CR opens own game studio - 4 years and millions of dollars later not a single game released in house and studio goes belly up
CR opens movie studio - works on garbage and somewhat ok movies before studio goes belly up
CR opens new game studio.... I'm seeing a trend developing
That is perfectly normal.
Any successful business person gets dozens of closed and inactive companies under their belt. Running a business is not like your daily job...
However, the pattern to keep an eye on is why previous ventures didn't turn out well and in this case, I think we might be seeing very same issues Freelancer had to go through. With the same note, given time in development and how much tech was purchased, what was shown so far is very underwhelming, that is quite worrying.
But as I pointed out, these things are impossible to gauge from an outsider perspective, at least until we are getting close to release date.
CR opens own game studio - 4 years and millions of dollars later not a single game released in house and studio goes belly up
CR opens movie studio - works on garbage and somewhat ok movies before studio goes belly up
CR opens new game studio.... I'm seeing a trend developing
That is perfectly normal.
Any successful business person gets dozens of closed and inactive companies under their belt. Running a business is not like your daily job...
Exactly, as it's not running a business as much as it is running a creative house, there is a difference, it's a lot more volatile of a trade. With many more uncertainties. A good example is Koster or McQuaid, many of these hardcore detractors would praise those names.. Yet combined they've had a number of studios/projects that didn't pan out. That's just part of making games, or any other creative medium. Especially when high ambition is in the mix.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
CR opens own game studio - 4 years and millions of dollars later not a single game released in house and studio goes belly up
CR opens movie studio - works on garbage and somewhat ok movies before studio goes belly up
CR opens new game studio.... I'm seeing a trend developing
That is perfectly normal.
Any successful business person gets dozens of closed and inactive companies under their belt. Running a business is not like your daily job...
However, the pattern to keep an eye on is why previous ventures didn't turn out well and in this case, I think we might be seeing very same issues Freelancer had to go through. With the same note, given time in development and how much tech was purchased, what was shown so far is very underwhelming, that is quite worrying.
But as I pointed out, these things are impossible to gauge from an outsider perspective, at least until we are getting close to release date.
Why do people keep thinking the games that did release with Roberts name on them was made with him in lead position. It is clear to say how others have said Roberts can't keep his eye on the ball. So these other games would of fallen flat just like we see with SC.
CR opens own game studio - 4 years and millions of dollars later not a single game released in house and studio goes belly up
CR opens movie studio - works on garbage and somewhat ok movies before studio goes belly up
CR opens new game studio.... I'm seeing a trend developing
That is perfectly normal.
Any successful business person gets dozens of closed and inactive companies under their belt. Running a business is not like your daily job...
However, the pattern to keep an eye on is why previous ventures didn't turn out well and in this case, I think we might be seeing very same issues Freelancer had to go through. With the same note, given time in development and how much tech was purchased, what was shown so far is very underwhelming, that is quite worrying.
But as I pointed out, these things are impossible to gauge from an outsider perspective, at least until we are getting close to release date.
Why do people keep thinking the games that did release with Roberts name on them was made with him in lead position. It is clear to say how others have said Roberts can't keep his eye on the ball. So these other games would of fallen flat just like we see with SC.
Why do you think he was not in lead position? Others have said...others have said. Others say many things ya know.
I will love the day when i can show you your old posts in this and other threads and can say "you were f****ng wrong, dude". Can't wait for that day.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
CR opens own game studio - 4 years and millions of dollars later not a single game released in house and studio goes belly up
CR opens movie studio - works on garbage and somewhat ok movies before studio goes belly up
CR opens new game studio.... I'm seeing a trend developing
That is perfectly normal.
Any successful business person gets dozens of closed and inactive companies under their belt. Running a business is not like your daily job...
However, the pattern to keep an eye on is why previous ventures didn't turn out well and in this case, I think we might be seeing very same issues Freelancer had to go through. With the same note, given time in development and how much tech was purchased, what was shown so far is very underwhelming, that is quite worrying.
But as I pointed out, these things are impossible to gauge from an outsider perspective, at least until we are getting close to release date.
Why do people keep thinking the games that did release with Roberts name on them was made with him in lead position. It is clear to say how others have said Roberts can't keep his eye on the ball. So these other games would of fallen flat just like we see with SC.
Why do you think he was not in lead position? Others have said...others have said. Others say many things ya know.
