Ok so I think this might be my first actual post at MMORPG.com. I've been here for a few years though. But anyway didn't anyone else think this Tasos guy came off as a bit of an egotistical jerk? I mean just the way in which he answered the questions it was if he was acting like he and his company are far superior than anyone else. Sorry but to me he just came off as a bit of a prick.
I got the same impression from his first 2-3 answers. He toned it down a bit at the end, but the sour taste remains.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
If you knew abit more on Darkfall history you would know that Darkfall 2001- late 2002 was a totally different game then the one we is awaiting to be released soon. Totally different.
It was also developed by a different company called Razorwax.
Game was remade from scratch 2003.
Nice to see that this is also how Tasos look on it. Guess he is a more accurate source of information then some random guy on the internet.
It sounds like honesty. I don't know how people can say he is being an ego maniac or too defensive when he is faced with questions like "so, people have called your game vaporware, how do you respond?". Give me a break. In fact, that is a very disrespectful question to ask if you want to conduct a serious interview. The interview was hostile and asked very little about the game itself. Despite that, Tasos was able to respond logically. Don't know about most people, but I'd prefer that larger companies would also adopt the Darkfall method of monetary allotment. Most of them spend too damn much on advertisement and damn near all of it turns out to be bull. You want real vaporware? Check out Warhammer online. Age of Conan. They promised many things and delivered someone completely different. In light of that, I simply do not understand the criticisms many people are throwing out there atm.
Because 200+ comments is ridiculous (and proof that this game doesn't need a massive marketing budget...), I'm going to stop reading the thread here and say that Borluc has it right.
I also agree with Borluc. It was hostile questions. Questions based on the unjustiful trolling that been going on over the years here at MMORPG.com. Its like saying we on MMORPG.com believe in the trolls and their aggressive trolling have been the most interesting part over the years. Lets only ask questions based on this.
I'm going to respond to a number of the above quoted posts:
There was absolutely no disrespect intended, and I'm pretty sure that none was percieved by the Aventurine Dev team. I think it would have been extremely disrespectful to ask softball questions when a large number of the members of our community wanted to know the answers to these questions.
Why did I ask Tasos how he responded to those who called the game vaporware? Well, I asked because I thought that it would be nice to know... What Tasos had to say to those accusations. In media, when accusations are made, it's customary to follow up on them and give them people on the other end of the accusations a chance to respond. In this case, Tasos chose to, and I think he did a good job of it too.
I'm not sure what I did here that you think is disrespectful. It's not like Tasos and the team haven't heard the accusations before.... It's not like anyone who reads the article hasn't heard them before... So why not get it out in the open and address it rather than pretending it never happened.
Asking honest questions about the game and its development cycle, especially when it is somehow out of the ordinary (not saying it's bad, just different), isn't trolling, it's looking for information. Frankly, I wouldn't have been doing my job if I hadn't asked those questions.
Next time I'll be sure to find out the name of his favorite band or somethinequally irrelevant to the story.
It sounds like honesty. I don't know how people can say he is being an ego maniac or too defensive when he is faced with questions like "so, people have called your game vaporware, how do you respond?". Give me a break. In fact, that is a very disrespectful question to ask if you want to conduct a serious interview. The interview was hostile and asked very little about the game itself. Despite that, Tasos was able to respond logically. Don't know about most people, but I'd prefer that larger companies would also adopt the Darkfall method of monetary allotment. Most of them spend too damn much on advertisement and damn near all of it turns out to be bull. You want real vaporware? Check out Warhammer online. Age of Conan. They promised many things and delivered someone completely different. In light of that, I simply do not understand the criticisms many people are throwing out there atm.
If someone claims your game vaporware and you snap back calling them losers, you are lowering yourself to the level of those pricks that called him names in the first place. So yeah, he is acting like ego-maniac at worst, or a child at best. In either case, he is not acting like a professional, but like an emotional woman that has her period.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
Really all I got out of this is how much of an ass Tasos is. Throughout the whole interview he had an attitude. Ya well this...ya well that. And oh ya btw we can launch today but we don't want to...
Dream the fuck on...
I've never been a Darkfall fanboi, and I can't say much about the game except that I haven't been impressed by the graphics I've seen thus far. But what I felt from Tasos in that interview wasn't attitude, it was confidence. I didn't mind the way he was responding, in fact I thought that it was refreshing that he wasn't talking like a politician. So many interviews with game designers seem like they are scripted, this didn't.
Tasos earns +1 respect.
I'm still not sure if I will like, or play Darkfall, but I don't doubt it's existance anymore.
I agree.
It's funny how people will try to find any little thing to try to bring down this game. If it's not vaporware, then Tasos is giving attitude and is an ass, and whatever else they manage to think up.
Tasos gave honest answers that were direct and to the point, as opposed to beating around the bush like most companies. This is definitely a plus in my books.
