Used to, but don't play it at all any longer. Hard to describe, but it just felt too plastic... too commercial.
Since leaving the two best impressions from other games are DDO and Guild Wars. Both are amazing games in their own styles of…
Call me whatever, but I see the facebook games as a good thing for the MMO industry.
Give the social twinkies a place to chat, and maybe MMOs will go back to being the realm of GAMERS.
Funny, but this thread seems to show up about once a week for the last month.
I sort of don't think they're worried that FF will rain on the parade.
Techno, new age, new wave (retro) and light classical... but I'm way too old for "fan" demographics.
Now a question for others... I recall some wicked death metal vids promoting DF back just before beta.
metal fans = PvP fans?
Best I can think of is Fallen Earth. A high player density sandboxy game with decent refinement isn't exactly a common item these days. Even anything remotely worth playing of any style is getting few and far between.
Quoting Rockgod99:
I accomplished what I set out to do. I got a Saga of Ryzom topic to stay on the first page the entire day. Got new people to try the game and got the info I needed.
Overall it was good.
Have a good day people.
Virtual Currency 19% of 3.8 billion = 722 million dollars
Is that all 3rd party gold sales?
I think this is the first time I've seen that quantified.
I just love threads that ask your opinion and then argue with you about it. Reminds me too much of that six months of solid DarkFall viral advertising.
I don't think 30 hours a week is all that uncommon. People used to spend that much time watching TV, and nobody thought anything of it. Now we just find our entertainment a bit differently.
I'm playing it casually, and have level 7 on league, 8 on empire. So far I don't see any indication of cash shop issues. I could use a bigger bag (a cash shop item) but its not like the game is broken without it.
Only real issue that I've seen s…
1. Free to Play with a deep cash shop items
2. Almost no way to achieve gear or level quickly except through cash shop
3. Fully instanced world (single player with lobby) with fully linear gameplay
4. Incredibly easy leveling that a 5 yr old c…
Viral marketers trying to kill public opinion for a competitive product.
To see who is behind this, ask yourself who has the most to lose if MO succeeds. Its not all that hard to figure out.