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  • Originally posted by Ozmodan My biggest concern of War is since it was originally a board game, how are they going to meld those rulesets into a MMO without ruining it?  Notice turbine had a very difficult time with D&D for that very same reaso…
  • You know, my wife and I wanted to see what the game was like now-a-days. We downloaded the client available, activated a 14 day trial account (no way in hell we were going to spend money on it until we knew if it sucked or not). Started downloading …
  • Originally posted by BryanBoitono This is of course assuming mythic doesnt see a bust with IP or anything. Im just nervous because GW is VERY protective of its world and now that you have a 3rd party in the situation things COULD get ugly. But if t…
    in Prediction Comment by kmilner July 2007
  • I too am sorry for your loss. I tried it in April during the free trial, and had a lot of fun. I probably would have played it for real if a) I had money to purchase it and b) I had time because I spent all the money I did have on WH40k miniatures t…
  • 1 million is the exact opposite of the number of times you've ever or will ever score with a sexual partner that you did not have to drug first.   Hey, I think the guy is talking out of his ass too, but lets be realistic: Its just impossible…
    in Prediction Comment by kmilner July 2007
  • Originally posted by yegnats Originally posted by bonobotheory I tracked down a few images linked from another website:   bbs.wowchina.com/wow/download.aspx bbs.ngacn.com/attachment/mon_200706/22/7_306694.jpg     I guess I'll be the only per…
  • You forgot the fourth type: Trolls who make pointless posts on forums in an effort to get attention/feel better about themselves. Sadly, there is a high percentage of these types as well. In fact, the population tends to overlap the 6% combined mino…
  • I will. Soccer moms = hitler. "Wir habst ein neubenwelt! Ein Besserwelt! Ein Foosball-muterwelt!" My crappy German FTL!
  • I'm just curious if they have an explanation, lore-wise, of how come there are so many jedi running around during the time of the Empire. Answer that one for me and I'll THINK about trying the game again.
  • I don't do business with SOE or any of its partners. Simple as that.
  • Didn't they JUST release a patch with the last of the content that was promised with TBC? Six months after the expansion and they finally finish it. I think it may be a while before we see a new expansion. Remember, Blizz didn't seem to even want to…
  • A wonderful explanation on why there is just Tzeentch for the chaos side: http://www.secretlivesofmobs.com/index.php?strip_id=9 Now, all I ask is I can either be a goblin fanatic or an "ammo round" for a doom diver. Of course, neither of those …
  • Originally posted by damian7 i hate farming.  i hate having to run the same instance/dungeon/mission a bazillion times to get good stuff.  that is farming on a grander and more icky scale.   damn the man and save the empire! never mind the ted…
  • Originally posted by Vrazule especially when DX10 games will begin arriving soon, which will allow for much more detailed environments while still allowing for superior performance in comparison to DX9 hardware and games. Assuming you also shel…
  • Originally posted by cupertino Originally posted by kmilner Originally posted by cupertino Originally posted by misiu_dk Now I know fore sure, why I left WoW. Nothing but a money maker..! Ya right I to thought Blizzard was a charity.. how d…
  • Originally posted by cupertino Originally posted by misiu_dk Now I know fore sure, why I left WoW. Nothing but a money maker..! Ya right I to thought Blizzard was a charity.. how dare they sell us a product and make money from it.... they are a…
  • Nice way to allow RMT in a game without saying you are allowing RMT in a game. This way at least Blizz gets a slice of the pie. Great game at first. Terrible company running it.
  • Well, for one they really won't be competing. They've JUST announced the 40k game, figuring MMO lifecycle development, that means it might be out around '12 (good god thats closer than it used to be. Thats close to the year "Back to the future part …
  • Originally posted by knowom  It's no big surprize from blizzard tho screwing over the minority to please the majority ya big surprize right? er... yeah, its called normal business practices. Besides, they've been catering to the minority (rea…
  • The topic was "Why isn't there a beta?". The general concensus seems to be essentially "Because the game doesn't become fun until you've been playing a while" Gotta say that kind of reasoning doesn't exactly make we want to hop on over and spend 30 …