Having one game doing all the things he wants to do is going to be interesting. I can't think of any game off hand that's doing anything so complicated now.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
To be fair it couldn't possibly be worse than the decision to use the hero engine for SWTOR. I mean, at least the graphics will look good and they can't blow $300 million because they don't have $300 million.
Figures, there is a reason almost no mmo's use the cry engine. They nearly went bankrupt in 1014 and stuff got soled taken over. The only games i can think of are Cabal2 and some web zen game. Wonder why most use the UE...
Every time I hear or read something from the developers of this 'game' there are only two words that keep haunting me: Incompetence. Vaporware. And $100 000 000 in between... Shocking really.
How did we end up here? When did gamers become this level gullible? If you look at MMO history, every single flop or fiasco until now, no matter how much the game blowed offered at least a semi playable game to the people foolish enough to invest money pre-launch. Star Citizen is taking a flop to a whole different level lol. Amazing.
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
"....So that’s definitely the case. You can go around Covalex Shipping Hub
now, there are definitely floating items that are all region entities
that you can push around. There’s been some pretty cool videos made, but
one video was taking the noodle dispenser machine and pushing it out
loading it into a Constellation and flying back to Port Olisar which was
pretty awesome! So essentially yes absolutely. We actually had more in
Crusader originally when we were developing and we took some of them
out. Mainly because we still got to work on the, now working for all
these rigid entities to be efficient so they’re not always sending
Basically if a cup is sitting
on this table and it’s not moving there’s no reason for it say “update”
there’s no reason for it to do anything over the network. CryEngine
doesn’t really work that way so we’ve been spending a lot of time and we
still are spending a lot of time trying to fix and refactor that.
You’re sort of seeing problems that come with the CryEngine old way of
doing things. Cause really it was built as a single player game so a lot
of the updating is player centric but the problem we have is so for
instance if there’s sixteen players on the Crusader map and they all go
to different comms arrays well they’re all triggering different AI in
different spots on the server and it’s running all these AI and then
it’s also telling every single client what all these AI are doing but
i’m flying around and i’m at comm array A over here and someone’s at
comm array B over there, I don’t really need to know what’s happening in
comm array B, I just need to know what’s happening in my area.
So we have to refactor the
updating of the object and also the network messaging to it’s more
specific to what people’s view is and that’s ongoing sort of network
task we have and part of that is going to have a more efficient network
version for simple rigid bodies so you can have the cups on the table
and you can have more props around. The idea would be to physicalise
chairs, props like that so you can push them around or whatever. If
you’re flying in your ship and the gravity goes off and you haven’t
bolted things down they could float and all the rest of the stuff. That
is definitely our goal and you will see more of that as time goes on. "
By your timp stamp you are referring to this : "You’re sort of seeing problems that come with the CryEngine ...."
But you seem to forget about the second part of the sentence "...old way of
doing things." Operative word here being "OLD". The stock unmodified old version of the CryEngine.
>>>> He just said DS was right all along! >>>> Selective perception is one way of seeing the universe. You seem to have an interesting augmented reality filter in place.
PS: In your case Clarke's Law No.1 most likely applies:
"When a distinguished but elderly scientist programmer states that something is
possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is
impossible, he is very probably wrong."
"....So that’s definitely the case. You can go around Covalex Shipping Hub
now, there are definitely floating items that are all region entities
that you can push around. There’s been some pretty cool videos made, but
one video was taking the noodle dispenser machine and pushing it out
loading it into a Constellation and flying back to Port Olisar which was
pretty awesome! So essentially yes absolutely. We actually had more in
Crusader originally when we were developing and we took some of them
out. Mainly because we still got to work on the, now working for all
these rigid entities to be efficient so they’re not always sending
Basically if a cup is sitting
on this table and it’s not moving there’s no reason for it say “update”
there’s no reason for it to do anything over the network. CryEngine
doesn’t really work that way so we’ve been spending a lot of time and we
still are spending a lot of time trying to fix and refactor that.