I will love the day when i can show you your old posts in this and other threads and can say "you were f****ng wrong, dude". Can't wait for that day.
CR opens own game studio - 4 years and millions of dollars later not a single game released in house and studio goes belly up
CR opens movie studio - works on garbage and somewhat ok movies before studio goes belly up
CR opens new game studio.... I'm seeing a trend developing
That is perfectly normal.
Any successful business person gets dozens of closed and inactive companies under their belt. Running a business is not like your daily job...
However, the pattern to keep an eye on is why previous ventures didn't turn out well and in this case, I think we might be seeing very same issues Freelancer had to go through. With the same note, given time in development and how much tech was purchased, what was shown so far is very underwhelming, that is quite worrying.
But as I pointed out, these things are impossible to gauge from an outsider perspective, at least until we are getting close to release date.
I understand that you can open many business' before you actually get one that works and makes you a profit but so far Chris has opened 2 and 2 have failed. I agree that its impossible to gauge right now but it should be somewhat worrying when its backers money that he is gambling with.
I have no doubt we are seeing the same issues that were seen with freelancer and that is worrying. Freelancer had to have multiple systems cut in order to bring it down to a reality that wouldn't cost Microsoft an arm and a leg to finish after they bought Digital Anvil.
@Daikuru if that day comes then I have no problem saying I was wrong and congrats to CIG and crew for getting it done. I still won't buy it because I am extremely stubborn but more power to the space sim genre. If it releases with half the features cut or left in a terrible state, or just not released at all, then it might be a different answer that is proportional to how crappy the final product is lol
Just to point out Roberts has not sued The Escapist and if hasn't by now that proves without a doubt the information is accurate.
Just wanted to quote this out again for everyone, if they overseen your post here.. .. you know, have a laugh or two about it :>
thanks for the comedy though brenics, much appreciated!
LOL that unprofessional letter Roberts wrote to the Escapist would prove one thing. If he did file a suit against them he would have already been bragging about it. That is just his nature.
Just to point out Roberts has not sued The Escapist and if hasn't by now that proves without a doubt the information is accurate.
Just wanted to quote this out again for everyone, if they overseen your post here.. .. you know, have a laugh or two about it :>
thanks for the comedy though brenics, much appreciated!
LOL that unprofessional letter Roberts wrote to the Escapist would prove one thing. If he did file a suit against them he would have already been bragging about it. That is just his nature.
Have Fun!
Yeah... That was indeed funny. Definitely the craziest theory that I could expect of a fan bringing to the table, he... the CEO of Cloud Imperium Games, the own savior, messiah of PC, brought to the public.
And accused the press of lying, while he lied, which is a typical attitude of the fans too.
Made me borrow his tin foil hat too, and create a theory that some of these guys who people have been talking in internet forums and defending the company's attitude is actually him
That sounds less crazy than his theory about the conspiracy against him.
I have $250 into SC. It's been worth it so far with all this drama coming from speculation/opinions from both sides that don't have any statistical or analytical proof to back their "facts".
Keep on keeping on.
Yeah... some game forums are worth more than the price of admission.
Folks just get too personally invested in their game.
It's OK folks. Get a small paper bag and take a few deep breaths. If the game is good it will succeed. if it's not, nothing said here on the forum is going to change that.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
CR opens own game studio - 4 years and millions of dollars later not a single game released in house and studio goes belly up
CR opens movie studio - works on garbage and somewhat ok movies before studio goes belly up
CR opens new game studio.... I'm seeing a trend developing
That is perfectly normal.
Any successful business person gets dozens of closed and inactive companies under their belt. Running a business is not like your daily job...
However, the pattern to keep an eye on is why previous ventures didn't turn out well and in this case, I think we might be seeing very same issues Freelancer had to go through. With the same note, given time in development and how much tech was purchased, what was shown so far is very underwhelming, that is quite worrying.
But as I pointed out, these things are impossible to gauge from an outsider perspective, at least until we are getting close to release date.
Why do people keep thinking the games that did release with Roberts name on them was made with him in lead position. It is clear to say how others have said Roberts can't keep his eye on the ball. So these other games would of fallen flat just like we see with SC.
Proof of this? Links to official sources please and not some random blog or other forum poster. Using rumors and speculation as proof of concept invalidates the whole argument. This is a combination of both anecdotal fallacyand appeal to probability. Didn't you read the article I linked just for you on the last page Brenics? I'm only trying to help you out dude.
