Originally posted by rmeyer
Originally posted by sushimees
Originally posted by rmeyer
They said that the leveling will be twice as hard as going from 50-60. I know some people will be 70 the same day the expansion comes out, but I was wondering…
Originally posted by ianubisi
The only time you should ever be willing to use a gun to make your point is when you are either willing to kill someone or willing to die...because chances are either will happen.
I agree on this...
temptation is al…
Originally posted by Aseenus
game at 60 is better then 1-59 man.. i gate leveling hence y i like guild wars so much
I agree on this...lvl 60 is not the end of the game in WoW it is just the beginning of the best play in game..
Originally posted by Murais
You can only be attacked in 5 ways:
- Being in a Contested Territory
- Being in Enemy Territory
- Typing /pvp
- Being in a Battleground
- Attacking a player of the opposite faction.
you know what OP..playing the game need more consentration you have to put in mind that playing the game is just for fun..and knowing the fact that your not enjoying then quit!
LOL that's not EMO...
it's ELMO
EMO---stands for Emotional..
or sentimental..it depoends based on the categories like..song, and so on and so fort..