DONE. I want no more of it...and I certainly don't want it shoved down my throat as a gate preventing me from doing the OTHER things I want to do. Then, finally, if I DO get to do it (after spending all this money to upgrade my system for this stupid game)...I'm gonna have to deal with the fact that half of the player base is busy in 'mini-games' and can't answer the siege ticket today. I don't have tons of time to play. I'm married, I work, and I write music and help friends with their comics on the side. Either I log on and do what I want THEN...or I don't log on at all. I quit WoW for similar reasons, and I'll not be bothered to rush back into that very same system with a new pretty skin just because.
This is why there is an NDA and people who release videos and information on a game that is in beta should be kicked out. They are releasing videos of things that get changed, upgraded, and or removed. I really wish the NDA would be lifted and I could talk about WAR, but things are always changing and I could give people the wrong information. War will be a balanced pvp game in my opinion and AoC will not only time will tell though.
I plan to buy both games, but I will only play one in the end.
AoC get's posts every day by WAR fanbois and haters we are used to it... i ignore them or counter their claims with facts...people will enjoy WAR...people will enjoy AoC...its whatever... however i have a feeling WAR won't have a better Open Beta then AoC is having right now
But in all seriousness, but WAR and AoC are going to do well. People are going to play WAR because they know all the reason why WoW, despite it's success, sucks, and WAR is going to fix all that. People are going to be play AoC, because it's diffrent, it's not High-Fantasy ala LOTRO and EQ, and it's not Fantasy-Steampunk ala WAR and WoW.
I do think at least intitially AoC is going to be a bigger draw because it has a more recognizable IP and people are a bit burned out on the whole Fantasy/Steampunk thing, even if Warhammer invented the style. But that all remains to be seen.
AoC Open Beta sucks as bad as any other Beta I've ever been in, no more, no less. Honestly I'm not have any issue with it that I didn't have with WoW during the first few months of actual release. There are memory leaks out the ass, texture issues, the shader engine doesn't work right... etc. etc. None of this is surprising, and none of it turns me off of the game. WAR will have it's own issues, particularly if EA decides the game in going out the door on a given day regardless of what shape it's in... which have been known to do.
Neither AoC nor WAR are going to see WoW's numbers. One word for you: Asia. WoW only has 9 million subscribers because 5 million of those are in asian paying pennies on the dollar to play. Neither AoC nor WoW is going to have kind of deathgrip on asian players that Blizzard does... keep in mind that now several Koreans have literally killed themselves playing Starcraft.
AoC and WAR will both be quite successful in North America and Europe, but I don't expect either game to break 2 million subs, I don't think Funcom or Mythic expect them to either.
It's pretty sad to see how dedicated the WAR forums are to the failure of AoC as opposed to success of WAR.
Active: WoW
Semi-retired: STO
Fully retired: UO, EQ, AC, SWG, FFXI, DDO:EU, PoTBS, AoC, EvE
Tried: EQ2, Tabula Rasa, Auto-Assault, Isteria, LotRO, Wizard 101
Looking forward to: Star Citizen
This is actually NOT true..yes there are a few over there but for the most part most of the people Saying bad things about AoC are people who were on the fence in the first place or they expected way way more than what was obviously the truth (over hyped themselves). Plus some of them are pepole with legit problems due to their hardware.
Its this misconception that has both sides fighting each other its completely stupid that the moment someone flames or says something you don't like you automatically accuse him of being a fanboy of another game. Everyone here knows altairqz isn't a fanboy of WAR he's been a naysayer since the beginning he's mostly posting his current opinion on the situation.
explination = explanation? or is it done on purpose?
You know being an ass doesn't help your shoddy credibility. I'm at work the last thing I'm going to do is play spell checker for a bunch of assine people who think forums need to be perfect.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
You realize most of the naysayers on the AoC forums are WAR or WoW fanboys that never wanted AoC to succeed? The preorder boxes are sold out all over the place and the game hasn't launched yet. Why you see AoC as a threat, I don't understand. People will choose their game based on what they enjoy....fluid combat -> AoC, Realtime RPG combat -> WAR.
