Of course! Its such a shame so many developers neglect roleplayers when they're one of the few aspects of the game that really require much in the way of attention to hold over. As I think has been said, MJ seemed to be paying attention when the top…
I'm having the same issue.
I love hard copies of games, but I dislike clutter.
I love housing, but I'm wondering how the 'Custom built house' works. Is it permanent? What if our account goes inactive for whatever reason? Is it only per server?
Living Large or BSC. My thought though is, what kind of return will we get on the Living Large house? Will it be something other players can mimic? Is it just an 'early build your own house without crafters' thing?
I think its fair to say nobody likes clutter. I realise I'm liable to be hung from a tree or flogged for this, but I do rather enjoy TSW's basic "huge pool of abilities, but you can only use six actives".
Browsing the new site design I noticed Andrew Megg's styled as a Highlander (kilt and all) in The Team section. Foreshadowing?
I wouldn't be surprised if Midgar- I mean, Vikings had Dwarves, perhaps with a crafting bonus.
Briton/Celt/Norseman are …
I'm hoping the BSC contains all of the digital and physical items. Obviously, I want the contribution to still pull in money for CSE but as a collector, I'd have a rreeaallyy hard time deciding on which tier to take when odd things like "Housing Fo…
Yes, I would. I think any more than a one time fee of a few dollars is liable to hurt such a server more than help, but I know many, many, role players would take it in an instant if the option was there with features listed.
A question on the Digital/Physical tiers, Mark.
Do the Physical Editions include everything digital from the Digital Editions? In-game housing items, etc? I know it sounds silly and II assumed as much due to the cost, but seeing things like the Fo…
Originally posted by Wizardry This is really really bad,you can't call it a PLEDGE when you incite bribes to get more money.That is simply selling perks and imo ,people that buy into that are ruining the game industry for everyone.
We already have…
I'd toss in some $5-$10 pledges in there. Maybe a thank you letter, some digital wallpapers, etc. Every little helps right? Can pay for the coffee and donuts around the office.
Also, given that there's not going to be many NPCs in the game, perhap…
Originally posted by MarkJacobs As you might imagine, I love the idea of RP servers but I also do not like how RP servers are pretty bad on the MMORPGs I've played over the last ten years. One idea I've toyed with over the years is to have a strict…
I'm okay with Battlegrounds provided that the rewards are not better than what would be received in open world RvR. For a while this was Warhammer's problem after all. They should serve as an introduce to things, whilst also being a fun incentive fo…