When someone always attacks over simple spelling errors I always like posting this.
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, olny taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pcleas. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by ilstef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
When someone always attacks over simple spelling errors I always like posting this.
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, olny taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pcleas. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by ilstef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
At this point they have to use spelling mistakes as ammunition because that's all they've got now...their ship is sinking and they're just grasping at straws... it's really sad.
I have $250 into SC. It's been worth it so far with all this drama coming from speculation/opinions from both sides that don't have any statistical or analytical proof to back their "facts".
How does you spending $250 have anything to do with drama surrounding this game.
Be a man about it, you just wasted $250 on a game that doesn't even exist.
At this point they have to use spelling mistakes as ammunition because that's all they've got now...their ship is sinking and they're just grasping at straws... it's really sad.
Lighten up Francis.. it was a joke.
A pretty funny one too!
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
CR opens own game studio - 4 years and millions of dollars later not a single game released in house and studio goes belly up
CR opens movie studio - works on garbage and somewhat ok movies before studio goes belly up
CR opens new game studio.... I'm seeing a trend developing
That is perfectly normal.
Any successful business person gets dozens of closed and inactive companies under their belt. Running a business is not like your daily job...
However, the pattern to keep an eye on is why previous ventures didn't turn out well and in this case, I think we might be seeing very same issues Freelancer had to go through. With the same note, given time in development and how much tech was purchased, what was shown so far is very underwhelming, that is quite worrying.
But as I pointed out, these things are impossible to gauge from an outsider perspective, at least until we are getting close to release date.
Why do people keep thinking the games that did release with Roberts name on them was made with him in lead position. It is clear to say how others have said Roberts can't keep his eye on the ball. So these other games would of fallen flat just like we see with SC.
Proof of this? Links to official sources please and not some random blog or other forum poster. Using rumors and speculation as proof of concept invalidates the whole argument. This is a combination of both anecdotal fallacyand appeal to probability. Didn't you read the article I linked just for you on the last page Brenics? I'm only trying to help you out dude.
Wing Commander was a pretty slavish copy of a LucasArts WWII air combat game. If you'd like to see the credits for WC, showing that Roberts had a ton of help, I will provide a link. Roberts shares producer credit with Warren Spector. Designer credit with two other folks. Early on, I also used to see fans including Privateer and Star Lancer among his many accomplishments, even though he was only peripherally involved with both.
While you are under no obligation to believe it (it is the internet), I know a bunch of folks who worked with Roberts, and talking to them has pretty much informed my low opinion of him.
As far as the movies go, no one really knows what Roberts did with/for them. Producer credits in Hollywood can mean a wide range of things. Some important, some peripheral.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
CR opens own game studio - 4 years and millions of dollars later not a single game released in house and studio goes belly up
CR opens movie studio - works on garbage and somewhat ok movies before studio goes belly up
CR opens new game studio.... I'm seeing a trend developing
That is perfectly normal.
Any successful business person gets dozens of closed and inactive companies under their belt. Running a business is not like your daily job...
However, the pattern to keep an eye on is why previous ventures didn't turn out well and in this case, I think we might be seeing very same issues Freelancer had to go through. With the same note, given time in development and how much tech was purchased, what was shown so far is very underwhelming, that is quite worrying.
But as I pointed out, these things are impossible to gauge from an outsider perspective, at least until we are getting close to release date.
Why do people keep thinking the games that did release with Roberts name on them was made with him in lead position. It is clear to say how others have said Roberts can't keep his eye on the ball. So these other games would of fallen flat just like we see with SC.
Proof of this? Links to official sources please and not some random blog or other forum poster. Using rumors and speculation as proof of concept invalidates the whole argument. This is a combination of both anecdotal fallacyand appeal to probability. Didn't you read the article I linked just for you on the last page Brenics? I'm only trying to help you out dude.
Wing Commander was a pretty slavish copy of a LucasArts WWII air combat game. If you'd like to see the credits for WC, showing that Roberts had a ton of help, I will provide a link. Roberts shares producer credit with Warren Spector. Designer credit with two other folks. Early on, I also used to see fans including Privateer and Star Lancer among his many accomplishments, even though he was only peripherally involved with both.
While you are under no obligation to believe it (it is the internet), I know a bunch of folks who worked with Roberts, and talking to them has pretty much informed my low opinion of him.