According to many of the posts I've seen many will play simply because it's different, or because they're waiting on the next new release. I know a guy who still plays WoW and vocalizes how much loathes it, yet he still plays,why? because his wife enjoys playing. So no, people in most cases won't just play what they enjoy, they have other reasons for what and why they do things.
It's pretty sad to see how dedicated the WAR forums are to the failure of AoC as opposed to success of WAR.
I smell complete hypocrasy...only a few zealot posters some of which arent' even WAR fans in the first place are hoping AoC fails. But over half the AoC population constantly posts "WAR is so noob WAR is WoW...WAR is gonna fail its just a clone" etc etc. I see it on random threads ALL the time that have nothing to do with WAR over in the AoC forums (reads both forums tries to avoid posting on AoC) until the AoC open beta started we rarely had threads of this nature here.
Its not our fault haters post BS posts in the WAR forum. The OP isn't even a WAR fan he's been dissing the game for months.
im not checking my damn spelling so kiss my arse Impaler.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
I was reading the last post and I was curious, is Conan really a more recognizable IP than Warhammer? It could just be me, but i didn't even know about the Conan novels until this game came out (and I do read a lot of fantasy novels and now i do want to read these conan books.) However, I have been playing warhammer since i was a kid and have really grown up knowing a LOT about its IP. Because of that i am going to play warhammer even if it sucks i don't care. I really was just curious as to which IP people know more about.... maybe i'll make a poll.
As to AoC directly, it looks fun, and i would have played it if it came out a few months ago (and i still might if it gets awesome reviews after it comes out) but I don't really want to start another MMO to quit for WAR.
There are alot of people who didn't know about the Conan novels, just like there are alot of people who don't know that Warhammer has 25 years and originated as a tabletop game. The only reason these games are the most talked about now is due to the fact that they're the biggest hyped so far. Both are building on an existing fanbase ( which would also explain the ferocity in defending them.)
It's pretty sad to see how dedicated the WAR forums are to the failure of AoC as opposed to success of WAR.
I smell complete hypocrasy...only a few zealot posters some of which arent' even WAR fans in the first place are hoping AoC fails. But over half the AoC population constantly posts "WAR is so noob WAR is WoW...WAR is gonna fail its just a clone" etc etc. I see it on random threads ALL the time that have nothing to do with WAR over in the AoC forums (reads both forums tries to avoid posting on AoC) until the AoC open beta started we rarely had threads of this nature here.
Its not our fault haters post BS posts in the WAR forum. The OP isn't even a WAR fan he's been dissing the game for months.
im not checking my damn spelling so kiss my arse Impaler.
You smell complete hypocracy do you? PLEASE go through my post history and find one post where I said: WAR is so noob WAR is WOW... WAR is gonna fail its just a clone" etc etc before you call me a hypocrat (i'm not correct your spelling either ). I'm not saying there aren't plenty of said post, because there most certainly are... I just don't see where you get off calling me a hypocrat when I wasn't making one.
Active: WoW
Semi-retired: STO
Fully retired: UO, EQ, AC, SWG, FFXI, DDO:EU, PoTBS, AoC, EvE
Tried: EQ2, Tabula Rasa, Auto-Assault, Isteria, LotRO, Wizard 101
Looking forward to: Star Citizen
It really just depends...I've seen the movies, never read the books, and had no clue there was an actual following for it at all. I knew there was a huge following for Warhammer. I think the general public probably won't recongize either one that well as a major IP.
Dino..what you said as in generalizing that all the Bad AoC BS that goes on here is a product of WAR fans is crap....if your not a hypocrite than fine but assuming that all the BAD AoC BS that goes on here are WAR fans saying it is hypocritical considering the actual nasty things said about WAR on the AoC forums is from actual AoC fans.
Several WAR fans are actualy interested in Both games...some are on the fence about AoC and some don't care...and a very small minority want to see AoC fail because they're obvious zealots and I don't personally approve of such behavior (i dont like AoC myself BUT i don't want to see it fail variety in MMOs especially successful variety will be a really reallyg ood thing for future MMOs).
course im also high on pain killers so im probably totally using the word out of context today lol
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
This is a joke right? I mean you just said you NEED THE BEST GAMING RIG OUT THERE TO PLAY THE GAME AT 35 FPS.