You’re sort of seeing problems that come with the CryEngine old way of
doing things. Cause really it was built as a single player game so a lot
of the updating is player centric but the problem we have is so for
instance if there’s sixteen players on the Crusader map and they all go
to different comms arrays well they’re all triggering different AI in
different spots on the server and it’s running all these AI and then
it’s also telling every single client what all these AI are doing but
i’m flying around and i’m at comm array A over here and someone’s at
comm array B over there, I don’t really need to know what’s happening in
comm array B, I just need to know what’s happening in my area.
So we have to refactor the
updating of the object and also the network messaging to it’s more
specific to what people’s view is and that’s ongoing sort of network
task we have and part of that is going to have a more efficient network
version for simple rigid bodies so you can have the cups on the table
and you can have more props around. The idea would be to physicalise
chairs, props like that so you can push them around or whatever. If
you’re flying in your ship and the gravity goes off and you haven’t
bolted things down they could float and all the rest of the stuff. That
is definitely our goal and you will see more of that as time goes on. "
By your timp stamp you are referring to this : "You’re sort of seeing problems that come with the CryEngine ...."
But you seem to forget about the second part of the sentence "...old way of
doing things." Operative word here being "OLD". The stock unmodified old version of the CryEngine.
>>>> He just said DS was right all along! >>>> Selective perception is one way of seeing the universe. You seem to have an interesting augmented reality filter in place.
Have fun
Wow, really.
You are bashing his arguments with this?
1. Do you have any knowledge of programming? How graphics is being generated by the graphics engine in your CPU sytem? Do you know what 'refactoring' means? 2. Do you even know what CR is actually trying to say?
This post only showed that you are neither knowledable or even familiar on how do programs work, and yet you act like you are an expert.
What DS is saying about CryEngine and what CR is saying in the video is the same in regards to: 'The CryEngine will not be able to be used to power SC.'
That is why CR is 'trying' to find a way to change the CryEngine without having to rework the engine so much. He 'believes' that he can achieve this, while DS does not. Thats why DS is 'bashing' CR, he thinks it is a complete waste of time.
Funny but sad to see all those fights still going around SC... Debate starts with understanding and somehow accepting the ideas of the "opposition", not reducing poeples to "fanboy" or "compulsive liarz" Do you guys (who claims the game is doomed) have seen it evolving live ?
Play it now and dare to say it's vaporware.... It is allready amazing... and stil under so heavy devellopement it's amazing to hear random poeples complains like it is just an other greenlite scam... Dood is finally developing the "next gen" (that we have been waiting for like... 20 years...) and some poeples still find ways to hate and complain...
Only "real" problem is, indeed, how far is CR gonna be able to push the CE...and in the end the only question is : how many players is he gonna be able to put in one "instance".
Old school french hardcore whiner. Online since T4C.
I was "Namless" and "Daroot" in AO (Rk2) Been known as "Vindicar" (Aion (EU), SWTOR (EU), WoW (EU). Recently Known as "Wundicar" and "Wundee" in Age of Wushu (US) and Wulin (EU)
Franky Rivera Reyes , From the Reyes Brotherhood (Star Citizen)
That means, new Network code incoming, sadly it's not like in Unity where you can change just the network module. It's more like a rewrite of the Network status protocol.
They are just adding another building site right next to: broken Physics, broken IK, broken animation transitions, broken controller, broken z-Fighting, semi planetary landings and 33Bit Precision - No problem at all
When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it. The cake is a lie.
By your timp stamp you are referring to this : "You’re sort of seeing problems that come with the CryEngine ...."
But you seem to forget about the second part of the sentence "...old way of
doing things." Operative word here being "OLD". The stock unmodified old version of the CryEngine.
>>>> He just said DS was right all along! >>>> Selective perception is one way of seeing the universe. You seem to have an interesting augmented reality filter in place.
Have fun
Wow, really.
You are bashing his arguments with this?
1. Do you have any knowledge of programming? How graphics is being generated by the graphics engine in your CPU sytem? Do you know what 'refactoring' means? 2. Do you even know what CR is actually trying to say?
This post only showed that you are neither knowledable or even familiar on how do programs work, and yet you act like you are an expert.