Really all I got out of this is how much of an ass Tasos is. Throughout the whole interview he had an attitude. Ya well this...ya well that. And oh ya btw we can launch today but we don't want to... Dream the fuck on...
So stubborn =( Oh well its better than lolvaporz i suppose.
I have said it time and time again. DF is a great concept and I hope it does well, but Tasos is the worst PR guy they could have picked. He says nothing while trying to claim DF is the greatest game in the world.
If Tasos was so confident why have they not released the "feature complete" "release ready" game yet? Tasos has said almost 2 years ago that the game was ready... He said in Aug of 07 that the game was ready for beta... He said again over the summer that beta was ready again... see a patern here?
Again I sincerely hope the game does well, but for a guy with ZERO... let me repeat... ZERO game experience prior to this project he sure is smug. When he releases a finished project that revolutionizes the industy (He keeps implying it) he can be smug... anything less and he is a failure.
Tasos is to DF what Smedley was to SWG.
- Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.
Really all I got out of this is how much of an ass Tasos is. Throughout the whole interview he had an attitude. Ya well this...ya well that. And oh ya btw we can launch today but we don't want to...
Dream the fuck on...
I've never been a Darkfall fanboi, and I can't say much about the game except that I haven't been impressed by the graphics I've seen thus far. But what I felt from Tasos in that interview wasn't attitude, it was confidence. I didn't mind the way he was responding, in fact I thought that it was refreshing that he wasn't talking like a politician. So many interviews with game designers seem like they are scripted, this didn't.
Tasos earns +1 respect.
I'm still not sure if I will like, or play Darkfall, but I don't doubt it's existance anymore.
Exactly correct.
We need more people on the other side of the DF debate that actually present their negative opinions and concerns about the game with some kind of thought process and mature discussion. Not just ugh he is an ass dream the fuck on lolzvaporz.
They still have to release and prove the game is as good as they say they are.
But there is no doubt that Tasos conducts himself in a way that is refreshing to those of us smart enough to understand it. I much prefer him like you said to the nonsense we got from supposed "well respected" studios like funcom and mythic that released bad games and handled post release poorly. This guy is straight up and HONEST.
And then of course they are not asking for preorders and letting the game speak for itself. That is the point that counts. You cant say they are hiding anything because you think you deserve to be shown stuff before you pay.
We'll see in a couple of days and if we get the same bs then what will be the excuse from the followers? Same goes for the haters... I'm just sick of all of the arguing so let's play something first then we can go from there.
It sounds like honesty. I don't know how people can say he is being an ego maniac or too defensive when he is faced with questions like "so, people have called your game vaporware, how do you respond?". Give me a break. In fact, that is a very disrespectful question to ask if you want to conduct a serious interview. The interview was hostile and asked very little about the game itself. Despite that, Tasos was able to respond logically. Don't know about most people, but I'd prefer that larger companies would also adopt the Darkfall method of monetary allotment. Most of them spend too damn much on advertisement and damn near all of it turns out to be bull. You want real vaporware? Check out Warhammer online. Age of Conan. They promised many things and delivered someone completely different. In light of that, I simply do not understand the criticisms many people are throwing out there atm.
If someone claims your game vaporware and you snap back calling them losers, you are lowering yourself to the level of those pricks that called him names in the first place. So yeah, he is acting like ego-maniac at worst, or a child at best. In either case, he is not acting like a professional, but like an emotional woman that has her period.
Ok so I think this might be my first actual post at MMORPG.com. I've been here for a few years though. But anyway didn't anyone else think this Tasos guy came off as a bit of an egotistical jerk? I mean just the way in which he answered the questions it was if he was acting like he and his company are far superior than anyone else. Sorry but to me he just came off as a bit of a prick.
Dude live in Europe a few years. He was just being direct I am not surpised by the tone of the answers just a cultural difference in communication.
I live in Europe, and have done so for the most part of my life. And no, his attitude is not something that you would expect from someone in his position. But maybe he's convinced that DF can survive on the current community alone. At the rate he and his "followers" are shooing others away, that'll be the way things turn out anyway.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
Good interview, looking forward to news in the next couple days. I liked the way he answered his questions. Apologies for hurting your feelings there Nancy!
Excellent example. *sigh*
A good community. Yeah...but only if you join the "Cult" and don't dare say anything remotely negative. So, here I am again, pointing out something that rubs some people wrong with a statement, at the same time being happy I may finally get to play the game and still, everyone gets all crazy and angry and wants people like me gone from thier game. *shrug*
Maybe Tasos should give some of the -thick- skin to his followers so they don#t explode at the slightest mention of negative things.
A couple things here.
