I downloaded a hack tool which allowed me to "noclip" just like cheating in a fps, i could also fly in the game. I thought it was BS, but right now I am on death knight in Zangarmarsh hiding underground to cap one of the PvP locations in the zone. I've also been flying around orgrimmar and ironforge as various characters on multiple realms. Bizarrely some people thought I was a GM, the hack tool is that good, but most knew it was a hack and were like "WTF?". Now if this is what the gold sellers use and combined with a speed hack or warp hack then no wander they do it, it is EZ money for them and it must be more profitable than botting all day. Just take up mining and ninja nodes or chests. I reckon I could solo bosses like the tool claims, but I know that because I've been very visibile that it won't be long before I'm banned. It makes a mockery of blizzards attempt at anti-hacking, I'm now about to take the west beacon..haha. If Blizzard can't stop basic hacking like wallclimb, flying and noclip then I can't imagine anyone else being able to with there amount of resources. If they could I would be playing legit, because at the moment the gold sellers are laughing at Blizzard, they are too slow to respond and keep making cutbacks on GM personnel. (The fact some of Blizzards customer service are volunteers make me highly suspicous too) If anyone wants to see what I can do, name an EU realm and faction and I'll be there floating around.
Worst post I ever read.
Come off the free server and down to earth please.
If you hate Wow that much, I should consult a doctor as soon as possible m8.
I also wonder HOW many of those Wow hating posters only played the game on a free server ???
No retail dickwad, ask on (EU) Lightbringer forum, Kazzak, Argent Dawn (which im on now), Ravencrest. Go on I dare you! Give your name, server (EU only), faction and capital to meet in and I will show you. I can prove to you 100% that this is genuine.
lol post your server and toon zorndorf, so he can come fly around you since you think he is full of shit. and why do you always edit your posts? do a spell check before you hit Post Message
No I like to change my posts.
Just changed my logo too )))
lol that made me laugh. still, post your server and character name so claphappy or whatever his name was can come show you his super hacking skills
-------------------------------------- Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The force shall free me. -the Sith code
lol post your server and toon zorndorf, so he can come fly around you since you think he is full of shit. and why do you always edit your posts? do a spell check before you hit Post Message
No I like to change my posts.
Just changed my logo too )))
lol that made me laugh. still, post your server and character name so claphappy or whatever his name was can come show you his super hacking skills
Silly man if you believe that crap.
Jesus man: 57 year old and all you could do is come up with "EATthe DEAD"? No wonder you don't like Wow.
No one wants to see if I am right or not? So if someone said they could time travel (for instance) and could prove it you sould say "No don't belive you" and just through insults around. I have prove and show anyone on an EU realm, but I suggest being quick as I don't think my account will be active for much longer...
lol post your server and toon zorndorf, so he can come fly around you since you think he is full of shit. and why do you always edit your posts? do a spell check before you hit Post Message
No I like to change my posts.
Just changed my logo too )))
lol that made me laugh. still, post your server and character name so claphappy or whatever his name was can come show you his super hacking skills
Silly man if you believe that crap.
Jesus man: 57 year old and all you could do is come up with "EATthe DEAD"? No wonder you don't like Wow.
lol zorndorf you are the silly man. silly billy!
i already explained my name. i enjoy my name, just like i enjoy a good zombie flick. and what does my name have anything to do with the reason i dont like wow? lol is it because the zombies in wow look fuckin stupid?
and im gonna let you in on a little secret *whispers* im not actually 57 years old....
and stop dodging the damn subject!!! POST YOUR SERVER/CHARACTER NAME! unless its zorndorf which it probably is
-------------------------------------- Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The force shall free me. -the Sith code
he either went to play wow since he ran out of things to say or he died
-------------------------------------- Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The force shall free me. -the Sith code
Hehe, the hackers make it even more fun cause Blizzard just recently won that trial against that bot maker. WoW is full of them anyway. Go look at out of the way places and you'll find them, either botting, speed hacking, noclipping or flying. I've lost count of how many I reported for hacking/botting while I still played. Ironically they where still around when I quit the game
Another issue is the farmers/goldsellers. If you play the AH you'll see certain names pop up almost everytime selling a shitload of blue/purple stuff. I don't care if you even play 24/7, it's impossible to farm some 6-7 blue's/purple's each day, boe and world drops, which tells me that account was from a farmer/goldseller.
