It depends on what you like about exploring. If you can think of a set-up that makes you look forward to exploring in a new game, then maybe it's just boredom with your games. If it's difficult to imagine one that would interest you, then mmos likel…
I think the most viable living virtual world, where you feel the impact of time and player actions, would be mostly text based, honestly. Which may be hard within the high fantasy genre (graphics > text + setting issues) but very doable (and even…
If I decide to take a break from a f2p game I'm not paying for something I'm not using.
I only play when I feel like it, not because I want to make it "worth" what I spent.
It leaves me open to trying other games as well, rather than committed to …
P2P right now is basically the Blockbuster to F2P's Netflix.
Also out society revolves around convenience, so I really don't see that trend going anywhere, anytime soon. Like, even when people cry about wanting a challenging game, they want that ch…
Originally posted by chrisatron
Look, if you don't have the time to commit to an MMO then you shouldn't play an MMO, simple.
I don't have the time to put into EVE, it doesn't mean I should complain that their game is too difficult and demand t…
Kickstarter is for developing and publishing products in mind. You can help fund a kickstarter without actually getting the product or service, depending on what you contribute.
Pre-order is with consumption primarily in mind.
Objectively, they ar…
Nowhere in the OP do you bring up specific games or examples. Best to use facts instead of feelings when making statements like this. That said few people actually think f2p games are some sort of benevolent charity rather than a business model crea…
It can be a pain to die a lot, but it makes finding the correct strategy more rewarding. Personal stories in GW2 can be ridic, especially if you're soloing it, but when I get stuck, I just leave that part alone for a bit and think of a different way…
MMOs don't need a savior. GW2 is simply a good game that's extremely approachable, which really should be enough for anyone who wants to play it. As for zealotry, you find that everywhere, it's the nature of the fan. Honestly, in these forums at lea…
Casual and committed generally don't go hand in hand. I call myself a casual player even if I'm playing quite a bit, because my playstyle is basically "whateva, whateva, I do what I want!" Which generally doesn't involve committing myself to a sched…
That high world completion -is- pretty impressive, but I imagine they're missing a lot along the way. I'm less concerned about the firsties and benchmarks than about the people who rush to eighty and then complain about getting there too quickly.
I defiinitely do not think its an irl age thing. For one, "internet" and "gamer" age play more into how mature someone seems online. It's very easy to mistake someone's real age just by how they act online. Also, I think older gamers can be just as …
People who want a game to fail because they disagree with its design have the worst sort of First World mentality. It speaks of a very troubling disconnect between entertainment and reality, as well as shallow priorities.
Ahahahaha ~ it was a good laugh indeed ~ it's nice to know that the more things change the more they stay the same.…