If this was not a joke , you sir have just confirmed that the game is all but unplayable for 90% of mmor'ers and gamers out there. IF it was a joke then its pretty funny.
the Q6600 it a higher level cpu than the e8400, but slower per core (quad vs duo). ATm with my q6600 (8800gts 512 video card) i can run , 4 instances of wow (max settings, native 1600x 1050 rez) with 60-90 fps. CS:S @ 240-300(max) fps, highest settings lotro with no lag at all, bioshock high (i forget the fps it was high tho), eve in battles at 120-200. All of that and ... 35 fps in AoC? i mean come on. I don't know if this guy is right but the graphics are not that good for it to be takign so many resources... hopefully they will optimize better, but most of it will have to be after release.
Now i am not saying that is true , i am just responding to Praxus here.
Honestly i think AoC looks a ton like a redone daoc and this does make me want to try it out. (liek the characters and movement , fighting etc)
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Actually... I was just quoting that other poster and swapping WAR and AoC to point out that it's the same on both sides. I don't believe for a second that "all BAD AoC BS" is the product of WAR fans. If anything I believe that people who defelct critism of their favored game by writing off detractors as "fanbois" of another game are as much trolls as the haters are. I guess you could say I was trying to make a point by being ironic... if it failed I apologize, sometimes I'm not as clever as I think I am.
Active: WoW
Semi-retired: STO
Fully retired: UO, EQ, AC, SWG, FFXI, DDO:EU, PoTBS, AoC, EvE
Tried: EQ2, Tabula Rasa, Auto-Assault, Isteria, LotRO, Wizard 101
Looking forward to: Star Citizen
WAR has always had a green light. Im a fan of bolth. Unfortunately im in that 90% or whatever that cant play AoC. But i dont want it to fail, at some point maybe i can get a uber machine an play it later. I will say this about the haters tho.. I run around most of the fourms and before the open beta for AoC it was the AoC fans always talking smack about WAR (yes i saw WAR fans talking smack about AoC too, just not as many). I think alot of this has to do with much of the fan base (not all) being very young an hyped up for T&A +18 aspect of it lol. Altho this is far from the only reason many want to play AoC, it does have legit aspects to be a great game. But since the AoC beta opened i have seen alot of people dissing on AoC (an not just war fans) but this is mostly because of the hardware requirements. either way bolth games will probably succeed and do well with the player base they have. flaming about either wont change anything so its kind of pointless. and about the whole not being released in asia or atleast unsure.. good! we should see alot less spam then since thats where a huge part of the gold farmers are. (sorry to the asians that really want to play the game and not be a annoying spammer, if you know any gold farmers in real life i urge you to skull f**k them lol) me love you long time!
ok that was my immature comment of the day... anyways stop going to other games fourms just to give people crap.. just play what you want to play an leave everyone else alone. if i see one more "this game sucks an will fail" post im going to puke. cuz it probably wont fail no matter how much you click your heals an wish for it... this isnt OZ.
The 35 fps is with everything maxxed out. Most people will not be able to do that, unless they have a recent, higher end pc (but still well under $1000).
HOWEVER it still looks great on lower settings. Many will happily run it on low or medium. I was actually very surprised how good it looks on LOW.
And if you do want to run it on high...look, 8800GT's are < 200 bucks now, dual core cpus can be had for 150 bucks than can easily overclock to 3 ghz. It wouldn't cost too much to build a pc that could run this quite well.
how do you know war wont end up being the same?
A lot of faith....,
......aaaaaaaand the fact they are taking a 'play it safe' direction in so far as the engine is concerned. Moment of truth? It looks like they are taking the system behind DAoC and running through a WoW filter with some added features and pretty.
To be completely looks like they paid attention, and are doing to WoW what WoW did to EQ. Take the good, toss out the bad, and throw in some new. Hell, the formulae has already been proven to work in the hands of even the most basic of games.