I'm not saying other mmo's got their fair share of these people aswell, but a mmo as large as WoW, with the incredible amount of money they make each bloody month you expect some swift action against those kinda people, but no. GM's half asleep and warden is completely useless. It stops the obvious stuff, but no serious goldseller/hacker use those.
But wait slask777 how can you report something which doesn't exist? :-)
I've lost count too which is why I'm being so visible, the more people realise that their servers are plagued by these cockroaches the better. Ironically I want this to stop more than anyone.
Next he'll be telling everyone that no-one bots in the game, because the server controls everything.
I think whats troubling me the most is the fact that I must've been reported multiple times and yet I'm still playing..imagine the damage I could do if I were a commercial hacker.
i think wows real strengh lies in that its the best of a bad bunch of fantasy mmos . lord of the rings is nt bad as a pve game ( the only reason i m not playing that now is because of problems with tubines billing system which led to them charging me after i cancelled * i gather i m not alone either ) warhammers nice enough for a pvp blast for the odd month but it did nt hold any long term appeal for me . the rest really did nt measure up at all in my opinion .
i would nt say i ve given up wow but i m definatly on a hiatus from it . upon reaching 80 i found the class imbalances were worse than ever . there was very little interest in the battle grounds and wintersgrasp which should be great has so much lag its unplayable . i m still hoping they sort some of these problems out with a future patch . i might return for month to see how things have improved in a few months time .
I downloaded a hack tool which allowed me to "noclip" just like cheating in a fps, i could also fly in the game. I thought it was BS, but right now I am on death knight in Zangarmarsh hiding underground to cap one of the PvP locations in the zone. I've also been flying around orgrimmar and ironforge as various characters on multiple realms. Bizarrely some people thought I was a GM, the hack tool is that good, but most knew it was a hack and were like "WTF?". Now if this is what the gold sellers use and combined with a speed hack or warp hack then no wander they do it, it is EZ money for them and it must be more profitable than botting all day. Just take up mining and ninja nodes or chests. I reckon I could solo bosses like the tool claims, but I know that because I've been very visibile that it won't be long before I'm banned. It makes a mockery of blizzards attempt at anti-hacking, I'm now about to take the west beacon..haha. If Blizzard can't stop basic hacking like wallclimb, flying and noclip then I can't imagine anyone else being able to with there amount of resources. If they could I would be playing legit, because at the moment the gold sellers are laughing at Blizzard, they are too slow to respond and keep making cutbacks on GM personnel. (The fact some of Blizzards customer service are volunteers make me highly suspicous too) If anyone wants to see what I can do, name an EU realm and faction and I'll be there floating around.
Worst post I ever read.
Come off the free server and down to earth please.
If you hate Wow that much, I should consult a doctor as soon as possible m8.
I also wonder HOW many of those Wow hating posters only played the game on a free server ???
I resent this last sentence. I did play on a legitimate server (now I have cancelled), as I suspect most critics of the game also did. Why is it that WoW hater = hacker or freeloader in your mind?
Oh and by the way Zornie, I've never been much into signatures and stuff, but I picked mine just for you. Enjoy!
'My precious is unhackable. whaaaa...unhackable..you big stupid..dummie stupid poo man'
Anyway, I like the game, just bored of it but really. Zorndorf! Dude!! Happyclappy posts a number of ss and even invite you to see his hack on the official servers. Still you believe WoW ain't hackable. Jeez...
Next he'll be telling everyone that no-one bots in the game, because the server controls everything. I think whats troubling me the most is the fact that I must've been reported multiple times and yet I'm still playing..imagine the damage I could do if I were a commercial hacker.
If you don't know the difference between using a client bot program and a program that would handle the player interaction on SERVERS, than that means you don't know anything about MMORPG's on a technical side.
No problem with that, but -again- it shows how much you guys LACK in technology knowledge.
Having a client program control an avatar to just do some automatic moves/fights is ONE thing.
But you can't change the interaction of that bot (say the fights) because those stats ALL come and are resolved on the SERVER side of things.
Or should I draw a beautiful 4 colored picture to the "111 year old player of Mars" like happyclappy likes to call himself in his profile.
So ANYONE paying for a client side program that "promises" server wise stat changes are HOAXES in ALL MMORPG's btw.
And yes actually some guys even manage to gain a profit of "selling" those non existent products.
Mostly Dutch btw (as should be known).
So with that non argument of Wow hate out of the way, no doubt other will resurface.
