Funcom's talking like there was no apparent problems
sorry but whoever I playd with was crashing every 20 mins to 45 minutes
I, for myself had stalling, huge loading, crashing every 15 mins or so, made my core duo reboot 3 times.. after the loa…
Originally posted by Estrus
Alot of you are forgetting that "open beta" means F2P for the cheep crowd. Look at how many requests there are for "good f2p" games. Some won't/can't pay, so they whine for open betas to play for free for a few weeks.…
haha saranth damn
i got my headstart from gamestop(ebgames) today.
They knew everything about the headstart but had opposite experience at
maybe something is wrong with the personnal you dealing with
Hope everything works out for…
haven't playd since pvp beta weekend (2 days ago)
aaaaaaaaah funcom please HELP give me my crack
cant stop thinking about aoc I got to keep myself busy all the time (masturbating) lol
Originally posted by Mitnal
Originally posted by youngger
ya at least you are honnest I respect your opinion
i got bored with the pvp mini games but I it was always the same thing.. small pvp games..small maps.. you knew exactly where there wa…