What DS is saying about CryEngine and what CR is saying in the video is the same in regards to: 'The CryEngine will not be able to be used to power SC.'
That is why CR is 'trying' to find a way to change the CryEngine without having to rework the engine so much. He 'believes' that he can achieve this, while DS does not. Thats why DS is 'bashing' CR, he thinks it is a complete waste of time.
Well you're both pretty much saying the same thing. All Erillion is saying is to read what CR says in full and not just see the bits the OP wants to see and hear.
There's a big difference to what CR is saying right now "We're running into problems" and what the OP wants to hear "It's impossible, we can't do it".
This is just directed at the thread in general ;
You guy do release Alpha 2.0 is the embryo of what people deemed impossible right? You do realise 2.0 is the CryEngine, a engine that was designed as a single player, is right now currently holding multiple of players, PvPing, flying, exploring, etc? You do realise that planetary landing 15 min video is showcasing what they can push the engine to do right?
So he's not saying, "this is impossible" he says;
"CryEngine doesn’t really work that way so we’ve been spending a lot of time and we still are spending a lot of time trying to fix and refactor that. You’re sort of seeing problems that come with the CryEngine old way of doing things".
I shouldn't have to spell it out, but I have to remember where I am. In simpler words, because he's pushing the engine to do things it's not meant to do, problems are poking through as the engine tries to run how it originally did.
Figures, there is a reason almost no mmo's use the cry engine. They nearly went bankrupt in 1014 and stuff got soled taken over. The only games i can think of are Cabal2 and some web zen game. Wonder why most use the UE...
Dude dont make me laugh. There are as many games using Cry engine as there are the ones using Unreal Engine for mmo games.
Just to name few. And I'm pretty sure I missed quite a few :P
Well you're both pretty much saying the same thing. All Erillion is saying is to read what CR says in full and not just see the bits the OP wants to see and hear.
There's a big difference to what CR is saying right now "We're running into problems" and what the OP wants to hear "It's impossible, we can't do it".
This is just directed at the thread in general ;
You guy do release Alpha 2.0 is the embryo of what people deemed impossible right? You do realise 2.0 is the CryEngine, a engine that was designed as a single player, is right now currently holding multiple of players, PvPing, flying, exploring, etc? You do realise that planetary landing 15 min video is showcasing what they can push the engine to do right?
So he's not saying, "this is impossible" he says;
"CryEngine doesn’t really work that way so we’ve been spending a lot of time and we still are spending a lot of time trying to fix and refactor that. You’re sort of seeing problems that come with the CryEngine old way of doing things".
I shouldn't have to spell it out, but I have to remember where I am. In simpler words, because he's pushing the engine to do things it's not meant to do, problems are poking through as the engine tries to run how it originally did.
That's it.
Wow, really, again. This is the second time (in this post)that people, trying to butt in into something they do not really understand.
Please, if you do not comprehend it, do not partake in it. The whole cryengine thing and its issue is not something that general people would understand. Its very technical, watch the video of CR again, and if you do not understand the whole 'explanation' that CR is trying to describe, just shut up. It is not as simple as 'its not really working, so lets try tweak some more.' There is a big difference between making a 'makeshift' bridge that may or may not colapse after few usage, and a bridge that can withstand a thyphoon. This is engineering.
Let me put this very politely, you do not understand this issue. This is very technical. Do not persume that you understand things just because a charismatic person says 'trust me and what I say'.
Let me give me an illustration: 1. Imagine u have a bike, 350 cc engine. Runs fast with you on it right? 2. Try taking a pessenger. Still runs fast right? 3. Take the engine out, and put it in a car. Put 4 people inside, probably still runs. Does it run fast, probably not. 4. Now try putting in it in a double decker bus. Do you think it will run?
Sorry, I missed it. At which point did he say that it wasn't possible? I missed it. All I heard was him talking about how CryEngine works and what they're working to refactor it so it'll work with their networking.