As long as there is Wow hate based on such silly arguments , it means Wow is still growing.
You are the only one who mentioned STATS. I am talking about noclipping /flying (without a mount) which is entirely possible given YOUR limited technical knowledge who refuses, for reasons unknown, to give the name of a char /realm where I can demonstrate without question that this can be done. You do know that by the time you think of an equally retarded response you could download the free trial and I could show you.
You seem to think that Blizzards programming is superior to anything and everything and is untouchable by simple memory offset and packet editing techniques which are used to mine nodes underground, solo heroic bosses and lockpick chests easily.
Perhaps once you open your eyes a little bit more or download the free trial I will respond, until then I am luaghing at you whilst capping flags in WSG...
Guess he never heard of packet sniffing then 'My precious is unhackable. whaaaa...unhackable..you big stupid..dummie stupid poo man' Anyway, I like the game, just bored of it but really. Zorndorf! Dude!! Happyclappy posts a number of ss and even invite you to see his hack on the official servers. Still you believe WoW ain't hackable. Jeez...
I have 30 years of expertise in network and server administration.
met Bill Gates in person back in 2000 in Orlando.
Hacking servers is one thing, but the clients you "buy" are all client side software (nothing to do with the servers).
Where do you think your stats come from when you game? From your HD ?
Define expertise, when did you take your CCNA exam?
Guess he never heard of packet sniffing then 'My precious is unhackable. whaaaa...unhackable..you big stupid..dummie stupid poo man' Anyway, I like the game, just bored of it but really. Zorndorf! Dude!! Happyclappy posts a number of ss and even invite you to see his hack on the official servers. Still you believe WoW ain't hackable. Jeez...
I can't help it if you don't understand a joke .
Have you seen his pictures LOL$... a naked Orc.
I have 30 years of expertise in network and server administration.
met Bill Gates in person back in 2000 in Orlando.
Hacking servers is one thing, but the clients you "buy" are all client side software (nothing to do with the servers).
Where do you think your stats come from when you game? From your HD ? If so then it would be easy, but helas they are not.
So I guess be warned: never buy client side software to "influence server stats".
But why should I warn Wow haters anyway ).
Ok, since you got so much experience in network and server administration you should know that it's not a problem for someone with the knowhow to hack the servers and change whatever the hell they want. If Pentagon can be hacked so can gameservers run by telecom technicians. A hacker doesn't need the client anyway to hack a server, and where did he mention stats? What he said was he noclipped and had his toon fly above the ground. Happyclappy doesn't come around as a WoW-hater either. Just cause he point at bugs and hacks in WoW doesn't mean he hate it.
I resent this last sentence. I did play on a legitimate server (now I have cancelled), as I suspect most critics of the game also did. Why is it that WoW hater = hacker or freeloader in your mind? Oh and by the way Zornie, I've never been much into signatures and stuff, but I picked mine just for you. Enjoy!
The 11.500.000 number of subscribers is reproduced in a legitimate and AUDITED financial report of the Vivendi Corp.
Based on the yearly AUDITED financial reports this can be clearly proven.
So OR Blizzard is into some illegal Columbian drug dealing or HAS indeed earned more than 1 billion dollars yearly revenues out of the game.
Always happy to enlighten the Wow haters with FACTS.
And btw Blizzard gives a VERY accurate defintion of what ACTIVE paying subscribers are on their websites; NO old or trial accounts are included.
Have a nice Wow day.
Dozens of times many people said you did not try the game seriously. So refrain yourself from posting again on a forum of a game you WANTED NOT to play in the first place.
First of all, I *wanted* to play the game in the first place; otherwise I wouldn't have paid Blizzard the initial $50 for the game (original WoW and Burning Crusade), as well as an additional $15 for the second month. I actually did my best to ignore all that was being said about WoW's I-Win buttons and other accusations typically levelled against it. Some of those accusations are proper to WoW, some aren't, and some I'd judge off-base. But the game isn't perfect, and in the areas which interested me most (the economy, for instance), far from it.
Also, nice to see you're discounting the posters in this thread who agreed with me, either on some of my points or in totality. Only in Zorndorf's World could the fanbois be listened to and every detractor summarily dismissed. And by the way, the worst excuse I've heard for dismissing my view is "this has been said many times before". You probably wouldn't acknowledge any of the flaws anyway, but if those things have been said many times before, maybe that means that the game is flawed in those respects, wouldn't it?