First off, I realize you're not a native English speaker so let me explain to you some words. When someone says 'Several' that means at least three. So if there are 'several hundred people playing the game right now' interpret that as 'at least 300'. Not 'about 100' like you said.
a hundred = one hundred
a couple hundred = two hundred
Several hundred = three to five hundred
The second thing is that 99.99995 of gamers could give a rat's ass about how nice the president of a company is. How nice is the head of Blizzard, or their parent company or the CEO of EA? You don't know, do you? I care about how good the game is going to be, and what level of customer service they provide. There's a word for people who crticize a game because the head of the company is defensive when asked some clearly atagonistic questions, the word is 'troll'.
Imagine going up to the head of BMW and saying 'I have seen pictures of your new car, and have read on line people who have driven it at the test track, but many people think that you haven't even made it, it is just CGI. What do you say to those people?' What's he going to say 'Thank you so much for asking that wonderful question.'?
Wow....this thread is still going. What do you know, you lie down to get some rest and people continue posting about this even after you've closed it off for yourself. Anyway, since people seem to think it amusing and necessary to reply to my statements and continue calling me a troll, I'll reply to this particular gem.
First: Yes, English is not my native language.
Edit: Eliminated the second for being too drowsy to see the connection here XD
Second: Thank you for the explanation of several. I was quite aware of how much that is supposed to be, but also aware that it is a vague term and doesn't really give any firm number, thus is open to interpretation. Furthermore, in another post I made, I basically said that it would be 300 testers, with no more than 100 on-line at the same time. Understand what I was trying to say better now? Or am I not using correct English again?
Yes. People don't give a flying f*** about how -nice- a head of a company is. Does that mean they can't talk about it? Does that mean some people won't think it's a poor choice of wording when someone calls possible future players Trolls and elevates his own community above all others. Notice that many people/developers have a lot of faith in their game, or at least project such faith to the media, but -most- do not put themselves above everything else out there. Tasos does that. Will he have the last laugh if he can actually deliver? Sure. Does he come off as a prick until he actually proves it? Also sure.
And to get to your comparison to BMW. Well...if BMW had announced a new car, about ready to hit the market in 2003, promised test-rides and all that jazz for the current year and then announced it would take longer, but continued to tell everyone it would be the best car in the world and blow the competition out of the water and continue telling these things for 5 years....you'd have to expect someone coming to you and asking that. So the question was asked. How is that surprising? It certainly shouldn't have surprised Tasos and there are a bajillion ways he could have answered that better. But OK, he's super-confident that his game will beat the crap out of every skeptic plus any other game. He's got guts, gotta hand him that.
Now, being done replying to people labelling me a Troll, again, I hope this thread can find a rest and people can stop arguing over these things. Whatever some people may think about the interview, there is a committment now and we should all be happy about that. By the end of the year, things will be a lot clearer and maybe then we can have some normal discussions without negatives being called Trolling immediately and positives being called Fanboi in the same manner.
Funny...I think I already said that two times in this thread, but people obviously only like to see what they want.
Good questions but the interview proves nothing yet again.
This guy is really pushing his luck, the more he talks like this the harder the people are gonna come down on him when there isn't a game in a few days.
Release date was scheduled for 2008. The clock is ticking.
First real interview I've seen on this game and it's unfortunate that it mostly dealing with the PR garbage heap Aventurine has created with their 'marketing'.
I judge developers based on their interviews and I found this one inaccurate (Darkfall was announced 2001, nice attempt with the excuse they began 'development' later) and it was more than a little condescending in tone. The developers should take an apologetic stance for the terrible job they did with marketing, not trying to twist it into some excuse that they planned it all along.
They have 3 weeks to back up this attitude, and the community will remember this interview and expect them to produce a game that does.
Whatever company is building an MMO, they are first and foremost running a BUSINESS. That is, in nature, trying to be profitable so they can grow and expand and become more profitable.
Now, if Darkfall was planned to release in 2008 there would have been business-related activities preceding its release, this is not about MMO, it's about common business practice. One such business practice would be a marketing campaign....... how much marketing have we seen about this game online, in magazines, ...? None.
So, taking my gamer's hat off and putting my "common sense hat" on, this game will not release this year. Will it ever release? I doubt it. I think we'll get a "hahahah gotchyall" message one day about a funny group of greek nerds who pulled the biggest prank in MMO history.
Whatever company is building an MMO, they are first and foremost running a BUSINESS. That is, in nature, trying to be profitable so they can grow and expand and become more profitable. Now, if Darkfall was planned to release in 2008 there would have been business-related activities preceding its release, this is not about MMO, it's about common business practice. One such business practice would be a marketing campaign....... how much marketing have we seen about this game online, in magazines, ...? None. So, taking my gamer's hat off and putting my "common sense hat" on, this game will not release this year. Will it ever release? I doubt it. I think we'll get a "hahahah gotchyall" message one day about a funny group of greek nerds who pulled the biggest prank in MMO history. My 2 cents.
well you obviously know nothing about business. You doubt it will ever get released? wow.....
anyways yes this is a business...but there are different forms of business.
actually this has been discussed to death in other threads today. bottom line you are wrong.
and sorry there has been marketing in magazines...both in paper magazines and online magazines....on television etc as well. so yea wrong again.
check the threads on official boards on onthe mmorpg df site and you can apologize later.