Sorry, but if you have access to the source code then you have the keys to the kingdom. It's not impossible. It's something that may not be feasible for someone looking for an out-of-box solution, but that's not what they were looking for from day 1 or they wouldn't have spent the money on the source and, essentially, hired the whole CryEngine team.
What part of he has actual Crytech engineers modifying the engine don't you comprehend?
There's lots of "crytek engineers" walking around jobless atm, considering crytek stopped paying them lol.
No they aren't, they're all working at CIG. Feel free to check out Linkedin and have a peek at all the CIG employees and their previous employer. There are over 100 Crytek employees working for CIG.
Wow, really, again. This is the second time (in this post)that people, trying to butt in into something they do not really understand.
Please, if you do not comprehend it, do not partake in it. The whole cryengine thing and its issue is not something that general people would understand. Its very technical, watch the video of CR again, and if you do not understand the whole 'explanation' that CR is trying to describe, just shut up. It is not as simple as 'its not really working, so lets try tweak some more.' There is a big difference between making a 'makeshift' bridge that may or may not colapse after few usage, and a bridge that can withstand a thyphoon. This is engineering.
Let me put this very politely, you do not understand this issue. This is very technical. Do not persume that you understand things just because a charismatic person says 'trust me and what I say'.
I'm rendering an observation here. You keep telling people they don't understand so they should shut up. Maybe I am missing something here, but is there an explanation by a tech expert on this matter that you are referring to? Because otherwise you are just saying the same thing, you'are also saying 'trust me and what I say' and by your behavior it's safe to say you are not charismatic at all.
Gaming Rocks next gen. community for last gen. gamers launching soon.
What part of he has actual Crytech engineers modifying the engine don't you comprehend?
There's lots of "crytek engineers" walking around jobless atm, considering crytek stopped paying them lol.
No they aren't, they're all working at CIG. Feel free to check out Linkedin and have a peek at all the CIG employees and their previous employer. There are over 100 Crytek employees working for CIG.
Yeah they hopped on a bus from Germany and went to the USA :P ( you do know Crytek is german right :P )
Wow, really, again. This is the second time (in this post)that people, trying to butt in into something they do not really understand.
Please, if you do not comprehend it, do not partake in it. The whole cryengine thing and its issue is not something that general people would understand. Its very technical, watch the video of CR again, and if you do not understand the whole 'explanation' that CR is trying to describe, just shut up. It is not as simple as 'its not really working, so lets try tweak some more.' There is a big difference between making a 'makeshift' bridge that may or may not colapse after few usage, and a bridge that can withstand a thyphoon. This is engineering.
Let me put this very politely, you do not understand this issue. This is very technical. Do not persume that you understand things just because a charismatic person says 'trust me and what I say'.
I'm rendering an observation here. You keep telling people they don't understand so they should shut up. Maybe I am missing something here, but is there an explanation by a tech expert on this matter that you are referring to? Because otherwise you are just saying the same thing, you'are also saying 'trust me and what I say' and by your behavior it's safe to say you are not charismatic at all.
I am posting, that if people do not understand the technology, the issue why the cryengine may or may not work for SC, do not bring it up in their argument.
If you do want to include it in your argument, to the very least, do your homework and understand the technology, at least at some very basic level. To the extent whether you can understand what DS is saying, and whether his argument is logical or not. And understand what CR is saying and whether what he is saying is logical or not. And not based on the premise: 'I trust this guy, so what he is saying must true. Or this guy is shady, so what he is saying must be false.'
Its all technical, that all I am saying.
It took me at least a semester just to understand how graphics is being generated. What CR is saying in the video about the 'network' and 'how cryengine work/issue' its just dumbed down, it barely touches the surface. And 'no' I am no expert, but I know the amount of work or challenges that CR has to overcome in order make SC. Based on his posts, I would assume DS understand it too.
Let me remind you of a saying: 'Truth needs no validation'. Look for it yourself instead of rellying on others.
Well you're both pretty much saying the same thing. All Erillion is saying is to read what CR says in full and not just see the bits the OP wants to see and hear.
There's a big difference to what CR is saying right now "We're running into problems" and what the OP wants to hear "It's impossible, we can't do it".
