To me, TL2 mastered one of the great arts in good games: make it fun with as little restriction as possible.
They succeeded in that, and to me this is the most important part. I am not really into the graphics, although I get accustomed to them, I …
Originally posted by crazynanny
In every single MMO game out there the stuff I earn during playing is worth nothing, in D3 I can sell it(in both cases legally that is). No matter how low farmers will try to undercut, I can do it more and still get…
and if Blizzard takes a small cut from the transaction in the process, so much the better.
Why do most of the players ignore that it is not only Blizzard, it's Ebay (through Paypal). For me, this makes it even worse, but I am one of thos id…
Originally posted by Supersoups
Originally posted by Mupf
WoW wouldn't be dying if the producers would have at least some kind of clue where they want to go with it. But they obviously don't, at least concerning gaming issues, concerning mone…
WoW wouldn't be dying if the producers would have at least some kind of clue where they want to go with it. But they obviously don't, at least concerning gaming issues, concerning money issues they do just fine.
I am pretty sure an MMO can survive…
Lifting NDA would be good? No, not if you had the chance of seeing what happened during the betas of Rift. What seemed to be a good thing then, looking back it was the worst decision they could have made. The best Rift I played was Beta2, then... th…
Hating to answer to your hated example, oh concerned thread starter: WoW Vanilla had tons of quest chains, I am not sure what kind of Classic WoW you played. Ever tried to get access to one of the classic endgame dungeons? Black Rock anyone? Molten …
Originally posted by Papamac After the official announcement of each and every expansion to WoW, posters on this board have predicted its doom.
They have been wrong on every occasion.
No one in this thread has predicted its doom if I read…
So Pandaren are the feature most asked for, and this is supposed to be an explanation?
A game designer should have learned that what his community is asking for the most, is in most cases not a good idea. Esp Blizzard should have learned this when…
WoW is totally dead, it just feeds on its own myth.
Imagine the game with its recent mechanisms would be published just now by some unknown company. The response would be hilarious.
A zombified game, just like the casual/pro-discussion.
Dear Gaming-Industry... what in the seven kingdoms is wrong with you?
First Blizzivision comes along with a RMAH, now this.
For me a game, esp one in which I play a different character, is about NOT having my real world around me. I want to be i…
Me and at least two of my friends won't buy the game because of that. You can throw arguments around as much as you want, RMT is not supposed to be a part of the actual game, in no way.
It's game ethics, not economics, that are my reasons for deny…
I was really looking forward to Rift, but the leveling process was so shallow and un-epic, that I stopped playing even before reaching endgame once.
And now XP for Half-Birthday... guys... -.-
my body (and yours) consist of, what, more than 90% water? Which makes us a nothing more than a puddle of water?
Break it down, analyse it, to most of the people i met ingame and on forums the rift-system is exactly the kind of thing …