The arrogance some people are talking about comes from the fact that he's portraying an overly confident attitude.
I want to give this guy the benefit from the doubt, but if he's wrong and misses a 2008 release date, people are gonna come down on him really hard and I'm going to agree with them.
I have no problem with people being confident who have shown what they are capable off and have released products with a certain quality.
It does bother me when someone who is put on the spot becomes highly defensive instead of apologetic like he probably should have been. I think if he was less arrogant people wouldn't be so hard on this guy.
Whatever company is building an MMO, they are first and foremost running a BUSINESS. That is, in nature, trying to be profitable so they can grow and expand and become more profitable. Now, if Darkfall was planned to release in 2008 there would have been business-related activities preceding its release, this is not about MMO, it's about common business practice. One such business practice would be a marketing campaign....... how much marketing have we seen about this game online, in magazines, ...? None. So, taking my gamer's hat off and putting my "common sense hat" on, this game will not release this year. Will it ever release? I doubt it. I think we'll get a "hahahah gotchyall" message one day about a funny group of greek nerds who pulled the biggest prank in MMO history. My 2 cents.
well you obviously know nothing about business. You doubt it will ever get released? wow.....
anyways yes this is a business...but there are different forms of business.
actually this has been discussed to death in other threads today. bottom line you are wrong.
and sorry there has been marketing in magazines...both in paper magazines and online magazines....on television etc as well. so yea wrong again.
check the threads on official boards on onthe mmorpg df site and you can apologize later.
Whatever company is building an MMO, they are first and foremost running a BUSINESS. That is, in nature, trying to be profitable so they can grow and expand and become more profitable. Now, if Darkfall was planned to release in 2008 there would have been business-related activities preceding its release, this is not about MMO, it's about common business practice. One such business practice would be a marketing campaign....... how much marketing have we seen about this game online, in magazines, ...? None. So, taking my gamer's hat off and putting my "common sense hat" on, this game will not release this year. Will it ever release? I doubt it. I think we'll get a "hahahah gotchyall" message one day about a funny group of greek nerds who pulled the biggest prank in MMO history. My 2 cents.
well you obviously know nothing about business. You doubt it will ever get released? wow.....
anyways yes this is a business...but there are different forms of business.
actually this has been discussed to death in other threads today. bottom line you are wrong.
and sorry there has been marketing in magazines...both in paper magazines and online magazines....on television etc as well. so yea wrong again.
check the threads on official boards on onthe mmorpg df site and you can apologize later.
see ya in game
hehehe /Yawwwwn
yup common response when you are too stubborn to admit you were wrong.
sorry but you saying they have done no marketing, and your specific example of magazines is factually wrong. more proof that there are people who dont know much about df an just bash it because they think its cool or makesthem feel better. as mentioned in the interview...all you are doing is helping promote the game so keep it up.
Whatever company is building an MMO, they are first and foremost running a BUSINESS. That is, in nature, trying to be profitable so they can grow and expand and become more profitable. Now, if Darkfall was planned to release in 2008 there would have been business-related activities preceding its release, this is not about MMO, it's about common business practice. One such business practice would be a marketing campaign....... how much marketing have we seen about this game online, in magazines, ...? None. So, taking my gamer's hat off and putting my "common sense hat" on, this game will not release this year. Will it ever release? I doubt it. I think we'll get a "hahahah gotchyall" message one day about a funny group of greek nerds who pulled the biggest prank in MMO history. My 2 cents.
well you obviously know nothing about business. You doubt it will ever get released? wow.....
anyways yes this is a business...but there are different forms of business.
actually this has been discussed to death in other threads today. bottom line you are wrong.
and sorry there has been marketing in magazines...both in paper magazines and online magazines....on television etc as well. so yea wrong again.
check the threads on official boards on onthe mmorpg df site and you can apologize later.
see ya in game
hehehe /Yawwwwn
yup common response when you are too stubborn to admit you were wrong.
sorry but you saying they have done no marketing, and your specific example of magazines is factually wrong. more proof that there are people who dont know much about df an just bash it because they think its cool or makesthem feel better. as mentioned in the interview...all you are doing is helping promote the game so keep it up.
its not your fault....its not your fault.....
hehehe /Yawwwnn some more. Marketing campaign is stronger preceeding launch of a PRODUCT. I suggest you buy marketing for dummies and read at least the intrdocution. Oh wait, don't waste your money on the book ... keep it for when the game releases. ha ha ha ha.... over and out.
I'm sorry. Just another interview. More words and nothing else. So much for getting something substantial. The community asked for mmorpg.com to dig in and get substance, preferably into the beta so they could review it the same as the Italian guys supposedly did. Instead, more words.