As far as the movies go, no one really knows what Roberts did with/for them. Producer credits in Hollywood can mean a wide range of things. Some important, some peripheral.
Right the old I know a guy who knows a guy who was someone's brother's uncle's cousin's former roomate who used to work with him.
Unless you're willing to provide evidence that can be verified this falls under the "proof or stfu" column.
CR opens own game studio - 4 years and millions of dollars later not a single game released in house and studio goes belly up
CR opens movie studio - works on garbage and somewhat ok movies before studio goes belly up
CR opens new game studio.... I'm seeing a trend developing
That is perfectly normal.
Any successful business person gets dozens of closed and inactive companies under their belt. Running a business is not like your daily job...
However, the pattern to keep an eye on is why previous ventures didn't turn out well and in this case, I think we might be seeing very same issues Freelancer had to go through. With the same note, given time in development and how much tech was purchased, what was shown so far is very underwhelming, that is quite worrying.
But as I pointed out, these things are impossible to gauge from an outsider perspective, at least until we are getting close to release date.
Why do people keep thinking the games that did release with Roberts name on them was made with him in lead position. It is clear to say how others have said Roberts can't keep his eye on the ball. So these other games would of fallen flat just like we see with SC.
Proof of this? Links to official sources please and not some random blog or other forum poster. Using rumors and speculation as proof of concept invalidates the whole argument. This is a combination of both anecdotal fallacyand appeal to probability. Didn't you read the article I linked just for you on the last page Brenics? I'm only trying to help you out dude.
Wing Commander was a pretty slavish copy of a LucasArts WWII air combat game. If you'd like to see the credits for WC, showing that Roberts had a ton of help, I will provide a link. Roberts shares producer credit with Warren Spector. Designer credit with two other folks. Early on, I also used to see fans including Privateer and Star Lancer among his many accomplishments, even though he was only peripherally involved with both.
While you are under no obligation to believe it (it is the internet), I know a bunch of folks who worked with Roberts, and talking to them has pretty much informed my low opinion of him.
As far as the movies go, no one really knows what Roberts did with/for them. Producer credits in Hollywood can mean a wide range of things. Some important, some peripheral.
Argle, I'm not going to get into it with you... not because I don't necessarily believe you but more because I do believe you but I also think that either the people you are talking to or even maybe yourself are exaggerating things a bit. I know full well that Roberts had a lot of help in the past including people that helped reign him in on occasion. I also know full well that Roberts didn't have direct involvement with every project he's been given credit for. I personally just don't think it matters all that much in regards to Star Citizen as again Roberts isn't exactly doing this alone. He may call himself "Chairman" but he does have a Business Partner (A Lawyer even... you don't get more "Suit" than that.) and some extremely talented people heading up every department in CIG.
You may not see it and that's fine but he does have people even this time to 'reign him in' if he gets too ambitious and I think we've already seen this on occasion. People tend to think when watching things like 10 for the Chairman that he's the only guy making all of the decisions but he isn't exactly making these decisions on his own. He has a lot of the industry's finest minds behind him giving him the information he needs to make these decisions. He's definitely not perfect but who is?
While you are under no obligation to believe it (it is the internet), I know a bunch of folks who worked with Roberts, and talking to them has pretty much informed my low opinion of him.
Sounds like the guys you know didn't like Chris and have influenced your perception of him. Many former employees have low opinions of their former bosses and/or companies. Sometimes it's legit and sometimes it's not. Getting fired or having your contract end is certainly a trying time for people so of course it would color your memories.
Anyhow, the GREAT part about all this is that all we have to do is wait and eventually we will all get to see the final product! Then, if it's a consensus hit.. Chris Roberts will get the credit no matter how much he personally has done. If it is a failure then he will take the blame.
Nobody is going to "win" this argument until that point.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
I have $250 into SC. It's been worth it so far with all this drama coming from speculation/opinions from both sides that don't have any statistical or analytical proof to back their "facts".
Keep on keeping on.
I have $0 into SC. It's been worth it so far with all this drama coming
from speculation/opinions from both sides that don't have any
statistical or analytical proof to back their "facts".
My fun has been free of charge and I do enjoy it alot.
While you are under no obligation to believe it (it is the internet), I know a bunch of folks who worked with Roberts, and talking to them has pretty much informed my low opinion of him.