Allright, if you want me to stop posting on a forum which I "wanted not to play in the first place", first apply the lesson to yourself. You've never explained yourself over that trolling you did in the Warhammer and Conan sections a while ago, and now (based on your posting history) you've added Darkfall to your list of targets as well. Tell me: Are you even intent on picking up Darkfall? Or are you doing your trolling over there as you are doing for every game that isn't WoW? (And before you can claim Darkfall's failure is a great victory for WoW, check one of my posts in this thread further back. My own position regarding Darkfall is much more ambiguous, but in a nutshell: I'd love for it to work, but the community and some of the mechanics worry me, and Aventurine's track record is... well... the least said, the better.)
And about my signature, you completely misinterpreted it, but I was sort of expecting that. I am not disputing the figure. My signature was, in fact, a direct rebuttal of your usual "11.5 million subscribers means the game is good!" when the number of subscribers is in fact irrelevant either way.
Nothing new about the tactics you're using, mind you. But I sure hope you like Elvis, because...
okay you like star trek..if a position in space is X,Y,Z there are too many for a server to handle. My position could be logged, BUT someone somewhere has to look at that log. How often would my position be logged? With your expertise of SQL you should know that creating massive logs is fine for an audit once a year(or whatever), but do it all the time and you will choke your server. (I don't belive even Blizzard would use their supercomputers to monitor positions every millisecond of every player to 6 decimal places, they like to make profit not spend what they got and hey if I'm paying they don't really care for now). If things dont add up thats when I get banned, until then I will continue flying around.
Worst post I ever read.
Come off the free server and down to earth please.
If you hate Wow that much, I should consult a doctor as soon as possible m8.
I also wonder HOW many of those Wow hating posters only played the game on a free server ???
No retail dickwad, ask on (EU) Lightbringer forum, Kazzak, Argent Dawn (which im on now), Ravencrest. Go on I dare you! Give your name, server (EU only), faction and capital to meet in and I will show you. I can prove to you 100% that this is genuine.
No I like to change my posts.
Just changed my logo too )))
lol that made me laugh. still, post your server and character name so claphappy or whatever his name was can come show you his super hacking skills
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The force shall free me.
-the Sith code
No I like to change my posts.
Just changed my logo too )))
lol that made me laugh. still, post your server and character name so claphappy or whatever his name was can come show you his super hacking skills
Silly man if you believe that crap.
Jesus man: 57 year old and all you could do is come up with "EATthe DEAD"? No wonder you don't like Wow.
No one wants to see if I am right or not? So if someone said they could time travel (for instance) and could prove it you sould say "No don't belive you" and just through insults around. I have prove and show anyone on an EU realm, but I suggest being quick as I don't think my account will be active for much longer...
Pffft or does no one plays WoW here ?
No I like to change my posts.
Just changed my logo too )))
lol that made me laugh. still, post your server and character name so claphappy or whatever his name was can come show you his super hacking skills
Silly man if you believe that crap.
Jesus man: 57 year old and all you could do is come up with "EATthe DEAD"? No wonder you don't like Wow.
lol zorndorf you are the silly man. silly billy!
i already explained my name. i enjoy my name, just like i enjoy a good zombie flick. and what does my name have anything to do with the reason i dont like wow? lol is it because the zombies in wow look fuckin stupid?
and im gonna let you in on a little secret *whispers* im not actually 57 years old....
and stop dodging the damn subject!!! POST YOUR SERVER/CHARACTER NAME! unless its zorndorf which it probably is
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The force shall free me.
-the Sith code
Or why dont you check out the name Sok (Orc Death Knight) on Argent Dawn server in armoury and then explain this...
I even made an OFFICIAL post for you here
It would easier if someone gave their character name so I could fly around, I guess zoondorf still doesnt belive me....
he either went to play wow since he ran out of things to say or he died
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The force shall free me.
-the Sith code
I know all about it, that is why i can and others do it...problem is with latest patch they unhotfixed the hotfixes.
simple question, what realm do you play on and what is your character name?
Or do you want to bury your head in the sand and rather believe that hacking wow client is impossible.
Tired of showing screenies when I can prove to you beyond a doubt..
