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  • i rarely write but that one made me lol
  • Originally posted by windstrike1 I will defend your honor Habbo!    I have no idea what this game is but I found windstrikes post hilarious!
  • interesting topic, i was just thinking the other day how much i really hated guild wars, but i have never seen a game release so smooth and run so well even on my lousy computer at the time.  it was very creative and amazingly free.  its probably on…
  • Originally posted by WakingPulse Originally posted by firsttimer And that is the reason NDAs exist. Have you ever seen how much a game can change in a few months? Obviously not. agreed, beta is beta, things can change drastically, ive…
  • it will probably be simlar to darkfall in game mechanics if it were to come out.  just speculation of course.  i have no idea what the future holds but I would not mind seeing it tried.  if it sucks then just toss it in the bin with the other 90% of…
  • Someday someone will get the balls to make UO 2, and actually follow through with it, I just hope they remember that gameplay is everything.  Darkfall is the only hope I have left, if it fails im going back to free t2a UO servers. 
  • Ya today i observed them hiring for "top secret" projects.  WoW 2 would be bad juju, Diablo shouldnt be turned into a standard mmo yet so id say starcraft.  You can really add alot of stuff in a sci fi mmo.  they could have space combat on top of th…
  • Look what happened to UO when they made trammel....it sucked.  Darkfall developers have mentioned before that DF is for a targeted audience.  I dont have the link but I swear it said they were planning 2 servers, one for the US and for Europe.  That…
  • I think you guys both bring up good points.....sometimes I get so sucked into darkfall that I forget to really check the features of other games these days.  Even if Darkfall were to release plagued with bugs, I sadly would attempt to stick it out, …
  • I hear what you are saying, even in WoW I found elements of skill I just felt like UO really took me to the edge of my seat.  In UO I was only an average pvper, there were some people I was not going to beat often, but every now and then I would be …
  • UO was skill based in the sense of timing.  For example, 2 characters with maxed skills fight each other,  the other one has better timing of spells and better spell combos.  So its sort of like, this is a horrible example, but lets say counter stri…
  • first off it will be a fresh of breath air because the game mechanics havent been done like that in a long time.....and when the game comes out it will be new, who cares how long it was developed.  Im not saying it will come out, because lets face i…
  • I like how one person mentioned that we don't know anything about the game, and we are speculating about everything.  No shit lol.  Why even have these forums then?  No one knows anything about anything.  Remember wish?  Wish kind of reminded me of …
  • one of the first things i mentioned in myk orginal post was that its not for everyone and the majority dont like it, however there is a market for it.  if it is done right you dont really lose anything cause nothing is of great value.  its kind of l…
  • Full loot is not scary at all guys.  Have you ever played a full loot game?  Once again going back to UO...the value of items is low.  It is that simple.  People who play item based games can't comprehend full loot cause they think, "omg i just spen…
  • Originally posted by MrVicchio Since I got into a bit of a tussle with a few DFF (dark fall faithful) after cruising into that thread here about the WAR pushback...   I decided to look into DF and ask a few questions.   1.  Why the faithful follo…
  • someone mentioned it before i think, but they post dev journals 1-2 times a month....same thing as a news letter.  whether the information is of great value can be argued, but i find them interesting.   edit:  you beat me to it, was eating break…
  • If i had to compare hgl to any other game out there, it would be diablo 2.  However i liked diablo 2 much better.  Hellgate London just didnt draw me in as much and think that is cause I like the fantasy period more than sci fi.  I found myself look…
  • In UO on several free servers.   1) often kept a rune on my house that led to certain death, as mentioned above...also used to have a rune marked buccs den but it went to brit. 2) tinker traps boxes, it got so bad with these around brit bank k…