go play Darkfall or EvE if you want cross pve-pvp.
Im in the same boat as you. And have tried both these games very shorly, sadly they didnt make me stuck to them. I guess they aint very new-friendly in their gameplay approach, but if i …
Originally posted by DamonVile So is the hidden question you're asking " how do we force people to play like I want" because you could easily just not look any of that up and do it " the old way"
but come on. We are afterall all humans. If …
I was imagining as a youth how cool the graphics would be, and how awesome everything would become just simply to that fact. Me and my friends were all discussing this from time to time, and we were longing to get there.
But I have never been…
World of Warcraft feels extremly smooth, love the feeling playing it, too bad there is no greater purpose in the game (PvP is instanced for itself, Dungeons is instanced for itself, BGs instanced for itself, ETC).
WoWs responsiveness reminds me …
agree with some of TS points.
Max gear should be almost impossible to get. U should have to choose which part you want and after all its not sure u still should get it. There should be like a 0.09% drop of best items else there is NONE at …
Mu Online.
We were 5 friends competing with eachother when we was at the age of 12 i think. We started to lose track on school and staying home. One of us had a grown voice back then so we payed him to call to our teachers to tell them we were…
sure PVE is really fun most of the time. But, why do you play PVE? Yes your right, to be better in PVP.
Its an ecvation, you can take away PVE at the cost of more fun but you can never take away PVP. Not if I should play the game howhever.
Im not playing any but I would say any of:
EVE - If u like space etc (I dont)
Wow or maybe Rift
I myself is waiting for something better.
Mainly waiting: D3 and Titan
i agree, i made a post some weeks ago about my MMORPG wishes which some of them was:
Open drops
Gamble system similar to the D2
Randomization with map some
Random uniq drops
If you start to think about the "open drop". Only thi…
Exactly this is one of the things that's worse nowadays. Back in the days you created a reputation around self to be able to join dungeons etc. There was also a greater in game feeling when u had get to run to the dungeon yourself.
More randomization with, items drops, spawns, etc* - Which is one of D2 strong concepts
Not too controlled * - An over controlled game for me becomes linear which almost all games is now, for example Wow etc etc. So dont be so scared of open a…