Originally posted by Taram
TBQH I was pretty unimpressed with the commercial. Graphics really weren't very good even for an MMORPG and it was way short. Probably most of it was just CGI at this point and not actual game footage. But if the graphi…
Originally posted by Abhorsan
One of the best things about the SG series is the humor that went into the series, it would be great to see if they can capture any of that humor and fun in an MMO?
Or is that asking too much for an MMO?
I do…
Originally posted by Khabarach
I think you are getting slightly confused as to what's what. Big World is the server tech that they are using. Basically it's used for distributing the game world accross multiple machines.
The actual game/physics e…
One of the two SG-1 movies this fall will wrap out the ori storyline while the other will wrap up the Ba'al storyline. Also RDA will be in the second one... Woot!
As far as Stargate worlds they will basing the game from seasons 3 to the end of 8 t…
As most have said already, the devs are currently trying to push for a 2008 release, but who knows I'd personally say it will be a bit later than that but that's just a guess.
They are going level based, and they are doing archetypes, but you should read more into the archetypes as I did. Each archetype will have skill trees to choose from in them. So I believe there will be tons of customization on that front.
Originally posted by ork147
I think the guild hing would be called an alliance in stargate worlds. As there was the Lucian Alliance In SG1 and that was just a group of bounty hunters/ traders, joining together.
Also I think there should be some p…
As far as specs needed, Not known yet. Although the devs have posted what the specs of the systems there using to make the game with currently. I remeber for graphics cards they saiid they were using Nvidia 7900gt's. But I know they want to be able …
Originally posted by Justjack
Bottom line is this game is going to be catering mostly to adult gamers since it's mostly adults that watch SG-1. And most adults don't like first person shooters (myself included).
I find it really funny how FPS …
Well the Devs say it's not going to be any point and aim fps type mmo ala swg nge......it's not going to be like that.
They say it's going to be a system where cover and group tactics will have to be used heavily....We can only guess from that.
Originally posted by nadroj_co
i think Stargate Worlds should have a FPS aspect to, from the interview i read that there would be squad aspects to the game, but what does that entail? what it really boils down to is that i don't want character sk…
Originally posted by Maphusio
Originally posted by mithrandir72
Originally posted by Pyrite
Teal'c P.I.
Ever since the 200th episode, I've been thinking how much that would kick ass. Its on levels I can't even comprehend
I would…
Ok heres the deal the races the Devs have confirmed thus far are the
and the Asgard are a huge maybe still
Now some of us on the forums hope that each race will have atleast 3 faction
Neutral, Good, Bad
So for th…
Originally posted by TheKronos
I love stargate world and I hope they will base the game on pvp just like Eve Online.
With that, if they can combine combat in space and ground, it should be the first to sign up
Space combat won't be added ti…
Originally posted by Tinybina
Originally posted by DylanHunt
Originally posted by kjm2006
I think it would be a better 1st person shooter then an MMORPG but if it is done really well, I could see it working.
I thougt its going to be an FP…
The best thing you can do till beta is annouced is Sign up on the SGW Forums and start posting ideas of things you would like to see in game. The devs there constantly read the community threads almost daily so your voice will be heard and one of yo…
Originally posted by -Killez-
Originally posted by Wargoo
Originally posted by Moirae
Originally posted by Wargoo
I think a guild wars option is the best for this game. I don't see people flocking over (especially if there is a 14.95/mo fee…