It was worth playing when it was released. I played from day one up to release of BC and I can honestly say it was the best time I have ever had in a game and I don't think anything will top it ( apart from maybe World of Starcraft .
I got a 1 mo…
In an MMO, players make the story.
In a singleplayer game, the devs make the story and the players follows it.
The more I read about this game, the more I think of it as a singleplayer game.
Sandbox gameplay and MMOs are made for eachother.
I dont know about other people but whenever I see an any kind of Roleplaying in an MMO I just start cracking up. I cant take these people who sit behind their desks at their computers typing crap like "Thou shalt feel the cold edge of my blade upon …
COme on though, the developers must have seen how shit their game is while they were developing it? WHy waste your time developing a game like that.
And some people say WoW has crap graphics...
LOL people actually pay money to play that shit?
I don;t know much about that game though so dont know if people pay monthly for it. So the real question should really be:
"People actually play that shit?"
Originally posted by reinis
Ok, if this is real i will quit WoW and start to play SWG, ofcourse i mean if old SWG pre-CU
Hope SOE don't lie about this
Well we have no reason to doubt SOE, they have never lied before.
And you should really rea…
I was looking forward to a change from World of Warcraft. As I am familiar with Dungeons and Dragons I thought this game would be a refreshing change - most notably the graphics. I was looking forward to being able to explore a brand new world that …
Hmmm is WOW having some kind of mass exodus?
I hope so. I got sick of the Blizzard Fan boys and 12 year olds ruining the community with their constant immaturity and whining. And me and my brother both found that the game economy and crafting syste…
Originally posted by Elnator
And here's an interesting twist:
We just added 4 people to the guild last night... 3 of them left WOW to play SWG...
Same here. Me and my brother are leaving WoW to play SWG too but our copies havent arrived yet.