These other 'wow' clones keep failing because they neglect to 'toss out the bad' or even 'keep the good' in some cases. They just force feed us a game with 9 classes and talents like its some kind of holy grail to success. They don't even bother removing the things that WoW did wrong...or inject anything fresh into the field.
If anything, I'd sell my T.V. right now for the chance to play a game as smooth as WoW (and with its rather LOVELY interface) with some DAoC all up in its grill.
I have a crappy comp
8600 512 p4 3.2 duo
2 gigs ram win xp
get 30-35 fps lol game works fine on mine, love choping ppl with lags heads off !
I'm sorry to those of you who want AoC to fail for whatever reasons you have because this news might make you sad.
I can't wait for the release of AoC and WAR shortly after. Great times are ahead.
To the haters of both games: Get a real job. Nobody likes you even if you are right. Nobody enjoys reading your posts as much as you do.
Wanting it to fail and knowing it will are two different things. I wanted it to own but I now I know it won't. So I'm more sad than anything. If you look at my posts up to OB launch you'd see I was hopeful and excited. All of that dropped the longer I played. As far as failing, the only thing I'm concerned about is whether or not I want to buy it. I don't. But I'm sure there will be a few chaps like you who play it no matter how things go. So it might see some numbers if you call that success.
So far I don't see any reason to believe I'll have good times with either game.
Are you here to win popularity contests? I'm not. I just state my honest opinions rather than try to persuade someone to blindly support unproven games. Real job? ??????????
Wanting it to fail and knowing it will are two different things. I wanted it to own but I now I know it won't. So I'm more sad than anything. If you look at my posts up to OB launch you'd see I was hopeful and excited. All of that dropped the longer I played. As far as failing, the only thing I'm concerned about is whether or not I want to buy it. I don't. But I'm sure there will be a few chaps like you who play it no matter how things go. So it might see some numbers if you call that success.
So far I don't see any reason to believe I'll have good times with either game.
Are you here to win popularity contests? I'm not. I just state my honest opinions rather than try to persuade someone to blindly support unproven games. Real job? ??????????
Well you see i'm an optimist and you are a pessimist.
If I am thinking about going out to try a new restaurant I don't want people outside the door screaming 'This place sucks! I hate the way they cook their chicken! OMG WTF kind of BBQ are they serving?! This restaurant is epic fail!
I would tell those people to get a real job since they have made it theirs to shove their opinions down others throats instead of letting them figure it out for themselves. I would tell them that I don't like them even if the restaurant sucks, and I would tell them that I really would rather drive off a cliff than hear their opinions anymore.
Then I would go into the place and eat a meal and say either 'Damn this sucks.' Or 'I actually like this place i'll be back sometime.'
See? That's what we call a gross generalization. I don't blindy support an unproven game, I support a game which I have actually play-tested myself, and enjoy. Clearly you have done the same, and don't enjoy it, which is fine... but then you toss in a generalization like that, essentially, "My opinions are indisputable fact and if you disagree you are stupid!" and invalidate your otherwise valid position.
Active: WoW
Semi-retired: STO
Fully retired: UO, EQ, AC, SWG, FFXI, DDO:EU, PoTBS, AoC, EvE
Tried: EQ2, Tabula Rasa, Auto-Assault, Isteria, LotRO, Wizard 101
Looking forward to: Star Citizen
Never confuse numbers sold with quality
Have you not seen the warhammer city raid video? It was worse looking then WOW. It was the 2nd to last boss for the huge city pvp raid and it was the lamest thing i have ever seen. The people who were attacking didnt even have to move. 30 people stood still and wacked the boss for 10 min until it died. I saw better fighting in lineage 1. I would post a link to the video but they take it down as soon as i put them up. Most of my friends just put themselves on auto attack and went afk until the fight was over.
Hello Kitty online looks more exciting at the moment
See? That's what we call a gross generalization. I don't blindy support an unproven game, I support a game which I have actually play-tested myself, and enjoy. Clearly you have done the same, and don't enjoy it, which is fine... but then you toss in a generalization like that, essentially, "My opinions are indisputable fact and if you disagree you are stupid!" and invalidate your otherwise valid position.