Sweet jebus man, you've got to start somewhere.
We were told that an announcement was coming in the next few days. This is called laying the groundwork for more in-depth coverage.
you just cant win can you Strad?
give MMORPG a break. at least they managed to get an interview.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds -Solid non level based game -Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
Whatever company is building an MMO, they are first and foremost running a BUSINESS. That is, in nature, trying to be profitable so they can grow and expand and become more profitable. Now, if Darkfall was planned to release in 2008 there would have been business-related activities preceding its release, this is not about MMO, it's about common business practice. One such business practice would be a marketing campaign....... how much marketing have we seen about this game online, in magazines, ...? None. So, taking my gamer's hat off and putting my "common sense hat" on, this game will not release this year. Will it ever release? I doubt it. I think we'll get a "hahahah gotchyall" message one day about a funny group of greek nerds who pulled the biggest prank in MMO history. My 2 cents.
well you obviously know nothing about business. You doubt it will ever get released? wow.....
anyways yes this is a business...but there are different forms of business.
actually this has been discussed to death in other threads today. bottom line you are wrong.
and sorry there has been marketing in magazines...both in paper magazines and online magazines....on television etc as well. so yea wrong again.
check the threads on official boards on onthe mmorpg df site and you can apologize later.
see ya in game
hehehe /Yawwwwn
yup common response when you are too stubborn to admit you were wrong.
sorry but you saying they have done no marketing, and your specific example of magazines is factually wrong. more proof that there are people who dont know much about df an just bash it because they think its cool or makesthem feel better. as mentioned in the interview...all you are doing is helping promote the game so keep it up.
its not your fault....its not your fault.....
hehehe /Yawwwnn some more. Marketing campaign is stronger preceeding launch of a PRODUCT. I suggest you buy marketing for dummies and read at least the intrdocution. Oh wait, don't waste your money on the book ... keep it for when the game releases. ha ha ha ha.... over and out.
and another post where you completely ignore the fact that you were proven wrong.
also they arent producing a product. like someone posted earlier....they are more offering a service than a product, and there is different marketing with that.
and bottom line...its one of the most talked about games on the market right now.....so their marketing is working BETTTER THAN ANY OTHER GAME IN DEVELOPMENT RIGHT NOW. that is also fact, just look at the numbers on this board.
you are CLEARLY here to troll and get a rise out of people with /teheheheheh etc so im done proving you wrong. please keep responding though and bumping this thread. everytime you do its just another front page hit and the more people know about the game.
you are the shining example of the people tasos points out in the interview.....THANKS!
"and another post where you completely ignore the fact that you were proven wrong."
Pretty funny statement since the game is not out yet and no one has playtested it or done a review on it.
Rather hard to prove any one wrong when your entire argument is based on statements only from the mouths of the developers. By now you should have at least gleemed that over hype is common in this industry.
Whether anything, including comments by Tasos, is true, no one will know until the game is out, that is if it comes out.
I got the same impression from his first 2-3 answers. He toned it down a bit at the end, but the sour taste remains.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - pre-WW2 genocide.
If you knew abit more on Darkfall history you would know that Darkfall 2001- late 2002 was a totally different game then the one we is awaiting to be released soon. Totally different.
It was also developed by a different company called Razorwax.
Game was remade from scratch 2003.
Nice to see that this is also how Tasos look on it. Guess he is a more accurate source of information then some random guy on the internet.
Because 200+ comments is ridiculous (and proof that this game doesn't need a massive marketing budget...), I'm going to stop reading the thread here and say that Borluc has it right.
I also agree with Borluc. It was hostile questions. Questions based on the unjustiful trolling that been going on over the years here at MMORPG.com. Its like saying we on MMORPG.com believe in the trolls and their aggressive trolling have been the most interesting part over the years. Lets only ask questions based on this.
I'm going to respond to a number of the above quoted posts:
There was absolutely no disrespect intended, and I'm pretty sure that none was percieved by the Aventurine Dev team. I think it would have been extremely disrespectful to ask softball questions when a large number of the members of our community wanted to know the answers to these questions.
Why did I ask Tasos how he responded to those who called the game vaporware? Well, I asked because I thought that it would be nice to know... What Tasos had to say to those accusations. In media, when accusations are made, it's customary to follow up on them and give them people on the other end of the accusations a chance to respond. In this case, Tasos chose to, and I think he did a good job of it too.
I'm not sure what I did here that you think is disrespectful. It's not like Tasos and the team haven't heard the accusations before.... It's not like anyone who reads the article hasn't heard them before... So why not get it out in the open and address it rather than pretending it never happened.
Asking honest questions about the game and its development cycle, especially when it is somehow out of the ordinary (not saying it's bad, just different), isn't trolling, it's looking for information. Frankly, I wouldn't have been doing my job if I hadn't asked those questions.
