You should try to sell this "10/10" crap to the people who got their PvP levels in a legitimate way, and got it rolled back to 0 (ZERO), just because my grandma codes better then FC devs, and my grandpa can do better QA...
Originally posted by arkady09
If you were suddenly uprooted and flown in a secret FUNCOM helicopter to a remote and secret location, told that you had 6 months to rehab the game or DIE, what would you do?
Leave Funcom immediately and hide…
Originally posted by Lughsan
This game overall is so easily 8+ its not even funny.
Those that bash it are (not understanding the dynamics of the combat system, have crappy ass computers, were looking for a game to give them IWIN buttons)
Originally posted by heather00
That's over 1 whole point higher than WOW's rating (7.6). That for me is the mark of a superior game. Now that I finally got the money to purchase the game, I've been thinking about cancelling my WOW subscription a…
Originally posted by ILOVEFUNCOM
1 Funcom now has the best game director available for the company. 2 Funcom stock is now on the rise and will soon come back to prelaunch levels. 3 The PvP patch will get old players back and fill up the servers d…
Originally posted by ed515
Finally, maybe now something will get done. Who knows I might even re sub if things get fixed.
Expect in AoC soon:
- Orbital strikes to oneshot all the keep defenders and the keep itself, cha…
Typically Failcom: too little too late.
Today is the release of WAR, they should have pushed that patch waaaay earlier.
What's with the people with zero math skills lately?
One dude claims FC has 500k active players, then another on…
Originally posted by WisebutCruel
Originally posted by mallor
Originally posted by altair4
No wonder the stock went up.
Don't worry, it's temporary phenomenon, untill people who never played AO will realize what Craig Morrison is all …
Originally posted by altair4
No wonder the stock went up.
Don't worry, it's temporary phenomenon, untill people who never played AO will realize what Craig Morrison is all about.
Craig Morrison aka Silirrion, the dude who delivered a final killing blow to AO with his stupid ideas of PvP revamping?
Oh geez, AoC is dead... so dead now
FC has reported 415k subs, that was around end of july. That included people who canceled, but their account is still active and buddy keys.
OP claims for 500k.
I point finger and laugh.
Retardation has never looked so hot.
You should be thankful, in fact.
The less frequent they patch, the more time you have to enjoy the remaining bit of non-broken aspects of the game, untill they release a new patch and ruin that too...
The thought about Failcom doing server merging is simply horrifying.
I bet after the merges are done you'll end up with your name written backwards, -100 gold in your pocket, in a guild named "Daniel, don't forget to change the guild name", with y…
Originally posted by Spellshaper
Originally posted by mallor
In WAR I was able to do 3 different things at lvl 3 (three)
And you will do these same things at lvl 40 over and over and over again.
I play rather battlefield then scenari…
In WAR I was able to do 3 different things at lvl 3 (three)
In AoC it's quest/grind/quest/grind/quest/grind/useless crafting/quest/grind rinse and repeat.
Not to mention 95% of your way up to 80 you won't even have to group.
Originally posted by supbro
Let me first say AoC has set the benchmark in the MMO genre.
Oh damn, not the "AOC have set a benchmark" babbling again.
AOC is crap, period.
No need to share your thoughts about the taste of crap, we're not in…