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  • Hi With the new Dreamworld engine, everything including the expansion is 22.5Gb after installation using the download available from your AoC account page.
    in aoc size Comment by Aghora July 2011
  • You can emote the /sit command. Works well on all kind of chairs, tables, fences etc. More emotes here: http://conanvault.ign.com/wiki/index.php//Command_List
  • Originally posted by SBE1 There were so many problems at launch with this game that it just turned off so many players.  It was SOLD as a PvP type of game in many of the demonstrations/interviews, and then when you go to a seige having people locked…
  • Hi Debate, what?
  • The correct adress is account@ageofconan.com I am not sure if those above even exist.
  • Nice addvert. One thing the author forgot to mention is that this game has been out for 2 years in Asia.
  • Well hell of a lot people listen to Pop music instead of metal as well.
  • Hi For beginners its always good to start on a PvE server for several reason. You will be able to quest in piece and to familiarize your self with the game withouth the constant fear of ganking and griefing. Once you get to know the mechanics of th…
  • To be precise, you have a base of fatality chance (20%) and you can add some additional values through feats, skills etc. You can only do fatalities with combo finishers (noraml "white" hits do not count) and if the amount of HP on the target is equ…
  • Couple of sites from me. We can add the Testlive forums as well http://forums-tl.ageofconan.com/ Conan vault http://conanvault.ign.com/ lots of info there, and updated the Community portal http://community.ageofconan.com/wsp/conan/frontend.cgi?f…
  • Hi Here is short list of what the features are: -Eastern Empire of Khitai - the new zones in Khitai, who will be more big and open then before -Pick your side - introducing one of the many factions in Khitai and the faction system it self -Wolf and…
  • Instancing was not a new feature or a bad one or a fail for that matter. In the long history of MMO's there have been plenty of games using heavy instancing and still being good (most popular is Guild Wars if I have to give example). It is other of …
  • I guess this part is true if we assume the United States of America "is" the world. Nice read overall, thanks for posting.
  • Hi Well you should share more information about you - are you more casual or more hardcore player, looking for PvE or PvP, which server are you playing (on the US or EU). I suggest to take a look on the official forums through the corresponding se…
  • Hi Dark There is also a 7 day free re-evaluation key any current player can send you, so you can play with your current account. Or like the poster above me said, you can try the trial. But since you have an account I think its better the first opt…
  • Hi Then forward your issue to account@ageofconan.com to contact the support team. Regards
  • Hi Have in mind that password for your account, the forums and the game could be totally different. Try changing your game password from your acc page.
  • For a new player that never played the game before around 8-10,12 days gametime in average if you run around explore try some crafting etc. If you concentrate on leveling and doing quests probably faster.
  • There is Server status, which you can watch for updates. It's announced at least 2 days before any maintenance (except emergency patches) For US servers: http://forums.ageofconan.com/forumdisplay.php?f=3 For EU servers: http://forums-eu.ageofconan…
  • Here's a nice guide, I am sure it will help you alot: http://forums-eu.ageofconan.com/showthread.php?t=122753