Well I'm biased. I look at WAR, then AoC, look at videos, interviews, dev diaries, etc, and wonder how anyone could POSSIBLY rate WAR higher on here.
Gameplay > graphics
By not including alien races it allows for many many randomly generated planets where we, the players can colonize them.
Then again why not randomly generate aliens on some planets to! think Star Ship Troopers where they just live in caves and shi…
Originally posted by Petzen
Oh and btw: The graphics look like that because that is what Warhammer always has been like and probably always will. They are not aimed towards any specific region.
Exactly, would of thought that was obvious.
That login screen was showing us something more that just that, it was showing us the Lighting tool Mythic have just added to the Game Engine.
Just you wait until they release some ingame vids with it!
Originally posted by Chthonios
What a child.
Guess I'll just wait for AoC then.
Remind us who's the child again? seem to me like your having a bit of a paddy.
Enjoy AoC.
Nooooooo food please! i dropped cooking at school and i still don't enjoy making bread and muffins and shit. maby they could put a pizza hut in each capital city?
Erm this video is almost 6 months old and was pre alpha! does you brain not function correctly or something? how can you not understand this is a demo not intended to amaze you, the "weird view" is because the cam is in free mode.
I think you sho…
God give me strength.......
The game is looking great indeed! i want to see more of the Empire please, MORE I SAY!!!
just look at the fine details put into this horse, particually around the head...
Originally posted by nakedone
Originally posted by godpuppet
Americans came late in the war... They came just when they realised they couldnt profitize from the situation any longer...
Just in time to save your country, kid.
you c…
Try thinking of the development of a game kinda like painting a picture... Firstly you sketch some rough outlines of whatever it is your painting (the game on paper), then you add the primary colours basic shades ect, so you can say 'yes this goes h…
There are just some really sad, sad, people out there whom obviously dont know what the word 'fun' means. its a tru shame but just ignore them, take pitty in them, im not a VG follower but i say the game looks amazing!
For anyone who moans.... …