Originally posted by Illius
The 300 hours per month thing won't bother me one bit. I never play that much anyways. Usually when I'm working I barely get 1-2 hours a day during the weekdays so I'd be way under the limit anyways.
I'm fairly certa…
this is for koreans only as they already have the same payment system for other mmos so its nothing new just stupid dumb people that just now heard about it old news
theres no point in trying to explain to people this is for koreans only etc people are just to dumb to know they have the same system for other mmos already and eu and us will have the normal system but then again why bother people are just brainles…
the only thing that would make me stop playing would be if its not smooth and feels just crappy when moving or fighting etc and corpse loot doesent bother me just makes it more fun if you kill someone and if you die well you gotta start over if you …
Originally posted by Zorvan
Originally posted by raizenlol
its a bit amazing of how dumb people are on this forum or pretty much everywhere now days
You mean like the ones who enter threads solely for the thrill of insulting others whi…
i bought this game since i felt like spending money so bought it online digital dl but once i started there wasint realy anything special played it for 2 days then never reinstalled it after format again just wasint anything new and the lore wasint …
300 hours gameplay not actual time nublet i lulz at whata nub you are lawl and you say lineage 2 suck as you only mentioned game where lvling is about as easy as childrens games i can se why you think it sucks as you are simply a bad player and bad …
got bored the 2nd day playing and canceld but i keep getting free days now for 2 weeks and going for some weird reason all tho my account was ment to get canceld on teh 10th as that was when my month ran out but ive goten 2 weeks free now so mindas…
go play kotor 1 and 2 before posting otherwise you = fail and this game will not be swg or anything at all similar whatsoever and those saying we dont know anything about the game they have said its going to be as much as possible alike as the other…