Originally posted by xZeRGz
Originally posted by EndDream
Originally posted by EndDream
Originally posted by xZeRGz
Originally posted by EndDream
Originally posted by xZeRGz
I just hop…
Originally posted by EndDream
Originally posted by EndDream
Originally posted by xZeRGz
Originally posted by EndDream
Originally posted by xZeRGz
I just hope that the person who is actually responsible f…
Originally posted by EndDream
Originally posted by xZeRGz
I just hope that the person who is actually responsible for this cluster fuck mess, is being escorted from Blizz Central by security as I type this.
They knew the how many pre-or…
Originally posted by Creslin321 I'm not going to hate on D3, but I can emphasize with people that can't even play single player because of this "always online" nonsense.
For those people, it literally does nothing but take away from the game, and …
I just hope that the person who is actually responsible for this cluster fuck mess, is being escorted from Blizz Central by security as I type this.
They knew the how many pre-orders were sold. There are no excuses!
The wait is finally over... Buhwhaaaahh!
I have yet to be able to login.
This is what happens when you chase off your competent employees to save a few dollars, and replace them with minimum wage interns. In business, as also in life, yo…
The only thing I have to say about the "Awesome Lore" babble that is being touted. Buy a book instead. It's cheaper and they usually do not come with a monthly fee.
Lets stop with all the "it's just beta" fantasy bullshit. This is the same game you will be playing when it launches in june.
There's no Toothfairy, no free lunch, and no Miracle Patch.
Sorry, but sometimes reality hurts.
I know first hand that the game world is tiny.
Not, "well, my brother, who knows somebody" crap.
Think of questing like in mxo... Go here, only next door.
Flipping pitiful. I guess the "Team" (I use this term very loosely), spent t…
I don't think it could make it as free to DL, F2P + Cash shop.
This game is absolute garbage. And it really pains me to say that. I have been following it, I pre-ordered it, I was hyped for it. Complete let-down. I was talking with another pos…
Originally posted by supbro You missed a "neither" option
Why would there be a neither?
You are either keeping your pre-order, cancelling it, or just checking the numbers if you did not pre-order.... or those who want to kick their d…
Originally posted by xr00t3dx
Originally posted by DarkDemon69
Originally posted by DaSpack
Vel nevertheless, I think you should test this one this weekend. Looks like singleplayer quality in a MMO. must be the Dx11.
I'm going to DL it tonight and play it over the weekend. Then I will give a limited review of it on monday evening.
*** Norton Kicked it to the curb. Said it was acting suspiciously! ***