Yes the game is still growing alot. I see more and more new players everday, and as for the 30 day skills, its not so bad, i have 3 accounts so i can train multiple characters and been playing 2 years, Industry, in eve isnt as fun as Pvp. For me atl…
Yes these are some very important things in making a good pvp game. But it really just depends on how the stages are set when this is done. Like I noticed you mentioned Eve, Eve is based on ITENZ but also skill. But yes, the pvp games…
Yes, Sci-fi can be unlimited, but fantasy can only go so far unless new races/story lines are created which take just as much work as the sci-fi games. And it seems, alot of sci-fi nerds go for the sci-fi games. If you are looking for a good sci-fi …
You might consider either Projectile Entropia or Eve-online. Atleast try out Eve-online before you say no. Its defintally one of the most pvp intensive games out there. As for project entropia, its a bit old. But a great game non the less.
Originally posted by SaintViktor
New Low ? Are you nuts ? LOL ! I been playing GW since the first days it has come out. It is by far the best mmo on the market. Does it have its flaws ? Yeah no game is perfect but over the years now GW has over …
Eve can be fun to alot of different people theres lots of things to do in eve, some of which some people enjoy, and some people dont. But for me its taking 15 guys in my corp in 0.0 and going and owning 20+ guys with very few losses. I lo…
Hey well if you decide to join and dont want to be in depth all the poltics and crap and still wanna pvp Your welcome to join BGBR, We are based in outer ring at the moment. Contact Dark Assassin15 ingame And yes they started seeding alot of T2 bpo…
Sometimes fights can be hard to find when your in 0.0 doing ops but when you do get that awesome moment were a interdictor launches a warp disruption field on a enemy fleet of 15 guys and ur 20+ guys and you own them all. And recording all of it on …
Its bad enough that it takes a month or two of hard grinding to even get to lv75.. And in the end if you want to play 24/7 it is a p2p game, because half the time the servers are full and only premium users can get in. They should of jus…