You're putting words in my mouth. I stated that my opinions are my own. Nothing about indisputable. If you enjoy the game after playing it then you shouldn't care about my negative, personal, opinion. You both obviously don't want there to be a place for negative opinions and would rather people who haven't tried the game to only hear positive things. If you need everyone to be happy about this game for you to have a perfect little time then the problem is with you. I'd rather have balance.
Someone said that the people who love the game are playing it instead of argueing here. So what's up with you guys?
A lot of faith....,
......aaaaaaaand the fact they are taking a 'play it safe' direction in so far as the engine is concerned. Moment of truth? It looks like they are taking the system behind DAoC and running through a WoW filter with some added features and pretty.
To be completely looks like they paid attention, and are doing to WoW what WoW did to EQ. Take the good, toss out the bad, and throw in some new. Hell, the formulae has already been proven to work in the hands of even the most basic of games.
These other 'wow' clones keep failing because they neglect to 'toss out the bad' or even 'keep the good' in some cases. They just force feed us a game with 9 classes and talents like its some kind of holy grail to success. They don't even bother removing the things that WoW did wrong...or inject anything fresh into the field.
If anything, I'd sell my T.V. right now for the chance to play a game as smooth as WoW (and with its rather LOVELY interface) with some DAoC all up in its grill.
why not have faith in funcom to fix all bugs in betea then.....
A lot of faith....,
......aaaaaaaand the fact they are taking a 'play it safe' direction in so far as the engine is concerned. Moment of truth? It looks like they are taking the system behind DAoC and running through a WoW filter with some added features and pretty.
To be completely looks like they paid attention, and are doing to WoW what WoW did to EQ. Take the good, toss out the bad, and throw in some new. Hell, the formulae has already been proven to work in the hands of even the most basic of games.
These other 'wow' clones keep failing because they neglect to 'toss out the bad' or even 'keep the good' in some cases. They just force feed us a game with 9 classes and talents like its some kind of holy grail to success. They don't even bother removing the things that WoW did wrong...or inject anything fresh into the field.
If anything, I'd sell my T.V. right now for the chance to play a game as smooth as WoW (and with its rather LOVELY interface) with some DAoC all up in its grill.
why not have faith in funcom to fix all bugs in betea then.....
Because its not the bugs I have issues with.
Its not even the massive amounts of loading because they had to zone everything off into instanced-style areas. I actually am fine with that, I liked how GW did it...and feel that it was a good choice in order to make the game run this pretty while still having decent performance.
Its the actual direction. I don't need to play anything...I have heard all I needed from the horses mouth himself. Raid gear will be awesomely more powerful than regular gear. PvP gear will be strictly limited in a tier system. Regular gear will suck. In a PvP situation, all players need some form of equal ground. Since PvP gear is going to be so limited...that leaves most of us to raiding to get it. Blizzard tossed the whole "Raid to PvP' thing for a reason. It sucks, players hate it, and it makes no sense as it doesn't reward the player for his preferred style of play...but instead punishes him for it.
Couple that with the mini-games (which, while not required, are still GOING to be there) which will divide the potential pool of players available for massive PvP....the game is a stinker for me based entirely on teh direction the devs have stated they are going with. I've already played through this &%&$ before in WoW...and watched WoW suffer through months and years of changes to try and fix such HORRIBLE mistakes. I'm not suffering through it again, and I'm not playing in a Conan world being made by a person who thinks Raiding is super awesome and should always have the top tier loot.
I like Raiding, but my time with it is DONE. I want no more of it...and I certainly don't want it shoved down my throat as a gate preventing me from doing the OTHER things I want to do. Then, finally, if I DO get to do it (after spending all this money to upgrade my system for this stupid game)...I'm gonna have to deal with the fact that half of the player base is busy in 'mini-games' and can't answer the siege ticket today. I don't have tons of time to play. I'm married, I work, and I write music and help friends with their comics on the side. Either I log on and do what I want THEN...or I don't log on at all. I quit WoW for similar reasons, and I'll not be bothered to rush back into that very same system with a new pretty skin just because.