Hehe, the hackers make it even more fun cause Blizzard just recently won that trial against that bot maker. WoW is full of them anyway. Go look at out of the way places and you'll find them, either botting, speed hacking, noclipping or flying. I've lost count of how many I reported for hacking/botting while I still played. Ironically they where still around when I quit the game
Another issue is the farmers/goldsellers. If you play the AH you'll see certain names pop up almost everytime selling a shitload of blue/purple stuff. I don't care if you even play 24/7, it's impossible to farm some 6-7 blue's/purple's each day, boe and world drops, which tells me that account was from a farmer/goldseller.
I'm not saying other mmo's got their fair share of these people aswell, but a mmo as large as WoW, with the incredible amount of money they make each bloody month you expect some swift action against those kinda people, but no. GM's half asleep and warden is completely useless. It stops the obvious stuff, but no serious goldseller/hacker use those.
Grammar nazi's. This one is for you.
But wait slask777 how can you report something which doesn't exist? :-)
I've lost count too which is why I'm being so visible, the more people realise that their servers are plagued by these cockroaches the better. Ironically I want this to stop more than anyone.
^^ I hope I see a doctor that uses logic, science and evidence rather than some weird twisted view that they are right no matter what.
Hang on you are saying that servers are unhackable, silly me of course. It's not like anyone has hacked the pentagon before or anything....oh wait.
Next he'll be telling everyone that no-one bots in the game, because the server controls everything.
I think whats troubling me the most is the fact that I must've been reported multiple times and yet I'm still playing..imagine the damage I could do if I were a commercial hacker.
i think wows real strengh lies in that its the best of a bad bunch of fantasy mmos . lord of the rings is nt bad as a pve game ( the only reason i m not playing that now is because of problems with tubines billing system which led to them charging me after i cancelled * i gather i m not alone either ) warhammers nice enough for a pvp blast for the odd month but it did nt hold any long term appeal for me . the rest really did nt measure up at all in my opinion .
i would nt say i ve given up wow but i m definatly on a hiatus from it . upon reaching 80 i found the class imbalances were worse than ever . there was very little interest in the battle grounds and wintersgrasp which should be great has so much lag its unplayable . i m still hoping they sort some of these problems out with a future patch . i might return for month to see how things have improved in a few months time .
Worst post I ever read.
Come off the free server and down to earth please.
If you hate Wow that much, I should consult a doctor as soon as possible m8.
I also wonder HOW many of those Wow hating posters only played the game on a free server ???
I resent this last sentence. I did play on a legitimate server (now I have cancelled), as I suspect most critics of the game also did. Why is it that WoW hater = hacker or freeloader in your mind?
Oh and by the way Zornie, I've never been much into signatures and stuff, but I picked mine just for you. Enjoy!
Guess he never heard of packet sniffing then
'My precious is unhackable. whaaaa...unhackable..you big stupid..dummie stupid poo man'
Anyway, I like the game, just bored of it but really. Zorndorf! Dude!! Happyclappy posts a number of ss and even invite you to see his hack on the official servers. Still you believe WoW ain't hackable. Jeez...
Grammar nazi's. This one is for you.
If you don't know the difference between using a client bot program and a program that would handle the player interaction on SERVERS, than that means you don't know anything about MMORPG's on a technical side.
No problem with that, but -again- it shows how much you guys LACK in technology knowledge.
Having a client program control an avatar to just do some automatic moves/fights is ONE thing.
But you can't change the interaction of that bot (say the fights) because those stats ALL come and are resolved on the SERVER side of things.
Or should I draw a beautiful 4 colored picture to the "111 year old player of Mars" like happyclappy likes to call himself in his profile.
So ANYONE paying for a client side program that "promises" server wise stat changes are HOAXES in ALL MMORPG's btw.
And yes actually some guys even manage to gain a profit of "selling" those non existent products.
Mostly Dutch btw (as should be known).
So with that non argument of Wow hate out of the way, no doubt other will resurface.
As long as there is Wow hate based on such silly arguments , it means Wow is still growing.
You are the only one who mentioned STATS. I am talking about noclipping /flying (without a mount) which is entirely possible given YOUR limited technical knowledge who refuses, for reasons unknown, to give the name of a char /realm where I can demonstrate without question that this can be done. You do know that by the time you think of an equally retarded response you could download the free trial and I could show you.
You seem to think that Blizzards programming is superior to anything and everything and is untouchable by simple memory offset and packet editing techniques which are used to mine nodes underground, solo heroic bosses and lockpick chests easily.
Perhaps once you open your eyes a little bit more or download the free trial I will respond, until then I am luaghing at you whilst capping flags in WSG...