Next time I'll be sure to find out the name of his favorite band or somethinequally irrelevant to the story.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
If someone claims your game vaporware and you snap back calling them losers, you are lowering yourself to the level of those pricks that called him names in the first place. So yeah, he is acting like ego-maniac at worst, or a child at best. In either case, he is not acting like a professional, but like an emotional woman that has her period.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - pre-WW2 genocide.
I've never been a Darkfall fanboi, and I can't say much about the game except that I haven't been impressed by the graphics I've seen thus far. But what I felt from Tasos in that interview wasn't attitude, it was confidence. I didn't mind the way he was responding, in fact I thought that it was refreshing that he wasn't talking like a politician. So many interviews with game designers seem like they are scripted, this didn't.
Tasos earns +1 respect.
I'm still not sure if I will like, or play Darkfall, but I don't doubt it's existance anymore.
I agree.
It's funny how people will try to find any little thing to try to bring down this game. If it's not vaporware, then Tasos is giving attitude and is an ass, and whatever else they manage to think up.
Tasos gave honest answers that were direct and to the point, as opposed to beating around the bush like most companies. This is definitely a plus in my books.
So stubborn =( Oh well its better than lolvaporz i suppose.
Cya in game
Click this for lulz: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/173737/page/6
I have said it time and time again. DF is a great concept and I hope it does well, but Tasos is the worst PR guy they could have picked. He says nothing while trying to claim DF is the greatest game in the world.
If Tasos was so confident why have they not released the "feature complete" "release ready" game yet? Tasos has said almost 2 years ago that the game was ready... He said in Aug of 07 that the game was ready for beta... He said again over the summer that beta was ready again... see a patern here?
Again I sincerely hope the game does well, but for a guy with ZERO... let me repeat... ZERO game experience prior to this project he sure is smug. When he releases a finished project that revolutionizes the industy (He keeps implying it) he can be smug... anything less and he is a failure.
Tasos is to DF what Smedley was to SWG.
- Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.
LOL Zorvan, you crack me up!
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - pre-WW2 genocide.
I've never been a Darkfall fanboi, and I can't say much about the game except that I haven't been impressed by the graphics I've seen thus far. But what I felt from Tasos in that interview wasn't attitude, it was confidence. I didn't mind the way he was responding, in fact I thought that it was refreshing that he wasn't talking like a politician. So many interviews with game designers seem like they are scripted, this didn't.
Tasos earns +1 respect.
I'm still not sure if I will like, or play Darkfall, but I don't doubt it's existance anymore.
Exactly correct.
We need more people on the other side of the DF debate that actually present their negative opinions and concerns about the game with some kind of thought process and mature discussion. Not just ugh he is an ass dream the fuck on lolzvaporz.
They still have to release and prove the game is as good as they say they are.
But there is no doubt that Tasos conducts himself in a way that is refreshing to those of us smart enough to understand it. I much prefer him like you said to the nonsense we got from supposed "well respected" studios like funcom and mythic that released bad games and handled post release poorly. This guy is straight up and HONEST.
And then of course they are not asking for preorders and letting the game speak for itself. That is the point that counts. You cant say they are hiding anything because you think you deserve to be shown stuff before you pay.
Click this for lulz: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/173737/page/6
Thank you MMORPG for getting the Interview! Its about time...
Some people rob you at gun point..Others will rob you at "Ball Point Pen"
We'll see in a couple of days and if we get the same bs then what will be the excuse from the followers? Same goes for the haters... I'm just sick of all of the arguing so let's play something first then we can go from there.
Wow I hope he is a god designer because he a piss poor business man. Guess we will all see in a couple weeks; tick tock.
If someone claims your game vaporware and you snap back calling them losers, you are lowering yourself to the level of those pricks that called him names in the first place. So yeah, he is acting like ego-maniac at worst, or a child at best. In either case, he is not acting like a professional, but like an emotional woman that has her period.
it's not your fault
Click this for lulz: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/173737/page/6
Dude live in Europe a few years. He was just being direct I am not surpised by the tone of the answers just a cultural difference in communication.
I live in Europe, and have done so for the most part of my life. And no, his attitude is not something that you would expect from someone in his position. But maybe he's convinced that DF can survive on the current community alone. At the rate he and his "followers" are shooing others away, that'll be the way things turn out anyway.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
Good interview, looking forward to news in the next couple days. I liked the way he answered his questions. Apologies for hurting your feelings there Nancy!
Excellent example. *sigh*
A good community. Yeah...but only if you join the "Cult" and don't dare say anything remotely negative. So, here I am again, pointing out something that rubs some people wrong with a statement, at the same time being happy I may finally get to play the game and still, everyone gets all crazy and angry and wants people like me gone from thier game. *shrug*
Maybe Tasos should give some of the -thick- skin to his followers so they don#t explode at the slightest mention of negative things.
A couple things here.