This is just directed at the thread in general ;
You guy do release Alpha 2.0 is the embryo of what people deemed impossible right? You do realise 2.0 is the CryEngine, a engine that was designed as a single player, is right now currently holding multiple of players, PvPing, flying, exploring, etc? You do realise that planetary landing 15 min video is showcasing what they can push the engine to do right?
So he's not saying, "this is impossible" he says;
"CryEngine doesn’t really work that way so we’ve been spending a lot of time and we still are spending a lot of time trying to fix and refactor that. You’re sort of seeing problems that come with the CryEngine old way of doing things".
I shouldn't have to spell it out, but I have to remember where I am. In simpler words, because he's pushing the engine to do things it's not meant to do, problems are poking through as the engine tries to run how it originally did.
That's it.
Wow, really, again. This is the second time (in this post)that people, trying to butt in into something they do not really understand.
Please, if you do not comprehend it, do not partake in it. The whole cryengine thing and its issue is not something that general people would understand. Its very technical, watch the video of CR again, and if you do not understand the whole 'explanation' that CR is trying to describe, just shut up. It is not as simple as 'its not really working, so lets try tweak some more.' There is a big difference between making a 'makeshift' bridge that may or may not colapse after few usage, and a bridge that can withstand a thyphoon. This is engineering.
Let me put this very politely, you do not understand this issue. This is very technical. Do not persume that you understand things just because a charismatic person says 'trust me and what I say'.
Let me give me an illustration: 1. Imagine u have a bike, 350 cc engine. Runs fast with you on it right? 2. Try taking a pessenger. Still runs fast right? 3. Take the engine out, and put it in a car. Put 4 people inside, probably still runs. Does it run fast, probably not. 4. Now try putting in it in a double decker bus. Do you think it will run?
Wow, not sure why your being rude, because I agree and at no point did I say it's easy as just tweaking here and there, regardless, what I said still stands. In fact throughout this whole debate I've been saying people are underestimating the level of technical difficult that is going into this project.
Il put the questions to you then as I know nothing, apparently. Did anywhere in the pos CR say "This is impossible, I can't do it"?
What part of he has actual Crytech engineers modifying the engine don't you comprehend?
There's lots of "crytek engineers" walking around jobless atm, considering crytek stopped paying them lol.
No they aren't, they're all working at CIG. Feel free to check out Linkedin and have a peek at all the CIG employees and their previous employer. There are over 100 Crytek employees working for CIG.
Yeah they hopped on a bus from Germany and went to the USA :P ( you do know Crytek is german right :P )
What part of he has actual Crytech engineers modifying the engine don't you comprehend?
There's lots of "crytek engineers" walking around jobless atm, considering crytek stopped paying them lol.
No they aren't, they're all working at CIG. Feel free to check out Linkedin and have a peek at all the CIG employees and their previous employer. There are over 100 Crytek employees working for CIG.
Yeah they hopped on a bus from Germany and went to the USA :P ( you do know Crytek is german right :P )
Eh, sounds like work as usual for the game engine industry. What was the point of the posting again? Of course default cry engine wasn't going to work, we knew that over a year ago whether CR said it or not.
Unfortunately, I see this too often in real live. A supposedly experienced senior developer does something really stupid during planning.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
They nearly went bankrupt in 1014 and stuff got soled taken over.
The only games i can think of are Cabal2 and some web zen game.
Wonder why most use the UE...
And $100 000 000 in between...
Shocking really.
How did we end up here?
When did gamers become this level gullible?
If you look at MMO history, every single flop or fiasco until now, no matter how much the game blowed offered at least a semi playable game to the people foolish enough to invest money pre-launch.
Star Citizen is taking a flop to a whole different level lol.
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
>>> "Wait, what did he just say ?" >>>
THAT did he say:
"....So that’s definitely the case. You can go around Covalex Shipping Hub now, there are definitely floating items that are all region entities that you can push around. There’s been some pretty cool videos made, but one video was taking the noodle dispenser machine and pushing it out loading it into a Constellation and flying back to Port Olisar which was pretty awesome! So essentially yes absolutely. We actually had more in Crusader originally when we were developing and we took some of them out. Mainly because we still got to work on the, now working for all these rigid entities to be efficient so they’re not always sending messages.