Sounds like the guys you know didn't like Chris and have influenced your perception of him. Many former employees have low opinions of their former bosses and/or companies. Sometimes it's legit and sometimes it's not. Getting fired or having your contract end is certainly a trying time for people so of course it would color your memories.
Anyhow, the GREAT part about all this is that all we have to do is wait and eventually we will all get to see the final product! Then, if it's a consensus hit.. Chris Roberts will get the credit no matter how much he personally has done. If it is a failure then he will take the blame.
Nobody is going to "win" this argument until that point.
You know that not everyone who worked with Chris was an "employee" of Chris, right? Specially those from the Origin times.
Been an asshole do not make people from this industry to bad mouth other fellow, because the majority of us are egomaniacs, arrogant and assholes, specially those in leadership positions. People rarely changes their perception, because despite the "public scene", that's the reality of the majority: dealing with assholes all the time. What made someone bad mouth other is competence, I mean... lack of it. And that is where the feedback that guy got is about.
CR opens own game studio - 4 years and millions of dollars later not a single game released in house and studio goes belly up
CR opens movie studio - works on garbage and somewhat ok movies before studio goes belly up
CR opens new game studio.... I'm seeing a trend developing
That is perfectly normal.
Any successful business person gets dozens of closed and inactive companies under their belt. Running a business is not like your daily job...
However, the pattern to keep an eye on is why previous ventures didn't turn out well and in this case, I think we might be seeing very same issues Freelancer had to go through. With the same note, given time in development and how much tech was purchased, what was shown so far is very underwhelming, that is quite worrying.
But as I pointed out, these things are impossible to gauge from an outsider perspective, at least until we are getting close to release date.
Why do people keep thinking the games that did release with Roberts name on them was made with him in lead position. It is clear to say how others have said Roberts can't keep his eye on the ball. So these other games would of fallen flat just like we see with SC.
Proof of this? Links to official sources please and not some random blog or other forum poster. Using rumors and speculation as proof of concept invalidates the whole argument. This is a combination of both anecdotal fallacyand appeal to probability. Didn't you read the article I linked just for you on the last page Brenics? I'm only trying to help you out dude.
Wing Commander was a pretty slavish copy of a LucasArts WWII air combat game. If you'd like to see the credits for WC, showing that Roberts had a ton of help, I will provide a link. Roberts shares producer credit with Warren Spector. Designer credit with two other folks. Early on, I also used to see fans including Privateer and Star Lancer among his many accomplishments, even though he was only peripherally involved with both.
While you are under no obligation to believe it (it is the internet), I know a bunch of folks who worked with Roberts, and talking to them has pretty much informed my low opinion of him.
As far as the movies go, no one really knows what Roberts did with/for them. Producer credits in Hollywood can mean a wide range of things. Some important, some peripheral.
Argle, I'm not going to get into it with you... not because I don't necessarily believe you but more because I do believe you but I also think that either the people you are talking to or even maybe yourself are exaggerating things a bit. I know full well that Roberts had a lot of help in the past including people that helped reign him in on occasion. I also know full well that Roberts didn't have direct involvement with every project he's been given credit for. I personally just don't think it matters all that much in regards to Star Citizen as again Roberts isn't exactly doing this alone. He may call himself "Chairman" but he does have a Business Partner (A Lawyer even... you don't get more "Suit" than that.) and some extremely talented people heading up every department in CIG.
You may not see it and that's fine but he does have people even this time to 'reign him in' if he gets too ambitious and I think we've already seen this on occasion. People tend to think when watching things like 10 for the Chairman that he's the only guy making all of the decisions but he isn't exactly making these decisions on his own. He has a lot of the industry's finest minds behind him giving him the information he needs to make these decisions. He's definitely not perfect but who is?
You have to hope that he's got some decent advisors, but one of the complaints I heard was that he surrounded himself with brown nosers and toadies, without much regard to their actual skill. And many of the ballyhooed 'big hires' who might have been those voices have bailed on the project. Still, Erin moving into the main structure is a positive, as he's competent and has released a game or two in the last 20 years. And he obviously can work well with his brother.
I am not in the camp that says the game won't release, or that it was purely a money-making scam. Just that the hubris at the top will end with millions wasted and an underwhelming game delivered. On paper Star Citizen sounds great. But on paper is easy.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
Any successful business person gets dozens of closed and inactive companies under their belt. Running a business is not like your daily job...