First off, I realize you're not a native English speaker so let me explain to you some words. When someone says 'Several' that means at least three. So if there are 'several hundred people playing the game right now' interpret that as 'at least 300'. Not 'about 100' like you said.
a hundred = one hundred
a couple hundred = two hundred
Several hundred = three to five hundred
The second thing is that 99.99995 of gamers could give a rat's ass about how nice the president of a company is. How nice is the head of Blizzard, or their parent company or the CEO of EA? You don't know, do you? I care about how good the game is going to be, and what level of customer service they provide. There's a word for people who crticize a game because the head of the company is defensive when asked some clearly atagonistic questions, the word is 'troll'.
Imagine going up to the head of BMW and saying 'I have seen pictures of your new car, and have read on line people who have driven it at the test track, but many people think that you haven't even made it, it is just CGI. What do you say to those people?' What's he going to say 'Thank you so much for asking that wonderful question.'?
Wow....this thread is still going. What do you know, you lie down to get some rest and people continue posting about this even after you've closed it off for yourself. Anyway, since people seem to think it amusing and necessary to reply to my statements and continue calling me a troll, I'll reply to this particular gem.
First: Yes, English is not my native language.
Edit: Eliminated the second for being too drowsy to see the connection here XD
Second: Thank you for the explanation of several. I was quite aware of how much that is supposed to be, but also aware that it is a vague term and doesn't really give any firm number, thus is open to interpretation. Furthermore, in another post I made, I basically said that it would be 300 testers, with no more than 100 on-line at the same time. Understand what I was trying to say better now? Or am I not using correct English again?
Yes. People don't give a flying f*** about how -nice- a head of a company is. Does that mean they can't talk about it? Does that mean some people won't think it's a poor choice of wording when someone calls possible future players Trolls and elevates his own community above all others. Notice that many people/developers have a lot of faith in their game, or at least project such faith to the media, but -most- do not put themselves above everything else out there. Tasos does that. Will he have the last laugh if he can actually deliver? Sure. Does he come off as a prick until he actually proves it? Also sure.
And to get to your comparison to BMW. Well...if BMW had announced a new car, about ready to hit the market in 2003, promised test-rides and all that jazz for the current year and then announced it would take longer, but continued to tell everyone it would be the best car in the world and blow the competition out of the water and continue telling these things for 5 years....you'd have to expect someone coming to you and asking that. So the question was asked. How is that surprising? It certainly shouldn't have surprised Tasos and there are a bajillion ways he could have answered that better. But OK, he's super-confident that his game will beat the crap out of every skeptic plus any other game. He's got guts, gotta hand him that.
Now, being done replying to people labelling me a Troll, again, I hope this thread can find a rest and people can stop arguing over these things. Whatever some people may think about the interview, there is a committment now and we should all be happy about that. By the end of the year, things will be a lot clearer and maybe then we can have some normal discussions without negatives being called Trolling immediately and positives being called Fanboi in the same manner.
Funny...I think I already said that two times in this thread, but people obviously only like to see what they want.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Good questions but the interview proves nothing yet again.
This guy is really pushing his luck, the more he talks like this the harder the people are gonna come down on him when there isn't a game in a few days.
Release date was scheduled for 2008. The clock is ticking.
First real interview I've seen on this game and it's unfortunate that it mostly dealing with the PR garbage heap Aventurine has created with their 'marketing'.
I judge developers based on their interviews and I found this one inaccurate (Darkfall was announced 2001, nice attempt with the excuse they began 'development' later) and it was more than a little condescending in tone. The developers should take an apologetic stance for the terrible job they did with marketing, not trying to twist it into some excuse that they planned it all along.
They have 3 weeks to back up this attitude, and the community will remember this interview and expect them to produce a game that does.
Whatever company is building an MMO, they are first and foremost running a BUSINESS. That is, in nature, trying to be profitable so they can grow and expand and become more profitable.
Now, if Darkfall was planned to release in 2008 there would have been business-related activities preceding its release, this is not about MMO, it's about common business practice. One such business practice would be a marketing campaign....... how much marketing have we seen about this game online, in magazines, ...? None.
So, taking my gamer's hat off and putting my "common sense hat" on, this game will not release this year. Will it ever release? I doubt it. I think we'll get a "hahahah gotchyall" message one day about a funny group of greek nerds who pulled the biggest prank in MMO history.
My 2 cents.
well you obviously know nothing about business. You doubt it will ever get released? wow.....
anyways yes this is a business...but there are different forms of business.
actually this has been discussed to death in other threads today. bottom line you are wrong.
and sorry there has been marketing in magazines...both in paper magazines and online magazines....on television etc as well. so yea wrong again.
check the threads on official boards on onthe mmorpg df site and you can apologize later.
see ya in game
Click this for lulz: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/173737/page/6
The arrogance some people are talking about comes from the fact that he's portraying an overly confident attitude.
