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  • I am a LOTR fan of the books and movies and find this MMORPG a vanilla version of WOW.  Picture every aspect of WOW just downsized.  Between LOTR and Vanguard, this year is starting to look bleak.  If you get into the stress test this weekend you wi…
  • Is it possible that Anarchy Online will get bumped as the worst game launched.  There has  been some stiff competition in the past but they have managed to hold on.  Even though Funcom put the FU in Fun, I think Dark and Light might be the new reign…
  • This game was good for something then.  To bad mine is in some landfill.  It would be easy to find the disk by following the strongest stench. the patches and attempted fixes are equivalent to polishing a turd.  They might get it shiny but its sti…
  • After playing the game for 2 months I have to agree with the OP.  RL skills can only do so much for pvp the rest is trained skills to outfit a ship.  My RL skills wont allow me to address my maxed cpu or put better shields on.  I will need to train …
  • At least the sales and marketing department at Sony excels.  To bad thier customer support and develement teams are so poor.  It seems to be the way of the future for Sony games. I cancelled my EQ2 account when they introdued the pizza advertiseme…
  • This game needs more than major reworks to make it fun.  Maybe if they started from scratch and though about game play it might succeed. How anyone could be excited about this POS game is beyond me, but more power to you.  I just wonder how long i…
  • Originally posted by Jd1680a If Horizons was free, CP Baker would pull its funding to Tulga Games.  Once that happens, Horizons will shut down and Tulga Games will fold. And the MMORPG world would be a happier place
  • Originally posted by Kibs Yes if you read it they are in development features. So of course they arnt ingame yet, or they wouldnt be on the in development section The sad part is these basic features were suppose to be in shortly after going …
  • Uninstalling the game would be the best tip I can offer
    in Hello Comment by Morax August 2005
  • Originally posted by Afify Hmm make this game offline and let this Online MMorpg die! theres no point in saveing a crapy game There are a few turds in the punchbowl like this game, Horizons and Saga or Ryzom.  I am amazed that such crappy games…
  • Thats a very optimistic view of Horizons.  Other than reparing bridges, machines there is nothing unique to Horizons.  I am not sure how you can compare such a wannabe game to both eq2 and wow.  I have played all 3 games (currently playing wow) and …
    in Funny how... Comment by Morax July 2005
  • "Dragon lairs are a top development priority now, apparently.  One reason they are not in the game yet is that Tulga has refused to go with cheap and easy alternatives and want lairs to be done well.  Lairs will be actual tunnels and caves inside mo…
  • What sad days these are when a shell of a game gets a 7.4.  At least the ratings are consistant, there are a few bad games with high ratings.
  • I canceled my 2 accounts and it wasnt to bad.  I do not like the fact you have to call in to cancel.  I have never played a game that made you do that.  This game will still be around as it has enough fans, but I think accounts will start droppin…
  • Originally posted by Wharg0ul don't let the door hit ya in teh ass. A typical fan boy response.  You try to post why there are problems with the game and what is lacking only to be followed up with immature comments.  Everyone has thier own o…
  • I am also amazed how this game can have such a high rating.  Before the rabid fanboys dismiss this I have played the game and quit before I reached 50.  I couldnt take the game anymore.  There really isnt much good about the game that I found.  I…
  •   Copeland is actually somehow right. This is not unusual strategy. It's not that long time ago, that almost all US based airlines went through similar process. You enter it as troubled company on side, exit as highly successful, debt free (or alm…
  • Originally posted by Copeland This is a typical strategy employed by small companies with high startup costs. Absolutely nothing surprising here. This game will survive longer than EQ2 or WoW as it should.. It is a better game. I do not think…
  • I have to agree with the post saying hacker rule pve and pvp at higher levels.  My group of friends are all 45+ and with tons of cash and we tried different combos to see what the best pvp loadout was.  The hacker owned all other skill loadouts.  Mo…
  • The game does not get any better at higher levels.  I am level 42 and finding it harder and harder to log into the game.  The missions are the same, with the mobs changing about every 10 levels.  There is no  economy in this game and info is almost …