elocke said:
Haha, PC players! Sucks to be u. Loving it on PS4 and no hacks at all!
Unfortunately, this information stored on a PS4 can be edited on the way out through a proxy. Not the same hacks as PC, but there will be plenty…
A lot of kids couldn't bring themselves to read the full story without crying about DLC prices. Until March you can buy the season pass which will be the same price for ALL the currently planned DLC. After March it goes up to $50.00. You have an ex…
I was perma-banned from the forums for telling them why I was going to quit archeage during the hack-fest. I didn't cuss, I didn't call anyone names, and I wasn't aggressive. At the same time, there were dozens of other posts cussing them out for …
Animations drive me crazy in combat.. Hip twist stuff was one of my main annoyances animations wise.
Un-responsive dodging. I dodge, still get dead
The two types of monsters. The ones that kill you in 4 hits and the ones that you kill in 4 hi…
This has to be in regards to wildstar still being sub based. The devs of that game are barely clinging on to that fantasy thinking drop 6 is going to bring people back. They COMPLETELY missed their mark and insist to keep it aimed in the same direc…
I just wish they would bring in some kind of tank and healer action.. Doesn't have to be a complete trinity but a functional healer would peak my interest a lot more in this game. Right now its just DPS fast enough to kill before you mess up an ev…
I decided to finally try out the expansion. paid my 55 dollars and couldn't log in. I realized that it didnt come with a subscription!
So this expansion really costs $70.00. I laughed and put in for a refund which I received last night.
I cant wait for the updates, I loved the game, but was frustrated with veteran content. When i say LOVED, i loved the content, graphics, and combat. What I didnt like with the combat was the jacked up tank/healer/dps roles. I really hope that is sq…