I have 30 years of expertise in network and server administration.
met Bill Gates in person back in 2000 in Orlando.
Hacking servers is one thing, but the clients you "buy" are all client side software (nothing to do with the servers).
Where do you think your stats come from when you game? From your HD ?
Define expertise, when did you take your CCNA exam?
Again why are you talking about stats?
I can't help it if you don't understand a joke .
Have you seen his pictures LOL$... a naked Orc.
I have 30 years of expertise in network and server administration.
met Bill Gates in person back in 2000 in Orlando.
Hacking servers is one thing, but the clients you "buy" are all client side software (nothing to do with the servers).
Where do you think your stats come from when you game? From your HD ? If so then it would be easy, but helas they are not.
So I guess be warned: never buy client side software to "influence server stats".
But why should I warn Wow haters anyway ).
Ok, since you got so much experience in network and server administration you should know that it's not a problem for someone with the knowhow to hack the servers and change whatever the hell they want. If Pentagon can be hacked so can gameservers run by telecom technicians. A hacker doesn't need the client anyway to hack a server, and where did he mention stats? What he said was he noclipped and had his toon fly above the ground. Happyclappy doesn't come around as a WoW-hater either. Just cause he point at bugs and hacks in WoW doesn't mean he hate it.
Grammar nazi's. This one is for you.
The 11.500.000 number of subscribers is reproduced in a legitimate and AUDITED financial report of the Vivendi Corp.
Based on the yearly AUDITED financial reports this can be clearly proven.
So OR Blizzard is into some illegal Columbian drug dealing or HAS indeed earned more than 1 billion dollars yearly revenues out of the game.
Always happy to enlighten the Wow haters with FACTS.
And btw Blizzard gives a VERY accurate defintion of what ACTIVE paying subscribers are on their websites; NO old or trial accounts are included.
Have a nice Wow day.
Dozens of times many people said you did not try the game seriously. So refrain yourself from posting again on a forum of a game you WANTED NOT to play in the first place.
First of all, I *wanted* to play the game in the first place; otherwise I wouldn't have paid Blizzard the initial $50 for the game (original WoW and Burning Crusade), as well as an additional $15 for the second month. I actually did my best to ignore all that was being said about WoW's I-Win buttons and other accusations typically levelled against it. Some of those accusations are proper to WoW, some aren't, and some I'd judge off-base. But the game isn't perfect, and in the areas which interested me most (the economy, for instance), far from it.
Also, nice to see you're discounting the posters in this thread who agreed with me, either on some of my points or in totality. Only in Zorndorf's World could the fanbois be listened to and every detractor summarily dismissed. And by the way, the worst excuse I've heard for dismissing my view is "this has been said many times before". You probably wouldn't acknowledge any of the flaws anyway, but if those things have been said many times before, maybe that means that the game is flawed in those respects, wouldn't it?
Allright, if you want me to stop posting on a forum which I "wanted not to play in the first place", first apply the lesson to yourself. You've never explained yourself over that trolling you did in the Warhammer and Conan sections a while ago, and now (based on your posting history) you've added Darkfall to your list of targets as well. Tell me: Are you even intent on picking up Darkfall? Or are you doing your trolling over there as you are doing for every game that isn't WoW? (And before you can claim Darkfall's failure is a great victory for WoW, check one of my posts in this thread further back. My own position regarding Darkfall is much more ambiguous, but in a nutshell: I'd love for it to work, but the community and some of the mechanics worry me, and Aventurine's track record is... well... the least said, the better.)
And about my signature, you completely misinterpreted it, but I was sort of expecting that. I am not disputing the figure. My signature was, in fact, a direct rebuttal of your usual "11.5 million subscribers means the game is good!" when the number of subscribers is in fact irrelevant either way.
Nothing new about the tactics you're using, mind you. But I sure hope you like Elvis, because...
okay you like star trek..if a position in space is X,Y,Z there are too many for a server to handle. My position could be logged, BUT someone somewhere has to look at that log. How often would my position be logged? With your expertise of SQL you should know that creating massive logs is fine for an audit once a year(or whatever), but do it all the time and you will choke your server. (I don't belive even Blizzard would use their supercomputers to monitor positions every millisecond of every player to 6 decimal places, they like to make profit not spend what they got and hey if I'm paying they don't really care for now). If things dont add up thats when I get banned, until then I will continue flying around.