""9) Why did you announce the date now? We could have waited to announce a delay, and in doing so take advantage of the hype surrounding the of the Collector’s Edition to sell a ton of copies. However, that has never been the way we’ve done business…
Originally posted by Mellowguy254
does anyone know the actual release date i heard anywhere from march 10th to august 15th let me know if ya have any idea thx
I'd say that August would be the most probable of the two dates
Originally posted by Centhan
Originally posted by ghogiel
Here's the link.
Love it, love it, love it.
Agree 120%
I'm sure they will allow UI customization satisfactorily. Things like the basic moving of toolbars and windows, ad…
Three early "high quality" vids on e.g. witch elf. Two have french commentary and one english.
Use the "Telecharger" link to download the files.
I actually hope there will be some form of stealth although not the kind we see in WoW etc. Steath used in the right way can be a fun addition to a game. Could be something like a 10 sec steath attribute or "mirror" images of your self etc.