about the driver... I sent a question to support about that here is their reply.
Subject video drivers for nvidia Discussion Thread Response Via Email (Brian) 08/13/2012 06:14 PM Hello.
Don't quote me this as I cannot remember where I read it, but if it is true, after this weekend there will be a means in your account info to change your cc info.
Hiya here is something to read in the meantime...http://www.hardware-revolution.com/high-end-gaming-pc-august-2011-v250/
nothing for sale here just info.
A good place to find info(current) about building or updating your computer is HardwareRevolutions.com. This is not a vendor just a guy who enjoys research.
Here is a good resource for building a computer http://www.hardware-revolution.com/ . He doesn't sell anything but tells where to get it usually at the best price.
One more thing to try is make sure you have the latest nvidia drivers, I seem to remember nvidia having one build that caused the same problem you are now having. I know this is probably not your problem but worth thinking about.
I looked up Cryptic Studios on the Better Business Bureau and they have a rating of "F". Look here http://sanjose.bbb.org/Business-Report/Cryptic-Studios-221613
Thanks for an entertaining and informative read Sanya, your honest is refreshing! It is very evident that you are well schooled in "human nature" a difficult subject at best . :-)