I don't see the crusades as a horrible thing anyway. The crusades pushed back the islamic nations for hundreds of years(till 1453 when constantinople falls to the ottomans). The islamic nations had been pushing into europe for years in Spain and try…
Originally posted by 7Fold
5. Someone said Unjust War in Iraq. HorseSh!t. No one on the far left even wants you to hear about the good things that are happening in Iraq. There will be a 20 day coverage on a beheading or a carbomb. But nothing is bei…
"Those who sacrifice liberty in the name of security deserve neither"- Ben Franklin
"Unlike me, many of you have accepted the situation of your imprisonment and will die here like rotten cabbages."- Number Six's speech from…
* 343
"Those who sacrifice liberty in the name of security deserve neither"- Ben Franklin
"Unlike me, many of you have accepted the situation of your imprisonment and will die here like rotten cabbages."- Number Six's speec…
"Those who sacrifice liberty in the name of security deserve neither"- Ben Franklin
"Unlike me, many of you have accepted the situation of your imprisonment and will die here like rotten cabbages."
Number Six's speech from…
Very sad but I was thinking this would happen when the devs had to more to CA(most stayed). Here is the offical EA http://www.eagames.com/redesign/games/pccd/uxo/home.jsp
Ultima X Guild-
Guardians of Scotland
Yea, I would join your guild if I get into the eq2 beta. You going to make a website or anything?
Ultima X Guild-
Guardians of Scotland
Originally posted by Bobjones1303
Communism is an ideal form of government, but it has never been used correctly. Thus is the reason why so many people have bad ideas about it. It has never worked before because humans are selfish, uncopoerative …
Do not get Rambus, its outdated and has no future use(no more rdram boards). I have a p4 with it, it isn't worth the price. I also have a amd 64, it really kills my p4 in every game. It is much better than the old xp's and right now it is putting th…
Yay, somebody likes me . Basically this is going to be the same thing as the WoW vs. EQ2 battles. There's lots of arguments going on between those 2 games. In theory, you should be able to state which ever game you like without being right or wr…
I agree 100 percent with rathma. His argument is all about big opinion pieces and nothing orginal he wrote himself.
Ultima X Guild-
Guardians of Scotland
wtf? how does that make me ignorant and racist?
can't back it up hmm?
atleast I can spell YOU'RE!
You can't back up your argument either! Anyone who can post a good argument you just ignore or go off-topic about spelling. Read my last post…
Before I start, I'm not a "liveral", up until bush I was a strong republican. Tell me, where the hell do you think all the money for bush campaign comes from? Big industry. Who is Cheny? A big industry boy. Bush is also a big oil boy. By going to Ir…
I agree with you man. ever since 9/11 people been making money off of it, making stupid movies, t-shirts, postcards, and all this other crap just for money. It's like seeing all the Disney crap at shops and mini shops all around florida. They really…
Ive seen this too. The GMs don't really seem to care or do anything about it. L2 is a horrible game that will not sell and do crappy in north america.
Ultima X Guild-
Guardians of Scotland
I agree also. The game is really a huge leveling treadmill with way overrated pvp system. I can honestly say that I enjoyed shadowbane far more than this game. There is not a chance I will buy it for 50 dollars+15 dollars a month. But even though th…
I really didn't like either game- L2 is a huge leveling fest(leveling takes forever) and CoH is just a fanisty game with a superhero mod, and has no player villians and weak pvp. You should have a choice of neither.
Ultima X G…