They won't do it. Why I don't know as all I got sent was a robospam. I could care less about getting items back I knew when I wrote the ticket out and the way they handled my other tickets over broken quests not being to be completed I would see lit…
It can't compete with even the trash of the f2p market. Its a sloppy rushed copy of wow with no features. People aren't going to wait 10 years for things that should be standard practice even in the worst korean made pay per item game.
Let me put …
The tiny micro fix patches that bring down the servers for hours and never fix anything shows it all. This game will be the downfall of bioware much as age of conan wounded funcom. The only difference being funcom never had a single player market f…
Bought two items from champion vendor and they never showed up in inventory champ commendations gone though.. Final straw for me along with doing daily warzones and not getting credit.
Missing items.. Got standard robo spam message and ticket closed. I got 10 or so days left on this trash heap and I will never look back at this game. I asked a friend the other night if he wanted to use the time and have my security key. You can't …
Lets say you take a sewer pipe and slap a star wars label on it. That describes this game.
Everything is copy and paste from wow half finished using star wars rep to get by. Game is sewage. You will have fun till level 30 or so then its down the d…
Originally posted by Doomedfox This bug was Fixed in 1.02 (so begin of January) if the OP would have actually read the Forum posts he linked he would have known it as well.....but maybe he just did not want to know?
Read the last pages it is no…
As of patch 1.1 the alternate route to the datacron on tatooine has been nerfed. Great job BW such a great use of resources considering the state your game is in. why deal with pvp exploiers when you can fix people from jumping on a rock. Alderaan a…
i got a 40 set before they did this for my BH and wanted to get a set of custom orange for mako.
Screw you bioware. Keep pissing people off see what happens. All matches today were giving me 60-80 I notice no change in gain.
Every day they ruin it a little more this game is doomed. There are alot of bad design firms and bioware is starting to make a nice rep for themselves as assholes and join them.
Originally posted by pmaura
Originally posted by Welles
Theres one on alderaan fat toons can't even fit through the hole to get it . My patience has run dry on this single player platform crap.
What I have to pay the 12 year old down th…
Theres one on alderaan fat toons can't even fit through the hole to get it . My patience has run dry on this single player platform crap.
What I have to pay the 12 year old down the street thats an xbox live junkie to get these things? Stupi…
I think the DRM conspiracy theory is correct. This is just stupid on so many levels. Its like that commercial for capital one with the late night tv show host "who would'nt want more cash back?". Why would you sabotage your own game unless your hand…
Having played sith juggernaut and bounty hunter i abandoned mine at 28 now a bh at 32 or so. It was underpowered which was shame as I prefer sith to bh but with the graphics fiasco I have cancelled until they admitt they screwed up and put high res …