Originally posted by Bl4ck3nD Originally posted by TyvolusNext Originally posted by snapfusion Originally posted by Syno23 You said it in SW:TOR you said it on all other MMOs that came out. That you weren't getting a challenge. Well, that t…
If by support you mean sit back and do nothing but spam spwells that generate green numbers, I can't say I sympathize.
I play a support guardian, but I make it a point to help my group out through pumpng out as much danage as I can while buggig the…
I'll bet anyone in this thread $500 the OP can't even locate an open world dungeon. Hint: There's one in a 20ish zone. So if he missed it, then his boredom is probably caused by his tunnelvision.
ITT: Lowbies who haven't been to Straits.
Look forward to seeing you all moaning about I CAN'T MAKE IT TO THE WAYPOINTS /WRISTS, as has been going on for the past 48 hours.
Also, go do the open map ungeons solo, and then get back to me about ho…
Maybe I watched a different video, but the warrior and the elementalist took most of the damage in almost every situation. The Guardian just bummed around and did shitty damage in melee.
Could be worse. Could be Funcom and TSW who not only has a subscription, but also has a cash shop and is subject to all the speculation in this thread made by TSW players. Not doing too hot, add some flavor to the shop so people invest more in FC po…
Generally when you use extremely common, overused names like the ones you listed, you run into this problem. Not one of my six toons had to change names.
I have seen Aryans in every single game I've played across multiple servers, for example. A li…
Originally posted by ethion Unfortunately I think the game will die off dramatically a couple months after launch. It is a great single player game in that you have a very thilling game play storyline that is definitely gonna thrill people. But wh…
That's funny because they had to oversimplify the stat and mod system due to dazed, confused and stupid WoWtype beta testers.
And I see very little mention on the stats you start havng to focus on post-30 in here. I sense a troll and a bunch of pe…
Wow made an extremely smart move. They're advertising to weeaboos. China's not quite japan, but asian on top of furry will make them people flock like ducks to bread crumbs in a hot minute.
Now elves named hitoshigokukonekobleachchansmadesu wi…
As soon as I realised 99.9% of grouchy responses are disgruntled wow players (the other .1% the sandbox crew who is too pansy to play an indie game) I stopped worrying.
Disgruntled wow players and sandboxers will never be satisfied, so their opini…
I stopped reading at "12 million subscribers". The fact that chinese people can count for more than one yet this nonsense is still harked at every corner is nonsense as is this author.
Not to mention these '12 million people' are some of the lazie…
I'd rather be forcefed canon lore/story than be in the SWG universe. I like the stupids saying you felt like you were in star wars. Lulz? Pre-CU, yes. NGE? With a million jedi running around when they were supposed to be extinct? You felt immersed? …
Originally posted by arieste
(btw: In CoH you didn't kill the villain, you defeated them. And if you've ever read comic books you'll know that many different heroes often defeat the same heroes over and over again. Also, CoH had dynamic missio…
Originally posted by monstermmo
Thats just not even realistic thinking man. lol
"grow up" hahahaha agreed
Teenagers dont wait to be legal to date or have sex. I still think this thing is pretty whacked out but thats just the way it is. Superv…
Originally posted by Astropuyo
I know a evil person when I see one. I just do; it's in my opinion of course. This guy is not deserving of jail time. This is one time where I am going to say slap his wrist, slap her wrist and move on.
You don't fall in love with a twelve year old. I work with fifth graders everyday and the thought of... Just no. And I'm just short of 22.
I've met countless 12 year olds on MMOs. I'd have to say almost all of them are dumber than a sack of bricks…
Originally posted by Ceridith
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Ceridith
You've still not answered the multi-million dollar question.
What could Trion have done or not done with Rift so it would not have been b…