However, the pattern to keep an eye on is why previous ventures didn't turn out well and in this case, I think we might be seeing very same issues Freelancer had to go through. With the same note, given time in development and how much tech was purchased, what was shown so far is very underwhelming, that is quite worrying.
But as I pointed out, these things are impossible to gauge from an outsider perspective, at least until we are getting close to release date.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
I will love the day when i can show you your old posts in this and other threads and can say "you were f****ng wrong, dude". Can't wait for that day.
- Albert Einstein
I have no doubt we are seeing the same issues that were seen with freelancer and that is worrying. Freelancer had to have multiple systems cut in order to bring it down to a reality that wouldn't cost Microsoft an arm and a leg to finish after they bought Digital Anvil.
@Daikuru if that day comes then I have no problem saying I was wrong and congrats to CIG and crew for getting it done. I still won't buy it because I am extremely stubborn but more power to the space sim genre. If it releases with half the features cut or left in a terrible state, or just not released at all, then it might be a different answer that is proportional to how crappy the final product is lol
Just wanted to quote this out again for everyone, if they overseen your post here.. .. you know, have a laugh or two about it :>
thanks for the comedy though brenics, much appreciated!
Have Fun!
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
And accused the press of lying, while he lied, which is a typical attitude of the fans too.
Made me borrow his tin foil hat too, and create a theory that some of these guys who people have been talking in internet forums and defending the company's attitude is actually him
That sounds less crazy than his theory about the conspiracy against him.
Folks just get too personally invested in their game.
It's OK folks. Get a small paper bag and take a few deep breaths. If the game is good it will succeed. if it's not, nothing said here on the forum is going to change that.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
That would probably be hard since porches are usually attached to a house or other building structure.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it.
The cake is a lie.
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, olny taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pcleas. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by ilstef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
But I have heard their are people that can't understand this because their brains just don't work very well.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
Did you use "their" intentionally there?
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Be a man about it, you just wasted $250 on a game that doesn't even exist.
A pretty funny one too!
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Wing Commander was a pretty slavish copy of a LucasArts WWII air combat game. If you'd like to see the credits for WC, showing that Roberts had a ton of help, I will provide a link. Roberts shares producer credit with Warren Spector. Designer credit with two other folks. Early on, I also used to see fans including Privateer and Star Lancer among his many accomplishments, even though he was only peripherally involved with both.
While you are under no obligation to believe it (it is the internet), I know a bunch of folks who worked with Roberts, and talking to them has pretty much informed my low opinion of him.
As far as the movies go, no one really knows what Roberts did with/for them. Producer credits in Hollywood can mean a wide range of things. Some important, some peripheral.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
Unless you're willing to provide evidence that can be verified this falls under the "proof or stfu" column.
You may not see it and that's fine but he does have people even this time to 'reign him in' if he gets too ambitious and I think we've already seen this on occasion. People tend to think when watching things like 10 for the Chairman that he's the only guy making all of the decisions but he isn't exactly making these decisions on his own. He has a lot of the industry's finest minds behind him giving him the information he needs to make these decisions. He's definitely not perfect but who is?
Anyhow, the GREAT part about all this is that all we have to do is wait and eventually we will all get to see the final product! Then, if it's a consensus hit.. Chris Roberts will get the credit no matter how much he personally has done. If it is a failure then he will take the blame.
Nobody is going to "win" this argument until that point.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
My fun has been free of charge and I do enjoy it alot.
Been an asshole do not make people from this industry to bad mouth other fellow, because the majority of us are egomaniacs, arrogant and assholes, specially those in leadership positions. People rarely changes their perception, because despite the "public scene", that's the reality of the majority: dealing with assholes all the time. What made someone bad mouth other is competence, I mean... lack of it. And that is where the feedback that guy got is about.
You have to hope that he's got some decent advisors, but one of the complaints I heard was that he surrounded himself with brown nosers and toadies, without much regard to their actual skill. And many of the ballyhooed 'big hires' who might have been those voices have bailed on the project. Still, Erin moving into the main structure is a positive, as he's competent and has released a game or two in the last 20 years. And he obviously can work well with his brother.
I am not in the camp that says the game won't release, or that it was purely a money-making scam. Just that the hubris at the top will end with millions wasted and an underwhelming game delivered. On paper Star Citizen sounds great. But on paper is easy.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.