Drink as much water as you can before you pass out. I generally drink at least a 750ml wine bottle full. Then when you wake up do the same thing. Coffee or OJ seems to help alittle too.
Hey I have no idea what your story is about, but I would be happy to check it for technical problems, aka physics, chemistry or engineering type stuff. I read dozens of books on space, not sci-fi books although I’ve read tons of those too, real bo…
Originally posted by Enigma you two are defending/crusading yourselves awefully hard for something that isn't a big deal to me. During my transition, I grew a really thick skin against hate and bigotry so your hatred really falls on deaf ears here.
How much off time do you actually get on a rig? I always had the impression that worker's did nothing but eat/sleep/work 24/7?
Yes pretty much, I work 12 hours a day, they feed us 5 times a day, the normal schedule is to eat breakfast at…
edited because I tried to to post a huge spreadsheet and clearly thats not going to work... Anyway I have the answer to your blood question and have attached my findings.
Do you feel bad when the baby seals die?
Do you?
Hmm unfortunately, the real answer is rather boring, there are no seals here, in fact there all almost no animals. I’m up in the north end of the inlet and the silt from all the rivers …
All things in moderation, I think that generally using a term like Should Not is bad form when making an argument. The same form of argument can be made against video games, teenage sex and even things like learning to drive a car. Age is only a…
CIA? what the hell are you babbling about? Brein shut them down. Anyway pirate bay is being sold so it's dying too. I'm not sure if you guys understand how these torrents work but all the major sites feed off of each others similar tracker files…
Maybe he is talking about the steady increase in federal power in this country that has been going on for decades. Obama hasn’t really done much yet to add to this power but he doesn’t seem to being trying to stop it. Bush did an enormous amount o…
Rush Limbaugh is not the de facto head of the Republican Party. I take offense when the grand old party is deified by its fringe members. It’s true that right now the Republican Party is going through a bit of an identity crisis. The party is try…
Looks like another IE vulnerability,
Think though of the possibility.
Perhaps the reason Fox is free of the hacks
Is similar to why Mac is free from attacks
Because of its low market visibility.
Why is voting independent useless? If you live in a state that is solidly blue or red your vote doesn't technically matter anyway. One more vote for candidates that get millions of votes is nothing. Voting for a candidate who only gets a few…
Another reason not to play MMorpgs. Seriously though what are hoped to find out with this discussion. Your chances of getting caught? Your right that right now the chance is practically nothing. Within the next ten years I think that the gold sellin…
It's sad to see a great politician like this be reduced to this because of corruption. Ted Stevens did great things for Alaska and the country, and all he will be remembered for is his "series of tubes" speech, bridge to nowhere, and his seven count…
There is no mystery over what happened on 9/11, you conspiracy nut jobs need to just move on and find something else to bitch and moan about. Seriously you’re just being pathetic. There’s no possible way that the government could pull off a consp…