Basically if a cup is sitting on this table and it’s not moving there’s no reason for it say “update” there’s no reason for it to do anything over the network. CryEngine doesn’t really work that way so we’ve been spending a lot of time and we still are spending a lot of time trying to fix and refactor that. You’re sort of seeing problems that come with the CryEngine old way of doing things. Cause really it was built as a single player game so a lot of the updating is player centric but the problem we have is so for instance if there’s sixteen players on the Crusader map and they all go to different comms arrays well they’re all triggering different AI in different spots on the server and it’s running all these AI and then it’s also telling every single client what all these AI are doing but i’m flying around and i’m at comm array A over here and someone’s at comm array B over there, I don’t really need to know what’s happening in comm array B, I just need to know what’s happening in my area.
So we have to refactor the updating of the object and also the network messaging to it’s more specific to what people’s view is and that’s ongoing sort of network task we have and part of that is going to have a more efficient network version for simple rigid bodies so you can have the cups on the table and you can have more props around. The idea would be to physicalise chairs, props like that so you can push them around or whatever. If you’re flying in your ship and the gravity goes off and you haven’t bolted things down they could float and all the rest of the stuff. That is definitely our goal and you will see more of that as time goes on. "
By your timp stamp you are referring to this :"You’re sort of seeing problems that come with the CryEngine ...."
But you seem to forget about the second part of the sentence
"...old way of doing things."
Operative word here being "OLD". The stock unmodified old version of the CryEngine.
>>>> He just said DS was right all along! >>>>
Selective perception is one way of seeing the universe. You seem to have an interesting augmented reality filter in place.
Have fun
and @Brenics
Try harder!
And dont forget to have fun once in a while.
- Albert Einstein
Nelson Mandela
Have fun
In your case Clarke's Law No.1 most likely applies:
"When a distinguished but elderly scientist programmer states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong."
Well, maybe also Law #2
"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible."
You are bashing his arguments with this?
1. Do you have any knowledge of programming? How graphics is being generated by the graphics engine in your CPU sytem? Do you know what 'refactoring' means?
2. Do you even know what CR is actually trying to say?
This post only showed that you are neither knowledable or even familiar on how do programs work, and yet you act like you are an expert.
What DS is saying about CryEngine and what CR is saying in the video is the same in regards to: 'The CryEngine will not be able to be used to power SC.'
That is why CR is 'trying' to find a way to change the CryEngine without having to rework the engine so much. He 'believes' that he can achieve this, while DS does not. Thats why DS is 'bashing' CR, he thinks it is a complete waste of time.
Debate starts with understanding and somehow accepting the ideas of the "opposition", not reducing poeples to "fanboy" or "compulsive liarz"
Do you guys (who claims the game is doomed) have seen it evolving live ?
Play it now and dare to say it's vaporware....
It is allready amazing... and stil under so heavy devellopement it's amazing to hear random poeples complains like it is just an other greenlite scam...
Dood is finally developing the "next gen" (that we have been waiting for like... 20 years...) and some poeples still find ways to hate and complain...
Only "real" problem is, indeed, how far is CR gonna be able to push the CE...and in the end the only question is : how many players is he gonna be able to put in one "instance".
Old school french hardcore whiner. Online since T4C.
I was "Namless" and "Daroot" in AO (Rk2)
Been known as "Vindicar" (Aion (EU), SWTOR (EU), WoW (EU).
Recently Known as "Wundicar" and "Wundee" in Age of Wushu (US) and Wulin (EU)
Franky Rivera Reyes , From the Reyes Brotherhood (Star Citizen)
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
They are just adding another building site right next to: broken Physics, broken IK, broken animation transitions, broken controller, broken z-Fighting, semi planetary landings and 33Bit Precision - No problem at all
When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it.
The cake is a lie.
There's a big difference to what CR is saying right now "We're running into problems" and what the OP wants to hear "It's impossible, we can't do it".
