Fadeus if you are so concerned about those in Africa why not cancel all of your MMO accounts and give the money you would usualy spend on them to charities for Africa...
Dont use that pathetic and stupid argument.
No over event in the history of Star Wars Galaxies caused so many people to leave, yet people praise it as the saviour of SWG. The reason the community is still stable is because of Episode 3, and that was all very well timed.. a little too well tim…
Farming... great just what i wanted to do with my spare time, chopping down tree's to get wood to burn fish... great sounds like a really fun game. I am not a graphics only person but this is a topic that i must comment on, the graphics of Runescape…
Depends on the game, you should have an option for all those SWG players out there, "Restore it to a former version of the game" aka before the CU. For DAoC it would be the new servers.
The only thing better than EVE is Microsofts Freelancer, ease of use it is expansive but not an MMO. If MS made a Freelancer 2 as an MMO EVE would be in trouble, no questions about that.
hehheh, yes sure if you want to be a politician and waste half of your points and never achieve anything in game.
Get DAoC, guild owned towers and forts that can be attacked and defended.
Guild Wars - I rarely like grouping in games and this game shoves it down your throat i also prefer subscription based games as it keeps at least some of the "riff raff" lower end of the gaming community away.
EVE - Tried the 14 day trial, i never…
Eve... i didn't think a game could bore me that much, freelancer (non MMORPG) Is much better and not pay per month
You will not find ANYTHING better than Galaxies in terms of freedom or of a variety of things to do, its sad i know.
A good second…
Hi if the offer is still going i would really like to give CoH a try, i have been playing Galaxies and that was a total let down.
So if anyone has a key i would really be gratefull.
Im sorry i just had to register my disgust in this game, It's not even a game its just an application that you spend hours bored cutting down tree's and burning fish. Worst graphics ever, gameplay is a joke.. it makes me laugh that people enjoy this…