I couldn't bring myself to read 4 pages so I hope I don't seem to repetitive. Although non raiding servers may not be a bad idea I think the best solution is to even the chances for both raiders and non raiders to have equal gear. I do see why man…
That is actually a good question cause how I see it is either pve can't party with pvpers or those pvpers with a pve healer friend has a very unfair advantage. Ty for pointing that out I never thought of that.
Lotr is more or less a guild wars clone except based in middle earth of course. Great if youre a Lotr fan otherwise you might just as well buy Guild wars.
There is no additional motivateion but simple vegeance actually. They took my money and wasted my time and there for I took a few extra minutes of my time to tell my story.
I guess I would be counted as a vengeance seeker. Why? They took my 50 bucks for a game that didn't even work then made me waste countless hours becuase they kept giving me suggestions why the problem is with my computer and not on there end (d…
For me it looks like im going to play Aoc but they are 2 potential deal breakers which I don't think will become clear untill closer to release. Th potential deal breakers that will send me running to War are.......
1.)Will I be able to do some de…
I'm gonna play the open beta and will found out for myself soon but I am still curious if playing as a monster character benefits you in any way like getting rewards or is just meant for fun?
I do not know where Zappy get off thinking he or she could judge me based on a small comment. For you're information I got hot-keys down to a science which is why I desire a new and less hot-key dependant combat system. I have nothing against hot …
A skill/action based combat system is what i wanted to see in a mmorpg for a long time. I could see why some of the hardcore geeks don't like it though because they will miss being the king of the hill with there hot keys, epic gear and addons (wh…