This is just directed at the thread in general ;
You guy do release Alpha 2.0 is the embryo of what people deemed impossible right? You do realise 2.0 is the CryEngine, a engine that was designed as a single player, is right now currently holding multiple of players, PvPing, flying, exploring, etc? You do realise that planetary landing 15 min video is showcasing what they can push the engine to do right?
So he's not saying, "this is impossible" he says;
"CryEngine doesn’t really work that way so we’ve been spending a lot of time and we still are spending a lot of time trying to fix and refactor that. You’re sort of seeing problems that come with the CryEngine old way of doing things".
I shouldn't have to spell it out, but I have to remember where I am. In simpler words, because he's pushing the engine to do things it's not meant to do, problems are poking through as the engine tries to run how it originally did.
That's it.
Just to name few. And I'm pretty sure I missed quite a few :P
Aion: The Tower of Eternity
Armored Warfare
Arena of Fate
Cabal 2
Entropia Universe
Civilization Online
Icarus Online
King of Wushu
Monster Hunter Online
MechWarrior Online
Star Citizen
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Please, if you do not comprehend it, do not partake in it. The whole cryengine thing and its issue is not something that general people would understand. Its very technical, watch the video of CR again, and if you do not understand the whole 'explanation' that CR is trying to describe, just shut up. It is not as simple as 'its not really working, so lets try tweak some more.' There is a big difference between making a 'makeshift' bridge that may or may not colapse after few usage, and a bridge that can withstand a thyphoon. This is engineering.
Let me put this very politely, you do not understand this issue. This is very technical. Do not persume that you understand things just because a charismatic person says 'trust me and what I say'.
Let me give me an illustration:
1. Imagine u have a bike, 350 cc engine. Runs fast with you on it right?
2. Try taking a pessenger. Still runs fast right?
3. Take the engine out, and put it in a car. Put 4 people inside, probably still runs. Does it run fast, probably not.
4. Now try putting in it in a double decker bus. Do you think it will run?
Sorry, I missed it. At which point did he say that it wasn't possible? I missed it. All I heard was him talking about how CryEngine works and what they're working to refactor it so it'll work with their networking.
Sorry, but if you have access to the source code then you have the keys to the kingdom. It's not impossible. It's something that may not be feasible for someone looking for an out-of-box solution, but that's not what they were looking for from day 1 or they wouldn't have spent the money on the source and, essentially, hired the whole CryEngine team.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
No they aren't, they're all working at CIG. Feel free to check out Linkedin and have a peek at all the CIG employees and their previous employer. There are over 100 Crytek employees working for CIG.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
I'm rendering an observation here. You keep telling people they don't understand so they should shut up. Maybe I am missing something here, but is there an explanation by a tech expert on this matter that you are referring to? Because otherwise you are just saying the same thing, you'are also saying 'trust me and what I say' and by your behavior it's safe to say you are not charismatic at all.
( you do know Crytek is german right :P )
If you do want to include it in your argument, to the very least, do your homework and understand the technology, at least at some very basic level. To the extent whether you can understand what DS is saying, and whether his argument is logical or not. And understand what CR is saying and whether what he is saying is logical or not. And not based on the premise: 'I trust this guy, so what he is saying must true. Or this guy is shady, so what he is saying must be false.'
Its all technical, that all I am saying.
It took me at least a semester just to understand how graphics is being generated. What CR is saying in the video about the 'network' and 'how cryengine work/issue' its just dumbed down, it barely touches the surface. And 'no' I am no expert, but I know the amount of work or challenges that CR has to overcome in order make SC. Based on his posts, I would assume DS understand it too.
Let me remind you of a saying: 'Truth needs no validation'. Look for it yourself instead of rellying on others.
Il put the questions to you then as I know nothing, apparently.
Did anywhere in the pos CR say "This is impossible, I can't do it"?
And you do realise CIG have a branch in Germany?
No, my guess is that they just work at the CIG Frankfurt office:
Commuting from Germany to the US is such a pain.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it.
The cake is a lie.