BillMurphy said:
Ozmodan said:
I just avoid all Trion games now. They have no interest in publishing fun games anymore, their only interest is how much money they can extract from their player base.
You say that, yet Trov…
tawess said:
had they said SP game or some kind of co-op i would be interested.
But a crowdfunded MMO.... From a new studio.... Way to much of a risk for me to contribute to.
But i wish them the best of luck.
It's …
I didn't read enough when I paid for it. I thought it was eq next but I guess I'll be trying landmark. I'm betting I'm not the only loser who didn't read close enough.
Originally posted by Rockniss
Right to the cartoony style and the thing I like about his answers is you get the feeling they are going to do what they are going to do, fans/gamers shouldn't be calling the shots, what would happen if fans called all…
Will you make more then just the story line worth playing? Really the class system sucks, way too restrictive. I'd like to shoot lighting and use a light sabre this isn't WoW. Combat dull at best. Armor design looks like you have WoW mixed with some…
For some they like to carry the team.
you have givers, people who try to balance and you have takers
Givers would be fine being over powered compared to the others. They're happy as long as the mission was completed.
You sounds like you view the…