It's not a twitch based console game, thank god. It looks just like all of the previous mechwarrior PC games.
As far as how slow and boring the combat is, the opening scene is between two 100 ton mechs. Which are the biggest, slowest, most heavily…
Grey is temporary and will go away in a certain amount of time.
Red is from killing aligned players and having alignment drop too far.
Reds have red names. Greys have grey names.
Pretty sure if you become red it will let you know in ch…
One thing I will give them credit for during beta, they did address issues in a rather timely fashion with relatively regular patches. Not always agreed with by some, but at least they would get a change in before things got completely out of contro…
Great Lakes.
Best memory was when a guild attacked a friend's guild with force walls and newbs with purple potions. Funniest thing I've seen in an MMO, terrible ineffective, but humorous!
It's being released next year. It's called "ahahahaha"
Sorry, but it's never going to happen. It's hard enough to get a solid PvP game without asking for half the stuff on your list.....
Originally posted by Malickiebloo
This will probably get me shot , but i feel for friends who are still playing SWG. So i will suggest SWG, along with WOW ,EVE or DAOC . All four have what you seek .
hahaha. PvP based? pvp was an afterthought in e…
Wait, what? You're looking fo ra game where you can choose when to PvP? And you think you're options are limited?! ... and people wonder why we use the term "carebear".
You could always rent Baldur's Gate for console and invite a friend over...if y…
I think the biggest problem is the complete lack of an open pvp system. And attempts to make one end up being completely nurfed. Carebears have dozens of games to choose from. And instead of making ONE game for those of us who enjoy pvp, they keep p…
Being a MW fan I agree with this. Already an established system and universe. So it is not just a load of bull thought up by an underpaid intern. And like was said, make a great MMO in a ww2online sort of way. Greatest would be the inclusion of the …
Fully open PvP (like old school UO)
A *real* economy
Meaningful leveling (skill based, with a level system that allows for just a BIT more customization and uniqueness)
No more color coded monster level staircase BULL.
Fallout MMO would be beyond great.
But they would mess it up. Fallout is great because it isnt made for everyone. It has a FOLLOWING that other games hardly reach. If they make an MMO it would not have the dirty adult theme as the originals do. MM…
Bah, Road Warrior, Fallout. Both post-apocalyptic. But fallout already has an established history. You would have to piece together the small bits and pieces from Road Warrior.
Fear the Conclave!
I remember going to the graveyard outside of moonglow with my bardiche, running into a pker mage preying on weakened characters. He used invis/hide quite a bit. We chased him quite a ways before we were able to drop him. *sigh* THAT is what I miss i…
Did you expect otherwise? EQ is the cookie cutter of all MMOs. Pretty graphics, dumbed down game play, the PvP that made me quit MMOs waiting for a *good* version. Its been hyped since it was announced. Of course they are going to say its the best.