I want to give this guy the benefit from the doubt, but if he's wrong and misses a 2008 release date, people are gonna come down on him really hard and I'm going to agree with them.
I have no problem with people being confident who have shown what they are capable off and have released products with a certain quality.
It does bother me when someone who is put on the spot becomes highly defensive instead of apologetic like he probably should have been. I think if he was less arrogant people wouldn't be so hard on this guy.
well you obviously know nothing about business. You doubt it will ever get released? wow.....
anyways yes this is a business...but there are different forms of business.
actually this has been discussed to death in other threads today. bottom line you are wrong.
and sorry there has been marketing in magazines...both in paper magazines and online magazines....on television etc as well. so yea wrong again.
check the threads on official boards on onthe mmorpg df site and you can apologize later.
see ya in game
hehehe /Yawwwwn
well you obviously know nothing about business. You doubt it will ever get released? wow.....
anyways yes this is a business...but there are different forms of business.
actually this has been discussed to death in other threads today. bottom line you are wrong.
and sorry there has been marketing in magazines...both in paper magazines and online magazines....on television etc as well. so yea wrong again.
check the threads on official boards on onthe mmorpg df site and you can apologize later.
see ya in game
hehehe /Yawwwwn
yup common response when you are too stubborn to admit you were wrong.
sorry but you saying they have done no marketing, and your specific example of magazines is factually wrong. more proof that there are people who dont know much about df an just bash it because they think its cool or makesthem feel better. as mentioned in the interview...all you are doing is helping promote the game so keep it up.
its not your fault....its not your fault.....
Click this for lulz: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/173737/page/6
well you obviously know nothing about business. You doubt it will ever get released? wow.....
anyways yes this is a business...but there are different forms of business.
actually this has been discussed to death in other threads today. bottom line you are wrong.
and sorry there has been marketing in magazines...both in paper magazines and online magazines....on television etc as well. so yea wrong again.
check the threads on official boards on onthe mmorpg df site and you can apologize later.
see ya in game
hehehe /Yawwwwn
yup common response when you are too stubborn to admit you were wrong.
sorry but you saying they have done no marketing, and your specific example of magazines is factually wrong. more proof that there are people who dont know much about df an just bash it because they think its cool or makesthem feel better. as mentioned in the interview...all you are doing is helping promote the game so keep it up.
its not your fault....its not your fault.....
hehehe /Yawwwnn some more. Marketing campaign is stronger preceeding launch of a PRODUCT. I suggest you buy marketing for dummies and read at least the intrdocution. Oh wait, don't waste your money on the book ... keep it for when the game releases. ha ha ha ha.... over and out.
Sweet jebus man, you've got to start somewhere.
We were told that an announcement was coming in the next few days. This is called laying the groundwork for more in-depth coverage.
you just cant win can you Strad?
give MMORPG a break. at least they managed to get an interview.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
well you obviously know nothing about business. You doubt it will ever get released? wow.....
anyways yes this is a business...but there are different forms of business.
actually this has been discussed to death in other threads today. bottom line you are wrong.
and sorry there has been marketing in magazines...both in paper magazines and online magazines....on television etc as well. so yea wrong again.
check the threads on official boards on onthe mmorpg df site and you can apologize later.
see ya in game
hehehe /Yawwwwn
yup common response when you are too stubborn to admit you were wrong.
sorry but you saying they have done no marketing, and your specific example of magazines is factually wrong. more proof that there are people who dont know much about df an just bash it because they think its cool or makesthem feel better. as mentioned in the interview...all you are doing is helping promote the game so keep it up.
its not your fault....its not your fault.....
hehehe /Yawwwnn some more. Marketing campaign is stronger preceeding launch of a PRODUCT. I suggest you buy marketing for dummies and read at least the intrdocution. Oh wait, don't waste your money on the book ... keep it for when the game releases. ha ha ha ha.... over and out.
and another post where you completely ignore the fact that you were proven wrong.
also they arent producing a product. like someone posted earlier....they are more offering a service than a product, and there is different marketing with that.
and bottom line...its one of the most talked about games on the market right now.....so their marketing is working BETTTER THAN ANY OTHER GAME IN DEVELOPMENT RIGHT NOW. that is also fact, just look at the numbers on this board.
you are CLEARLY here to troll and get a rise out of people with /teheheheheh etc so im done proving you wrong. please keep responding though and bumping this thread. everytime you do its just another front page hit and the more people know about the game.
you are the shining example of the people tasos points out in the interview.....THANKS!
Click this for lulz: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/173737/page/6
"and another post where you completely ignore the fact that you were proven wrong."
Pretty funny statement since the game is not out yet and no one has playtested it or done a review on it.
Rather hard to prove any one wrong when your entire argument is based on statements only from the mouths of the developers. By now you should have at least gleemed that over hype is common in this industry.
Whether anything, including comments by Tasos, is true, no one will know until the game is out, that is if it comes out.